Planet Aeon RP

Anko braced her muscles running toward Lilica at top speed. She burst forward with a jump and her metal hoofs infront prepared to crush what stood in her way. "If you won't move ill move you!" She yelled out throwing a punch at Lilicas face as her Cloak became unhooked and flew behind her.
Lilica was getting in years, not quite over the hill just yet but almost there. Despite her growing handicap however she felt more in the zone with her power and who she was in years. As Anko's hoof whirred towards her she moved her head, only feeling the tip graze her ear perhaps taking off some fur. "I would sooner die than let you pass," she said through gritted teeth, at the same time acknowledging that what she had just said was a possibility. She hissed at Anko and lashed out, focusing on her element just as she had the night before, letting the ice grow on her claws to lengthen them before lashing out at Anko.
Anko lowered her hoof and pushed off Lilicas back pushing her down as she did a flip landing behind her. "Then so be it." She yelled smashing her hoof in the ground and forming the building into battle armor. She then kept her distance throwing sharp rocks at Lilica trying a tactic to cripple her before the kill.

General Bromley quickly moved toward the flight deck to see the Swai taking off. He formed a ball of condensed water in his mouth and shot a strong water beam at them but was deflected by one of the vice Generals. His eyes grew strong with hate as he watched them leave with his soldiers dead and wounded on the ground.
Lilica felt her body being ground into the floor as Anko used her as leverage to get to the other side. The from her claws chipped and broke apart and breathed in sharply as she stepped back. Anko was obviously the superior in this situation but Lilica felt that even if she could delay her a little bit then she would have done her part for her general. As a rock made contact with her bad eye Lilica let out a loud, primitive growl. Her other eye glowed an electric blue as she sent an array of energy to the flying rocks, covering them with ice and sending them back to Anko to puncture her.
Ankos eyes widened as the rocks were skillfully sent back at her. She took the chance as they were in free movement to start to move forward. She used her strength and flexability to punch and dodge the rocks as they came at her. She shattered the rocks she hit as the last of them passed by her she was that much closer to Lilica. She then took a leap toward her with an uppercut punch.
Anko's uppercut made direct contact with Lilica's jaw, causing Lilica to bite down hard on her lip, producing blood. The salty metallic scent filled her nostrils and LIlica grunted, her eyes wide at how overpowering the scent was to her sensitive nose. She batted at at her nose vainly before licking at the blood that was across her lip. This would not be the worst of her injuries, she knew. It was simply the beginning. Grunting Lilica threw herself at Anko, digging her teeth into a slender leg.
As the soldiers moved out, Flecker sighed. Looking up at the sky that honestly looked like it would open up and rain hell soon, she felt uneasy. The king was put into a coma...her general, her Orion hurt badly. "I kill them..." She growled, hating with all her fiber who ever had done it.

Her mood darkened for a moment, before a soft quiet female voice spoke up to her, "Excuse me, Ma'am, may I ask for your assistance for a moment." Looking down, she saw a pink-ish fox with a cart behind her in front of her. Looking at her, she nodded her head. "Well, you see, I want to offer my services to you for the upcoming war. I make weapons, a lot of them, top quality, and faster than most anyone else. I'd like to offer my wares and services for free to you."

"That's very noble of you, I'll gladly accept your help and I'm sure our troops would appreciate it. Here, let me show you to the barracks so you can set up." Flecker nodded her head the fox, hopping along next to her at the fox's slightly slower pace leading her to where the troops were. Once inside the section, she watched as the fox pulled a string on the cart, the whole thing popping up and springing to life, showing various weapons meant for different types of animals inside. Looking down at her talon weapons, she had to chirp out a laugh, feeling like this woman had done them for her.

As a few soldiers stopped, the fox served them quickly, fitting the weapons perfectly to them while Flecker watched. "Your good at this..." The fox nodded, "I've been doing it for a long time..." And somewhere along the way, between their idle chatter, and the focus of what was going on around them, the two started to click.
Cameron looked at the guard that had spoken to him. "I can help. I can control water. Maybe I could help heal the wounded if this so-called Anna is busy helping others."
"You may keep him company yes. But please stay out of the way of us and maiden Anna." He said as he nodded for her to follow the guards with Orion.

"What do you know of healing. If you want to help so badly go to the baracks and report to a captain or vice General." He said leaving them and headed back to his post.


Anko flinch for a second then slammed Lilica into a wall pinning her. "Now you die!" She said raising her other arm about to smash Lilica head in. "STOP!" Flynt voice and aura boomed draining Anko of her strength as she backed away from Lilica. With her Aura strong and will like steel Flynt came from around the corner and faced Anko. The General came up from behind the other corner pinning Anko to the hallway. She slowly started to back down and eventually gave up her will laying and bowing to them in shame.
There was a sickening sound as Lilica felt her ribs crack, hardly able to hold in a shriek of pain. She gritted her teeth, the metal taste of blood staining her tongue. Now she could not see out of her bad eye at all and even her one good eyes vision seemed foggy. It was just as Anko raised her shoulders that Lilica felt herself give in, ready to die. The feeling of finally letting go of her will was relaxing and she almost felt like one with the world. Flynt's voice against Lilica's torn ears sounded like an angel and she blinked her eyes in a vain attempt to see. "General..." she muttered, her voice very small. "it has been an honor to fight for your cause..." It was an effort for her to say this and not too long after she passed out from exhaustion, as well as the need for critical treatment.
The General quickly moved for Lilica and took her upon his back carrying her to the surgical ward in the base. "Hang in there." He thought to himself as he entered the room seeing all the beds taken by wounded men and the doctors working tirelessly to help. He kept Lilica on his back and yelled out to the room organizing them in a fashion to help them best. He found a bed and placed Lilica on it. "You did a great job." He said placing his forehead on hers.

