Planet Aeon RP

"Doubt it." Flecker chirped, taking into consideration a battle plan, she spun a little faster, while decreasing the size of the wind ball she was creating, making it a sucker punch of raw power and with the bonus of what she put inside the winds, all she needed to do was clip him. Pushing forward, she tried to get close enough to land a talon on him.
"Hmm do i know you." He looked at the slightly older wolves. "It couldn't be! Your the young ones from a year ago?!" Twisted walked over and greeted them with a smile.
Rose blushed as Twisted remembered her. Aleu dropped out of Cameron's mouth and woke up. "Uncle Twisted?" She asked and ran over to Twisted and hugged his front paw.

(AWWWW! so cute!)
"Well hello young one." He licked the top of her head. "How have you been keeping up. Staying out of danger i hope." Twisted said as he laid on his legs and nuzzled Alue.


74's twister broke and he was scratched by Fleckers talon. Hitting the ground after falling back from the force he rose to his legs. "Dam!!" He yelled panting. "What is this? I can't feel my leg!" He Squawked. His aura grew faint but white over his wings and body. "I AM GUNNA KIL-----" He was interrupted as Orion came falling from the sky making a crater where 74 was. with a broken back and wings 7 laid on the ground barely breathing as he looked up into the eyes of the blue General. "Gen..General Orion." He said as he fainted in the presence of his power.

"Good work Vice General!" Orion said as the smoke cleared from the crater. "Its good to see you so well." He said walking forward. The guards saluted him as he came from the smoke.
Flecker let her winds die out, as she hovered there in the air, looking down at the 74, breathing hard, simply looking at Orion as he appeared. With a simple salute, she dropped out of the sky, catching herself before she landed like she normally did when she was too tired to fly properly, on the ground, she hopped next to Orion. "Good to see you as well, Sir."
Orion smiled "At ease! There is no need to be at attention with me Flecker. You are of course my 3rd Vice General." He said calmly. "You were great taking care of the enemy. Sorry for stealing your victory." He looked back at 74. "Im sure you would have showed your training well but i didn't want to wait to talk to you."
"Yeah, it's fine, Sir." Flecker said simply, not caring honestly, as she kept pace with him.
"How are your studies? Are you fitting into your title?" Orion asked with a faint smile on his face. "I hope all is going well?"
"I have a journal that lists all of those, and more. And yes, I have been." She said, nodding to a soldier as they passed by.
"Very good. 3rd Vice General Flecker you are now hereby ordered to accompany me to the front lines. 1st and 2nd Vice Generals are already awaiting us on the border." Orion stood strongly as he issued his order.
"Loosen up. You should enjoy this calm wile you can." He said as he walked toward the landing pad to leave for the front line.

"Hurry up now."
"Sorry Sir." Flecker said, not changing her way in the slightest, the school had taught her well, if it could tame a reckless spazz like herself into someone of refined skill. At the hurry up comand, she went from hoping to a faster hover next to him.
Orion walked silent as they got to the landing pad. He walked over to a Swai different from a year ago awaiting Flecker to join him.
Flecker followed him over before looking at the Swai, nodding her head and giving it a smile and a playful wink before joining Orion.
Orion sighed as he got on to the Swai. "Are you prepared Vice General. Is there anything you need to take with you?" He asked
Suddenly, Flecker remembered her gift. "Oh, yes. Stay right here." And with that, she took off much faster than she had when fighting the intruder. Crashing into her room, she added the final touch, wrapped up the pouch of stuff with care, and picked up the large package before flying back to Orion, all in under a minute. Landing next to him, careful not to open what she was carrying, she nudged it towards him with her head, "" She fell forward onto her face in defeat, the trip back with the heavy thing taking a lot out of her.
Orion smiled at the gift. "Really? Thank you Flecker." He picked it up with his paw. "What is it?" He tilted his head.
Not bothering to get up to answer, just flopped there, she said simply, "It's a solvent, to fight poisons."
"You made this?" He asked slightly surprised and impressed. "Thank you very much. Its nice to know at least one person wants me safe." He smiled to Flecker.
"Yeah...I, uh...'borrowed' a book on how to do it..." She said, fluffing herself up into a feathery sitting ball after a moment, "And of course...I owe you too much to have you not at least be safe."
Orion continued to smile. "Well it is great." He tucked it into his holder on his side. "Well then ready to set off?" He asked getting on the front position of the Swai. "There is no turning back." He looked back at the palace before they departed.
"Yeah.." Flecker said, as the bird took off. When they were far enough away, she dropped the act. "So, Mister Orion, how was your trip? Anything exciting happen? Ooooh, " She gasped, "Did you fight any bad guys? Where they strong? Bet you were stronger, huh, Mister Orion." She chirped off a bit too happily considering the situation they were heading into.

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