Planet Aeon RP

As Stark impaled the wall the lead bear was already underground to spring his trap raising a large earth hand from underneath grabbing Stark from the underbelly. He raised from the ground with stark in his grasp crushing hard on his body then slamming him into the ground with all his might grinning like he hasn't had this much fun in years.
stark surges the stone fist with lightning making it explode letting stark get back up into the trees and jumping and trying to figure out a strategy
Twisted's ears twitched to the sound of falling trees. He quickly flew off in the direction of Stark and the bears so that he may join the battle now that he was sure the bears would not attack the wolves. His eyes narrowed to the sight of Stark being slammed into the ground beside a circle wall. "Dam! Stark!" He yelled to Stark signaling his readiness to aid in the fight.
stark looks at the dome and thinks to himself that its a distraction but the attacks are the work of only one of the alobears telling him that all he needs is too kill that one and he can retreat. dread jumps back into the trees and starts to strike the trees again
The lead bear stumbles back from the exploding rocks and notices Twisted in the air. Fixing his footwork he snaps his arms in a movement to cause earth to cause the trees to not fall at the bears and then launches small boulders in between his movements at twisted and stark. The other 3 bears come out from the wall and start to rush out at stark keeping a good 6 meter distance from one another.


Twisted dodges the boulders like childs play and opens his mouth to launch small fire balls back at the leader causing small explosions when they hit the ground. The leader easily guards the blasts with small pillars of rock. "This one seems to be battle hardend. Looks like ill have to step up my game if i want my payday." Twisted said to himself as he flies through the sky.
"man you guys smell worse up close"stark jumps on the ground and waits for the bears. he laughs and keeps cracking jokes. "man i might make you guys into boots" stark charges up his lightning and sends it into his armor and charges at the alobear in the middle
The lead bear stairs at Twisted like a challenger for glory as he roars into the air. Twisted hears the bears roar and excepts his challenge of battle as he soars higher into the sun. The bear raises his hand to the sky in front of his eyes to block the sun just in time for his hand to get hit by a large fireball that sent him flying back a few feet landing on his back. "Hah nothing like the old sun trick to turn the tide." Twisted smirked as he tightened his muscles and willed his fire to manifest along his wings.

"A strong opponent deserves nothing less then one of my flashiest attacks." He said as his whole body began to set ablaze. Twisted roared into the sky as he started to dive bomb at the lead Alobear. The bear got back to his feet as Twisted started to roar. The leader sturdied his stance and formed more rock armor on his body. gathering his will and power he roared into the sky at Twisted as they clashed with a large explosion.
the other alobears stopped and look back at there leader not knowing if he was killed or had somehow survived the blast one of the alobears turned to stark and let out a massive roar and charged at stark causing the other to to charge too one of the bears stopped and started to break trees and throw them at stark. alobear 2 broke a large branch off a tree and hoisted it above his head to hit stark. alobear 3 stopped and broke off two branches and waited for the alobears number two to attack.


stark dodged the trees that where thrown at him. He jumped at the alobear with the tree limb over his head biting into the side of its neck ripping and electrocuting the alobears. Pushing off with his legs stark rips a large chunk out of the beats neck killing him instantly. Stark then charged at the bear with the two tree limbs at it charged at stark swinging the clubs at him. stark side dodged as lightning filled his mouth thinking to himself stark said bye bye as he shot a bolt of lightning threw the right side of the alobears lower ribs and threw is right shoulder dropping the second bear> stopping for a quick breath stark barely dodges the massive tree thrown be the first bear.


"YOU SON OF A B**CH YOU KILLED THEM AAAAAAAAAAH!!!" the alobear went into a rage throwing everything at stark that he could charging at stark


Stark barely dodging everything flying at him doesn’t notice that the alobear is beside him stark looks at the bear and braces for his attack


"TAKE THIS" the bear kicks stark into a tree knocking the wind out of him but he quickly recovers jumping at the alobear but it grabs him throwing him aside falling back


stark lands on his feet and shoots a few bolts of low powered lighting at the bear but it counters by using some of the broking trees it threw as a shield. "Well your better then the last two" stark said as if he enjoyed the fight. Stark charged at the alobear while its vision was blocked by the trees using the same attack he used on the wall before except this time it hit sending ten or twelve lightning blades into the bear dropping it. Stark walked around to its head and looked the bear in the eyes "any last words"


