Planet Aeon RP

Rose put Aleu back on her back. "Yeah I think so. Which was is the village again?" She asked, then looked desperately the way Stark and Cameron went. "I hope he'll be alright." She sighed shakily.
"I'll watch over him." Twisted spread his wings and flew strongly into the sky. "The village is that way." He yelled as he shot a flare ball in the direction of the village and took off after Stark and Cameron.
Rose followed the flare ball and soon found herself in a village. A tent was set up and Rose went into it. In there, were food supplies, beds, blankets, anything a wolf could ask for. Slowly and carefully, Rose set Aleu down on the bed. "Feel better." She whispered and licked the pups cheek, then went to the fold of the tent, trying to think is she should stay with the pup, or go with the others. "I'm sorry." SHe said and ran, trying to catch up with Twisted and the rest of the gang. Once she found them, she started to pant. "Is something wrong?!" Cameron asked, worried. Rose shook her head 'no'. "I wanted to help you guys!"
Twisted flew fast toward the camp and finally saw the main tent in the distance. "Up ahead i see it. There is a large wood fence straight ahead." He yelled at the group.
"time for my big intrance then" stark jumped onto the air and turned his intire body into lightning stricking into the heart of the camp creating a giant explotion hitting all the lower level alobears he could
The Alobears went into a panic. The women and children ran from the large explosion that killed many of the bandits and a few civilians. As they screamed in terror the men and bandits of the camp went to their aid and surrounded Stark with a good 20 armed bears. "This is our village!! How dare you attack us!!" They yelled at Stark ready to punish him for what he has done.

Twisted rushed in behind and landed with a blaze of fire surrounding him and Stark. "What are you doing!" He yelled like the others. "Not all Alobears in this camp are bandits. They have families and workers like the rest of us!!" Twisted stared into the eyes of Stark. "What is done is done but our target in the main tent and bandit bears ONLY."

Twisted raised his wings and set them ablaze making him look large and scary with the flames around them. "All bandits are hereby placed under arrest! All who resist will be killed! All civilians evacuate or be caught in the cross fire!!" He yelled so all in the camp could hear. The Alobears that were civilian ran to the outskirts of the camp and the bandits stayed surrounding Stark and Twisted. "Are you ready to be collected for your bounty" he yelled once more at the remaining bandits.

--- Merged Double Post ---

"Your supplies are already laid out in you room. I will await you in the morning right here to take you." Orion stood gave the key to her room and left the young bird to her thoughts.
Flecker nodded, picking the key up in her beak and taking wing for her room, soon finding it and letting herself in. Looking around in it, it was bare, but it was more than the Home Tree had in it, but it lacked the homey feeling. Setting the key down, she dropped her poison bag and horn on the small desk, looked towards the nest bed, and the stuff on it.

Shrugging it off, she just set it aside, burrowed into the nest and fell asleep.
Cameron and Rose ran fast.... faster than they knew they could run. "THOSE are alobears?" The two wolves said in unison, then shivered. Cameron lunged towards one and caught its back while Rose charged from the front of it, knocking it over as Cameron jumped off. "Gotcha!" He growled, then bit it at its neck, blood getting all over his mouth. "Cameron!" Rose yelled in disgust. "Wash your face right now!" The wolf hung his head and walked towards a little tent on the outskirts of the alobear village. As he went inside, he saw a little sleeping white wolf. "Aleu?" He asked, but it couldn't be her. The tips of her fur were fringed from fire from the explosion. But it had to be! SHe had the same fur. Cameron walked up to the wolf and licked her. "Oh goodness." he cried and quickly washed his face, then threw water on Aleu, putting out the fire. "Everything is going to be alright." He told her, then grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and put her near some bushes a mile away from the camp site. "Stay here!" He told her, then ran back to help the others.
"ill take care of these and ill leave the leader to you"stark said with a evil smile

stark stood straight looking at all the alobears then smirking at three large bolts of lightning came down around thorn and stark creating even more explosions where ever the lightning hit. stark charged threw the smoke jumping on a alobear biting into its neck and ripping out its throat then he shot a bolt of lightning into a small group creating small shrapnell explosion sending shards of hardend earth flying threw the air some hitting starks armor and bouncing off.

"this is better now that i figured out how to cause explotions with my lightning,aint so tough now" stark said as he stood on the dead alobear
Twisted put his wings down leaving the small bandits to Stark as he walked to the main tent. He approached the door and moved his wing to crescent in front of him. In a moment Twisted blew a wave of fire with his wing over the door. As the flames burned and the leaders of the camp stared through the blaze Twisted walked forward into the tent. "I challenge the leader of this camp." He yelled out.