Flynt still with Anko was riding on her to the jail cells. "Why." Was the only words she said with a crushing disappointment in her friend. "I was weak." She said softly about to cry as they reached a cell. Flynt locked her in and left her to think as she went back to report to the General.
At that moment Lilica was out of it, her mind a dark and endless void without any thought. She was far from the safety of a civilians life that she had previously planned for herself before meeting the General and Vice General. Lilica had never any reason in her life before to fight for something and when she had been fighting Anko her reason had come very clearly to her; General Bromley. If she were to overcome these injuries she would continue to fight for him until she breathed her last breath.
General Bromley moved away from Lilica and let the Doctors operate. Within 30 minutes they were done fixing her injuries and left her to rest and heal. Flynt was sleeping on Lilicas side as the General Stepped out of the room and went to Anko who was laying disgraced on the floor. He said nothing to her as he opened the cell and walked toward her. A few moments later he walked back into the ward sat at the bedside and meditated his thoughts.
It was like an out of body experience for Lilica, as if her soul had left her and was watching as they fixed her and sewed her back together like an old toy. She was beat up but would survive and perhaps it was thanks to this experience that she was given the will to keep fighting, to heal and get better. After several hours of sleep Lilica finally awoke, her throat feeling very dry. Flicking her eyes a bit she sighed, knowing that once again her vision had taken a substantial hit. At this point in time she could only make out basic shapes and shades of color. Looking over to her bedside, her ears flattened a bit on her head. "General?" she asked.
Leaving the fox to go about her business, Flecker took off again, avoiding a few fat drops of rain as they started to come down before she ducked in through a window. Setting on a shelf next to two guards, she asked for their report, before flicking off into flight again, to repeat it with the rest of the guards about the castle.
"I'm Here." He said as Flynt nuzzled into her side and he sat up. He placed his paw on her leg. "Are you feeling better?" He asked slightly worried. The doctors came and at her voice and took a few normal tests.
Aleu nodded. "Thank you." She then followed the guards.

Cameron and Rose exchanged looks. "The barraks." Cameron said and searched for a door or something. Soon, he found a sign that said, "Barraks" and an arrow pointing down. THe two wolfs followed the steps down to see some animals sharpening thier tools. "Excuse me... but I"m here to see a Vice General." Cameron spoke.
(Flecker had already left the barracks)

Rhys looked up, as someone spoke up. Looking down over the edge of her cart, she stared at the pup, "Can't say I can help you, all these folks are heading off for war, and the last Vice just left here a few minutes ago. Sorry." A soldier walked up to the cart, and started speaking with Rhys, asking her about a custom weapon for his wings, and she started to worry about him, all her attention on him.


Back in the castle, Flecker had returned to her own quarters running through maps and books and papers piled on her tiny desk. Glancing back up at the book still setting in her room, she pulled a few pages over, pulling out herbs and such, and began to make something, following the recipe on the page.
The fox's tail flicked, as she looked back down at the pup as the soldier walked away, leaving her with his order to do in 15 minutes. "You don't." She said simply, turning towards the shelves in her cart as Rhys pulled down the fold-able work bench and set down a flat piece of blue metal, while pulling out a box of a few gems inside of it.
"I can hardly see you," Lilica said, her voice wavering a bit. She was frightened right then of where she was and what had happened to her. As Flynt nuzzled against her side she shivered a bit before looking down and noting the familiar shape of the adorable creature's head. Her hearing in one ear could have been described as shaky at best, though it was not yet determined if she could overcome this through physical therapy and basic healing. Feeling Bromley's paw on her leg she felt her cheeks flame and was once again thankful for the fur that hid her face.
Bromley's had dropped thinking of how he could help. After a moment his grip on Lilica's leg tightened and he raised with an idea. "I need you to hold still." He said comfortingly as he placed his forehead on hers. "Open your right eye." He said closing his right eye and forming a special pure water around both of their eyes. "This will only take a moment." The water thickened and glowed as the General gave his eye for hers. After the transplant was complete he found himself an eye patch and place it over his left eye. "Now. Open your eye." The doctors stood in awe as the General had performed such a high level water technique and gave his eye so generously.
"G-general...!" Lilica stuttered, her voice cracking a little as she felt his forehead against her own. Breathing in she stayed still like he told her to, knowing in the end that if she could trust anyone then it was General Bromley. When he pulled away Lilica was about to question what he had just done when she realized how clear the world seemed, her vision being on a higher level than ever before. "H-how?" she whispered, blinking her eye. Her eye. Was it really hers? Or...? Looking over at him she watched as he put on an eye patch. "Oh, General!" she cried, sitting up a bit before going back down when she felt a sharp pain in her ribs. "You shouldn't have done this! You've given me too much!"
Well that was very nice of her.ROse thought sarcastically, then stood across the table from the fox. "I can help if you want." She chirped. Cameron looked at the two. "I'm going to go find Aleu." And with that, he exited and searched for Aleu, finally finding her at the door to Anna's.

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