Planet Aeon RP

Twisted smiled at Rose and said to her "Take as long as you need."


Orion had a big grin by the time they reached the door. "General Orion reporting!" He yelled through the door. a few moments later a large voice echoed back at them. "Enter!" The large door opened for him and Flecker to reveal a Draleon sitting on the throne. Orion stood tall and proud before the king as he walked through the door "Your majesty!" He bowed before the king.

"Welcome back General." The king said to Orion. "And welcome young child. What is your name?" He asked Flecker with a calm and welcoming voice.
Rose shook her head. "We need to help Aleu!' She jumped to her feet and ran over to the little wolf. Slowly, Rose put the wolf on her back. "Which way is the village?" She asked Twisted and Dread.
Bowing to him, and keeping her head down, she answered, "Flecker of the Sky clan, your highness."
"Back in the direction we came from about 5 minutes out." Twisted said to Rose. "You should not exert yourself Rose i am a trained doctor. I specialize in herbs and medicines." Twisted pulled out his pack on his side and put it on the ground in front of him. "Please take what you need."


The king said to Flecker. "Well met young one." He nodded his head and turned to Orion. "General Orion what is the purpose of this bird to you?" He asked bluntly. "I wish to make her my assistant officer and assign her to be trained." Orion responded in a firm tone. "Really? Is that your wish as well my young friend. Of course if my general recommends you I for one have no objection." He turned back to Flecker.
"Yes, Sir." Flecker said, by now half hiding behind Orion in a bit of fright of the powerful man before them.
Rose looked at the pack of medicine, then poked her nose in it. She started to sniff around, then pulled a bottle out. "Hey Cameron, look at this?" Cameron trotted over to his sister's call and saw the bottle. "Hey! Isn't that the stuff ma' used to give us?!" He asked, somewhat happy. Rose smiled in a happily, sadish way, then unscrewed the cap.
The king looked down at Flecker and said to her. "Come forth then and i shall personally rank you." Orion stepped to the side and knelt before the king.


Twisted looked at the bottle they pulled out. "What is that bottle." He continued to watch them unscrew the cap.
Flecker nodded her head, and hopped forward a bit, keeping her head bowed to him.
Rose and Cameron tried to read the label which read Cod Liver Oil. "I...I'm not sure. I can't read." Rose said and hung her head, ashamed.
The king stood forth in front of Flecker. "I King Zenith the 2nd hereby give you the name and rank of 3rd Vice General of General Orion!" He spoke firm and loud so that everyone could here. "Raise your head now, you are a Vice general and are worthy to stand in my presence." Orion raised his head with the king and bowed to "Vice General Flecker.".
Flecker felt a swell of pride inside, as she raised her head, bowing to the king once more and thanking him, and Orion.
"Vice General Flecker you are to report to me now." Orion said to Flecker. "You may now leave General Orion and Vice General Flecker. I will talk with the 3 Generals later after they have all reported in." The king said to the two as he returned to his throne.

--- Merged Double Post ---

"Try this one I'm sure it will help you." Twisted took out a pouch that read cold medication. "I made this myself please feel better."
Flecker nodded her head, and followed Orion out before taking a deep breath that she had been to afraid to take in there before a whole lot of rambling came out, most of it just a mix of oh my god, and can't breathe mixed into one long string on of words.
Orion walked out right behind her. "Not bad at all Vice General." He smiled wile sitting down. "Take a moment for it to sink in."
Flecker did just that, sitting down in a bit of an awkward way for a bird growing from a noisey rambling thing to deadly silent in the matter of minutes. She was now a vice general. She had a purpose. She fit in. Nodding her head slightly, she spread out her wings. Flying in a circle around the ceiling for a moment, she settled back down near Orion. "May we, uh, go outside, Sir?"
Orion looked at Flecker and raised an eyebrow. "Of course, you know where we came in lead the way." he got up and started walking to the entrance.
Flecker nodded and hopped along, as soon as they hit the air, she took off the sky, flying high and quick. The horn strapped to her bag was soon put to good use as she let out a loud pretty chirping into it before letting it go again, flying past Orion at top speeds, leaving him hearing only something along the lines of, 'yeah.'
Orion smiled as Flecker flew through the air and blew her horn. Feeling that When Flecker is ready she could be very strong willed.


Mean wile the second General reported to the king and went to his room to await orders. The 1st General was no where to be found for now.
Landing back near him, breathing fast and rapid, heart beat almost visible as even her scales pulsed up and down along with the feathers, Flecker stood as tall as she could. "Thank you so much Sir."
Orion snickered "Don't thank me just yet. You still have to be trained like a Vice General. School will take about a year to finish and it begins tomorrow." Orion smiled. "Do you think you can handle it as your first assignment?"
"Yessir." Flecker said excitedly, never having been to a school before.
Rose looked at the cold medicine. "IT smells weird!" Cameron put his nose between his paws. "Uh... okay." Rose said and unscrewed the cap and poured some of it into one of those little messuring cup thingies. She then trickled it down Aleu's throat and the little wolf winced at the taste of cherry medicine. "Ew..." Aleu said hoarsely.
stark stood up and looked at twisted "twisted we have spent enough time here, its now time to kill those alobears" stark ran off into the woods in the direction of the bear camp

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