"Your pretty courageous to challenge me pup!" A large Alobear stood from a chair in the back. "That or your just plain stupid." He snickered. Twisted walked through the small crowd of bears toward the head of the tent. "Then accept my challenge and find out yourself." He said standing tall and sure of himself. "Heh! My name is Oki. I am the leader of this camp and i hereby accept your challenge." Oki stepped forward in front of Twisted.

Outside the main tent the Alobears were going berserk at Stark swarming him with relentless attacks. A few of the ranking bears attacked him with Earth to try and cripple his movements as well as ground his lightning attacks.
Cameron dodged lightning bolts and looked at an Alobear who was eying him. "What yo looking at?" He growled and charged towards the bear. Suddenly, rose vines shot up out of the ground around the bear, thorns poking him. Cameron skidded to a halt and turned around. "Rose?" He muttered. Rose opened her eyes to the sound of her brother's voice. "What?" Cameron didn't need to answer her question as she saw the bear shrink to the ground, covered with roses and thorns. "Where did that come from?" Cameron asked and his sister shrugged. "I guess I have the power to control plants, just like Stark has the power to control lightning! I wonder what your power is."
stark started to laugh as he dodged the attacks of the alobears, turning into his lightning form again he shot threw a row of alobears leaving steaming holes in there belly's. stark dodged the stones that the earth bending bears where throwing. he shot a bolt at the ground in front of them creating a smoke screen,he ran to the first of the bears and bit into his neck tearing out a large chunk of flesh then jumping to another frying him with electricity from a bite to the arm.
Twisted and Oki stood at the front of the tent glaring into each others eyes. The first move was made as Twisted quickly raised his wings and burst toward Oki charging a flare in his mouth. Oki responded to Twisted with a large wall of earth raised in front of him. Twisted fired the flare directly into the wall bursting through it and at Oki with great force. His mouth widened as he took a large bite into Oki's defending arm. Oki growled as the teeth slowly punctured his arm and he threw Twisted off moving his second arm to follow up with a pillar of earth into Twisted's side.

"Heh not bad pup but you will need more power then that if you want to match me!" Oki yelled out as he armored himself with stone. Rocks all around him started to crumble and float around him without even making a gesture to move them. "I am a member of The Rising Flames. I will not go down to a young welp like you." He roared as he threw out his arms and launched the rocks with amazing power. Twisted's eyes widened as he quikly tried to dodge. The rocks hit all over leaving small holes as they hit the ground and sending twisted back a few feet when they hit his wounded side. He yelped as he landed on the ground looking at the powerful leader. Standing back on his legs with a small limp on his front paw Twisted said to him.

"That name means nothing to me. I am Twisted, Rank A bounty hunter!" He roared as a flaming aura enveloped his body. His eyes burned with passion as he spread his wings along side him and glared at Oki. "You want power?! I will teach you the meaning of the word!!" The ground and tents burned around him as the red aura grew stronger. Oki summoned his strength with a green aura opposing Twisted's red one. They both roared powerfully as they bolted toward each other causing huge explosions as they fought each other.

When the dust finally cleared Twisted stood over the fallen member of the Rising Flames. Panting he bowed to respect the bears strength and honor. "Power is more then just ones strength." He said to Oki as he fell exhausted from the fierce battle. The leader of the bandits dead the rest fled to the forest leaving Twisted and the others to their victory.


Orion walked to the kings throne room for a meeting of the 3 generals. He noticed the 1st General at the door. "Hey there long time no see." He said as he walked to the front of the door beside him."What do you think this is about?" He asked the General. "There have been rumors of a new threat to our country. I believe the king has looked into them and has called us here to discuss his findings." He said as he stood at attention in front of the door. "Hmm then what he found must have been bad since he has called three of us like this." Orion sat and stood at attention as well. "1st and 3rd General reporting!" The first General yelled.

"Enter!" The kings voice echoed through the door as it opened. They walked through the door to see the king and the 2nd General at his side. They knelt, bowed then stood in front of the king. "I assume you should know why you are summoned here today?" The king asked. "You think there is a new threat to Arkadia." The 1st General answered. "That is correct!" The king paused and stood tall in front of his Generals "Generals There is now a known threat to Arkadia."

A year has past since the threat known as the "Rising Flames of Sianika" has swept through The lower nation. They single handedly started a war with 100 powerful members against Arkadia with a military strength of over 100,000 soldiers with the goal of dominating the lower nation and maintaining the food supplies. The strength shown by the Rising flames inspired many to rally behind them causing many riots to break out around the borders. Then it dragged out into a full blown war along the border of the countries. Arkadia has solidified Their defence along the border with two stations named "Alpha and Omega" They held the power to withstand the invading bandits for 8 months.

Many mercenaries gathered around the borders of the two countries leaving many of the villages left in ruins as well as the camp Aurora on the side of Mt. Kana. Many people around these parts are hiding where they can in the forests and caves trying to survive another day. Safety is hard to come by food is even harder. Only the Capital and palace of Arkadia live with ease as the war would never touch them. Except for the occasional attacks that threaten the nobles.


