Planet Aeon RP

Rose looked into Twisted's eye and closed her. "He's gunna kill me." She muttered under her breath, then looked at Stark. "Is he going to kill me?' She asked, worried.
stark sighed and looked at the little wolf "he wount touch you he just wants to seem like the bad guy he is really a big softy for real" stark said laughing
Rose let out a fake chuckle, not really sure if Stark was kidding of not. Aleu coughed and Cameron jumped. "Aleu! Are you okay?!"
stark looked at the coughing wolf "is she ok" dread tapped her forhead and checked out her body then felt her nose
Aleu's fur was freezing cold, and her nose was a slight bit dry. She sent a cold shock through dreads body and he jumped back. Rose looked wide eyed at Dread. "Are you okay?"
Flecker stepped back from her work and looked at what she drew. Wolf Mother Mana in all her glory, but something didn't seem right. Making a face, she flapped her wings and let out a prompt chirp. It was the eyes, they didn't have the same colour as the Elder did. Looking around, she saw a few small blossoms up in a tree. Flying up, she grabbed them with her claws before dropping them into place on the picture. Smiling, she sighed and sat there, looking at it chirping contentedly to herself.
Rose came towards Dread, worried. "Oh no! Cameron! I think he's dead! What should I do?" Cameron smiled. "Give him mouth-to-mouth or something." Rose looked at Dread and shrugged. "Oh, fine." SHe slowly put her mouth to Dread's lips and did mouth to mouth. SHe put her paw where Dread's heart was and felt it beat. "He's alive!" She then turned to Cameron and smirked. "Why don't you give mouth to mouth to Aleu." Cameron looked at Rose as if she were crazy. "Oh kay." He mumbled and put his mouth to Aleu's lips. When he started to blow air into the little wolf's mouth, air didn't come out. Insted of air, came water. "What the heck?" He breathed into Aleu's mouth again and the same thing happened. Aleu's eyes flickered open and she looked at the wolf looking over her. She licked the tip of his nose and smiled. "Thanks." She said weakly.
stark jumped up with a freaked out look on his face "well your a forceful one aint you didnt even ask me just lip raped me" stark laughed at rose
Rose jumped back as Stark approached her. "Excuse me?" She didn't understand what Stark had said, for she never really learned much grammar or sense.
Twisted watched as the young wolves played about and turned his head away from them. Sighing twisted said to himself. "Kids, never could deal with them." Twisted slowly walked away then jumped up a tree. He lied on the branch putting his head on his front paws watching over the wolves. "I guess staying for a wile isn't gunna hurt."


Orion came up behind the young bird and said to her. "That is a wonderful drawing you have there." Orion stood tall behind her with a strong presence and a calm face.
As someone spoke, Flecker squawked and fluttered to the other side of the image staring at them. "Uh....t-thank you sir." She got out after a few moments. "I'm glad you think so...."
"What is a young one like you doing around a place like this? Where is your family?" Orion asked the small bird as he stood opposite of her.
"They're back at the village, Sir. Getting ready for a show tonight." Flecker said quietly. "And I didn't want to go back yet.....after..." She bowed her head and looked at the picture for a moment. "you know...."
"there is no need for sir little one I am hardly that old. My name is Orion and what is this show you talk of?" Orion said to the small bird as he sat in front of the picture.
"I'm Flecker. My family is the Sky clan. The older Hawkens do shows for celebrations, today was going to be for Mommy Mana. I'm not old enough to do it yet though, but I do the small shows we put on at random for the really young ones and their moms. " She said simply, watching him.
Aleu coughed for a couple of seconds, then looked up at the wolf hanging over her. "Who?" She asked weakly. Cameron shifted uneasily, then looked up at Twisted. "Excuse me, uh, sir, but we would like to know your name."
Stark layed by the sick wolf trying to warm her up and watch the othrr two play "where did you three come from if you dont mind me asking"
Rose sat on the other side of Aleu and also tried to warm her, bearing the coldness. "Its okay. We came from a small village, far away from here. Well, its not a village anymore." her voice started to sound shaky and she stopped and took a breather. "its a trashed up place now." She sighed, remembering all the memories of when she was little.
"You dont haft to tell me its ok" stark whips rose with his tail "im from central isel use to work for a mercenary group but left there to travel the world" I met twisted up there not to long ago when I was looking for a doctor
"My name is Twisted small one and what are your names?" Twisted asked of the young wolf with a relaxing sigh. "Are you cold little one do you need warmth?" Twisted hopped down from the tree in front of the small cold wolf.


"Well that is quite impressive. I would very much like to see you perform some day." Orion said to Flecker.
"It's not that impressive, Mister. What do you do?" Flecker asked, a talon lightly digging into the ground as she turned her head looking at him.
"What I do, you ask? Well simply put you could say I am in the military." Orion said to Flecker raising his chin a little higher.

"I am simply taking in the sights wile i am not needed." He continued. "This area and village are truly captivating for me i like to travel here every now and again."
Rose jumped as Dread flicked her with his tail. "hey!" She giggled. Cameron smiled. "Twisted... That's a nice name. My name is Cameron." He points to Rose. "That's Rose, my sister. And this little one-" He points towards Aleu. "This one is Aleu." Aleu shivered and nodded in reply to Twisted's question.
Twisted raised and stretched out his wings and said to the wolves with his head raised high. "It is nice to meat you all" He then lowered his wings over Aleu and heated his wings up to a nice blanket of heat. "I hope this helps you little one please let me know if you need anything better." He laid down and kept his wings softly over Aleu.

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