Planet Aeon RP

"Well then off we go!" Orion raised his voice then commanded the large bird. "Fly! off to Arkadia." The large bird then raised its fine wings and flapped hard into the ground pushing them skyward. The bird flew higher and higher till it reached about 50 feet. It then arched its wings, let out a large screech and glided toward Arkadia. "This animal the Swai is used for personal transport for higher ups." Orion said to Flecker as the rode on the back of the Swai.
"Oh?" Flecker said, a bit afraid of falling off, though she could fly, she had never in her life been this high up. "It seems nice..."
"Me and this Swai go way back when i was a pup. I would always play with her, she was my favorite." Orion moved his paw back and forth on the Swai's back. "I guess being a bird yourself makes this a little weird riding it like this?" He said as he looked back as Flecker.
"A bit." Flecker admitted nervously, looking down for a moment before looking up at Orion. "What position do you hold in the military?"
"Well I am not exactly a formal Officer. As for my position, I guess you could say I am a General." Orion said to Flecker as he looked to the sky with a straight face.
"Is that good? " Flecker asked, tilting her head at the odd angle all birds do.
"Well formally a General is one of the highest in command in military. Me on the other hand I just laze around and don't do much." Orion smiled at Flecker. "I decided to leave the heavy paperwork for the other 2 generals. I am mostly posted in high crisis measures anyway so i think it is fair." He continued with a small chuckle.
"oh." Flecker said simply, slowly moving herself over so she was at his paw before nestling down, very contented with the warmth. "You must be real good to be for that..."
Orion smiled as the young bird nestled down. "What would be good is if i never had to be called in." He looked ahead toward the Arkadia Border. "But then again if that happend i would be stuck with paper work so i guess it works out in the end." Orion said wile he thought to himself.
Flecker nodded her head, looking around a bit. "Yeah...." She said, suppressing a yawn, " Do you really not like paper work that much? Isn't it better than being out in a place where you could die, or even if what you said was true, knowing the folks were safe should be enough to make it worth doing, right?"
"As long as the good need protecting and the bad need beating I will always have a job. What i want is a place with peace and understanding, where crisis never happens. That is the only time i will be glad to do paperwork" Orion chuckled.
"Well, that's what I mean..." Flecker said puffing up her feathers a bit before moving her wing over them to flatten them down against her scales. "But, these bad guys, if the military people fight them, are they all as big as you?"
"Big? Generally yes they are. But even the smallest of soldiers are needed. Like an Antileon can carry 30 times its mass so can a soldier turn the tide of a war." Said Orion to Flecker. "Now we must rest it will be an hour or two before we reach the city limit of Arkadia and it will be very busy for us." He said as he began to lay down.
Flecker nodded and tucked her head under her wing deep in though. If most where big, and the small ones where really strong, how did she fit in that any better than with the hawkens? Suppressing a sigh, she let out a small faint chirp and shook her head again.
The Swai flew over the large city of Arkadia seeing all the large buildings as they passed them by Orion woke from his nap about 2 hours later. "Time to wake Flecker we are here." He spoke out to the sleeping bird. The Swai flew toward the center castle of Arkadia and landed not long after on a platform near the main tower.
As he spoke, Flecker was started awake and hoped up, beak holding her pouch like she was going to throw it in a defensive stance. As she slowly realized exactly where she was, she blushed, though it couldn't be seen and dropped the bag back into place before nervously chirping, "Sorry...."
Orion smiled and said to Flecker "There is nothing to be sorry for. Now let us go and report." Orion walked off the Swai and on to the tower to meet the landing crew. "Hello there. I will leave this Swai to you be sure it gets plenty off food and water." He continued to walk into the door of the tower passing the rest of the soldiers as they solute him. "This way Flecker don't doddle."
Flecker followed behind Orion, hoping along before realizing she was falling behind. She took wing and hovered along beside him. "So, who do we report to and what do we report?"
Orion walked into the door and through the hall. "We report directly to the king. As a general he is the only one above me and he needs to know where i am at all times. We are reporting our return and your placement." Orion said to Flecker as she flew along side him.
"oh...." Flecker said before chirping loudly, "The King!!?!?" Her small black eyes went wide and she flew into a wall in her surprise.
Orion chuckled at Flecker hitting the wall. "Are you ok? Of course we are going to see the king but don't worry he is a fine and peaceful person." Orion halted looking at Flecker. "Are you ready to meet him? We are not far from the throne room." He nodded toward the large door about 30 feet to the right.
"No I'm not okay, what do you mean the King? Only good, royal people should see him! I have no right to meet his holyness!" Flecker kept rambling, as she lay there on the floor upside down staring up at Orion.
"Just saying that makes me sure you are worthy to see him." He smiled. "Trust in me." Orion said to Flecker as he flipped her over with his paw. "His highness doesn't really like nobles anyway." He said wile walking toward the door. "Now hurry up you don't want to keep him waiting do you."
"Rock and a hard place rock and a hard place." Flecker said with a bit of panic in her voice as she hopped along behind him closely before letting out a small chirp of nervousness and going silent.

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