Chapter 2

After the battle of the Alobear camp Twisted left to collect his bounty with stark and the others. He then left back to Arkadia for medical attention and new bounties leaving the others back in the village. During the war Twisted was in the top part of the nation doing odd jobs collecting money and supporting the weak along the border for most of the year.He traveled along the border and he finally returned to the village Aurora to see it dirty and full of traveling bandits. He sighed and walked through the entrance looking for a place to rest and maybe some familiar faces.
Flecker moved about her room, that had as the year gone by, gained a few more things, a few maps of her size hung on the walls, along with a book on poisons, rather large and held up by a few pebbles, papers where sitting neatly on a desk like thing, and there was a journal in the nest, filled with diagrams for battle strategies, terminologies, and odd recipes for things she learned from the book and found very effective. Even she herself had changed a little, her scales weren't a pure white, rather a dull off white like the adults of her kind, and her feathers weren't as flashing in colour, though they did get darker.

At the current moment, she was going through her herb drawer, pulling out ingredients to make something for Orion, true, she was better at making poisons, so what she was doing wasn't the easiest, but it would help at some point, given their career. At that time, she was making a paste to seal and disinfect poisonous wounds, and from all the small things she had heard, it would soon be needed.


Sitting inside her shop, Rhys was working on a new piece some noble had ordered. With ease, she used her power to heat the metal so she could shape it, and pressed in the ruby center they wanted. With a sigh, she pulled her face away from it and took a break, letting the metal cool. Leaning back, she breathed in some nice icy like air, the way she normally kept the shop, cold as heck, it cooled the metal faster, and made it easier to work that close to the heat for longer periods of time.
Orion busy with war meeting and front line defence had beraly any time to relax. He spent his time setting up Alpha and Omega with his two Vice Generals most of the year. Recently he was called back to the capital for some meetings on the status of the war.

Orion walked through the halls of the castle quietly trying to enjoy his small time off before he was posted back to the front line. "I wonder how Flecker is doing with her studies?" He asked himself. Before he had time to go see her the Alarm rung though the halls. "INTRUDER ALERT!! AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE!!" The announcer yelled. Orion tensed up and sigh. "Looks like i don't get a break after all." He said as he ran to the main gate. "It will take me a few minutes to get there! Dam i hope no one is hurt!"
Rose saw Twisted leaving and followed him, carefully letting him lean on her for he was hurt. "I'll be right back!" Cameron said and ran towards the bushes where Aleu was. "Okay Aleu." He grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and ran back to the group. "I'm back!" He said, but it sounded more like "fly ack!" Rose giggled. "IT would help if you didn't have Aleu in your mouth." She placed Aleu on her back and winced a little. "Now what were you saying?" "Oh... I was saying that I was back. hehe." Rose slowly nodded, then let Twisted go off on his own as Rose and Cameron parted in a different direction. "Uh... See ya." Rose said sadly as she walked away from Twisted, then into a run down village. "Cameron... Do you know where we are?" Cameron looked around. "no..." Rose slowly set Aleu down and ran around in circles. "Its our village Cameron! THe one we grew up in!" The wolf sniffed the ground. "Someone has been here. And the smell smells familiar!" Cameron took Aleu and followed the scent. Soon the three wolves found themselves in Aurora and bumped into Twisted. "Twisted?" Cameron said, excited.
At the alarm, Flecker's head snapped up, dropping the tea leaf she had in her mouth, she moved quickly out her room, grabbing her bag of poisons on the way out. Taking to wing in the hall, she started flying towards the main entrance, reaching there in mere minutes.

Flecker frowned and cawed, going a bit higher in the air as her talons came out, she dive bombed the creature, putting her wind underneath her wings to give her more speed.
74 caught Flecker in the corner of his eye and launched a large air cannon from his beak in order to disrupt her flight. Right after he launched it he fell back first toward the ground keeping an eye on her.
Flecker cawed, and spun out of it's way, keeping her speed as she re aimed herself at the bird.
"Your not gunna get me so easily you little twerp!" 74 said as he spun his body creating a small tornado around his body creating an updraft at Flecker. He then spun back toward the sky and headed the twister directly at Flecker as it ripped apart the air around it.
Flecker left her dive, and instead, took to stirring up a counter wind, though not as large as the intruders, heart beating fast and hard as she grabbed a small bit of poison from her bag and put it into the wind ball she was creating around herself.
74 and Flecker collided with their twisters. Air ripped and swirled around them causing the guards to be pushed back by the wind. "You can do it Vice General!" One of them yelled out. 74 heard him. "Your a Vice General huh? looks like ill get a nice promotion if i take you down!!" His power increased as the wind wipped around him and Flecker and the guards flew back alittle.

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