The alobear muttered 5 words chocking on blood "my brother will avenge me"


stark smirked "I hope so" calling down a massive lightning stark that was half a football field wide turning everything into ash around stark as the smoke cleared he ran back to where twisted was fighting and went on standby knowing that lightning would hold no effect on the earth powered alobear
Twisted noticed Stark's finishing lightning attack simply raising a brow to it as he came into sight. Twisted was sitting atop the fallen elemental Alobear in victory as he yelled out to stark "A little much don't you think?" he snickered as he moved away from the bear and walked toward him. "Sure they were bad and all but they are weak without command, simply knocking them out would have sufficed." Twisted shrugged.
Stark chuckled "im a flashy person in battle" stark walked over to twisted and looked at the leader bear laying on the ground. Stark looked around at the forest that they destroyed "man we did some damage and we havent even found the main camp"sighs
Twisted smiled as he started to walk toward the camp again. "That was simply a warm up for when we do find it." He said to stark with a calm voice. "Now hurry up I'm itching to find someone stronger then this one." He said as he started to run through what was left of the surrounding forest.
Rose looked up at Twisted. "Danger?" She asked in a shaky tone. Cameron looked over head to see the alobears dead. "The danger is gone now. Come, lets try to find that wolf like thing." THe three wolves start to walk towards Twisted and Stark. "Brrrrrr" Aleu shivers in the mild temperature. "Why are you so cold?" Rose asks Aleu gently. Aleu shrugs and presses harder against Rose, trying to get warm. Aleu's fur touches Rose and she jumps a little. "Your fur is freezing!"
Stark looks back at the 3 wolves and pauses...."hey twisted" stark looked at twisted then the 3 wolve "what are we going to do about them man". Starks face went blank as he looked at the three wolves think to himself wth what are your names"
Flecker sat perfectly still on a tree branch a bit away from the cave and the village. Hoping down the branch a bit, she looked down and sighed. She really didn't know what she was doing. Not in the slightest. Too hyped nd upset to go back to the village, to bored and lacking of interest to do anything out here. Fluttering down to the path below her, she looked around, before starting to scratch her claws into the earth to draw a picture.
Twisted looks back to the small wolves and turns his head back to the road ahead. "I don't do baby sitting. I'm going to the camp do what you will." Twisted walked forward not even looking back at them. He knew the only way that he himself could help them is by stopping the bandit camp and making sure that they will not get attacked again.
stark looked at the little ones and signed "there is a village near by go there and you will be safe i haft to go help grampy over there' stark turns and runs over to twisted and looks back at the wolve one last time then back forward keeping is eyes open for anything out of the ordinary
"Babysitting? Is that what you think this whole game is?!" She growled at Twisted, then started to advance towards him. "Rose.... don't hurt him!" Cameron leapt at Rose and pulled her to the ground. "Get off of me Cameron! This is no time for fun and games! This... This thing is being a jerk to us!"

While Cameron and Rose were arguing, Aleu started to look up into the trees. She heard a little russle in the branches and walked towards it. "Hello? IS anyone there?" She puts her claws against the bark of one of the tree branches and tries to climb but fails. She land on the ground with a big OOMPH!

"Aleu?!" Rose ran over to her. "Are you okay?" Cameron followed his sister to the little white wolf lying motionless on the ground. "Oh no! What are we going to do?!" Rose panicked.
Twisted heard Rose say "thing" and he pauses his walking for a moment. after a small pause he simply kept walking off in the direction of the bandit camp.
Twisted paused again this time turning his head to the left with his hood still covering his eyes. He raised his ear to the wolf showing that he was listening as he waited for them to say something.
stark looked at twisted then turned around "come on twisted its not like the bears are going to move away anytime soon lets help them out" dread ran over to the three wolves and looked at twisted with a sad look
Cameron thought of something to say that would show Twisted that he should help them. "We've lost our families, our hope, mostly everything. We don't have anyplace to live or stay... We're just mutts." He lowered his head and his ears drooped. Rose looked at her brother, surprised, then she was sad. Everything he said was true. Her mom and dad were gone. "I miss my dad." She said. "I miss my mom." Cameron replied back to Rose and turned to Aleu. He sat next to her, helpless, and hopeless.
"twisted we have no choice now look at there faces"starks face lit up as he lined them up showing there sad faces as if he was thinking i win to himself "where helping them twisted thats that the bears will be there in the morning"
Twisted turned his head and raised his head to the side to show his eye to the pups. His eye was slit and it looked like a predator ready to kill its prey. His expression was cold and without emotion.
"twisted come on man lets help them and i swear no matter what happens we will go and kill all the bears and get the bounty" starks eyes widened and he wimpered

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