Planet Aeon RP

"No thanks, I don't let others touch onto my work. I promise high quality reliable objects, I can't ensure that unless I do it by myself." Rhys said around the hammer in her mouth. As she set her two front paws on the metal, it almost instantly turned red with heat, her magic pouring into it as she started to hammer it, shaping it into a fine tuned wing blade set, perfect only to the soldier who had ordered it.
Bromley sat at the bedside and wore his black eye patch with pride. "One eye is a small price to give for someone such as you. I don't need anything in return except your companionship." He said firmly yet oddly warmer then his usual voice.

"Now rest. I must sort out this base and inform the capital of what has happend." He rose from his spot and nodded as he started to leave.
Finishing her work, Rhys nodded her head happily. It looked nice, very pretty too, if she did say so herself. As her tail flicked a little, the fox added one last touch, a blue onyx gem to cover the clasp, knowing it would very nicely compliment the soldiers eyes.

As the bird beast came back, she gave him his weapons, letting him try them out before smiling as he thanked her. A few moments later, a couple more soldiers came to ask for some supplies.


Flecker breathed deeply, dropping a mint leaf into the bowl of salve and grinding it in. The smell that reached her nostrils wasn't pleasant, but that's exactly what she was looking for. "A bit of ginger dew and....lemon grass....?" She read, looking at the page before shaking her head.
As Cameron looked around at Anna's room. "Hey Aleu, where are we?" "I believe we are in Anna's room." "Anna's? Thats a pretty name." The two talked to eachother, with Cameron ending. "Say... do you know where Anna is right now?" He asked and Aleu shook her head. "I have no idea." She then walked over to one of the guards. "Excuse me, do you know where Anna is?"
Flecker looked back at the book for a moment, before pulling out the desk drawer and drawing out a sleek blade of grass as she cut it to shreds with her talons. Followed by a shuffling to pull one of her hanging roots, and draining the dew from a ginger root and dropping it into the tiny bowl.

Closing her eyes for a moment, she moved the stirring stick by wrapping wind around it and forcing it to move with pure force. Taking a deep breath, she blew a gentle breeze over it, a warm ocean like scent coming from it now. Nodding her head, she grabbed small strips of paper, and started to wrap up the paste in them, making pill like things. Dropping them into a spare bag and putting it on. She checked back over the recipe in the book that greatly dwarfed her, before nodding. Hopefully, Anna could use it.
Companionship? Lilica was quiet as he left her hospital room and then sighed, looking down at Vice General Flynt. She ran a paw tenderly over one of Flynt's floppy white ears, grimacing a little at the unexpected rush of pain. Lowering her arm she looked up at the ceiling and wondered what it was exactly that the General had meant. There was a certain warmth to his voice that had been inviting, yet it also made her question herself. He might have said that it was a small price to pay, giving her one of his eyes, but Lilica felt the strong need to repay him in the future. Her undying loyalty wasn't enough and she knew that once she would be given the chance she would train each day until her body gave out and she wouldn't be able to move.
General Bromley moved out of the room and to the command center summoning what was left of the base. As they came in they looked weak and at a loss of what to do. "Only a hundred or so left." He thought to himself as the last of them came in. "I have received word from the capital... Our King has been beaten and put into a coma by the same people who came to this base." The troops gasped and whispered loudly through the room. "Silence!" He barked. "Prince Orion has taken place of rule and declared offensive war. We will no longer sit back and let them attack us. We will fight back with our re-enforcements and reclaim our honor! We are Arkadians!" The General jumped to his hind legs and howled loudly with the troops so all could here their will.


Orion woke 15 minutes before the re-enforcements were to set out. Anna went to his side. "Are you feeling better prince Orion." She asked. "I am fine now Anna. Thank you." He replied slowly getting up and out of bed. "I have to meet with Flecker." He looked over to a guard and nodded to him to summon Flecker to the throne room. "I'll be taking my leave now. I leave our king in your hands Anna." He said walking out the door toward the throne room as Anna bowed.
Tucking the bag under her wing, Flecker took off from her room. Half way to Anna's station, a guard caught her attention, giving her the message to go to the throne room. Asking him in turn, to give the parcel to Anna, she handed the bag off, going fast to the room. Stopping outside of it, she hoped in slowly. Glancing about she spoke nervously, "O-orion?"
Orion bowed in front of the throne with the high priest beside him holding a crown. The priest gave a short prayer putting the crown on Orion's head and bowing to the reclaimed prince. Orion heard Flecker at the door and turned to face her. "Flecker! Just in time. Come over here." He nodded for her to stand before him.
Staring at Orion for a moment, her eyes fixed on the crown as she stammered a little, before shutting up. Flying to his side, before settling down on the tiles again, Flecker bowed her head to him. "Sir."
"As of this moment i am no longer 3rd General. And that is why i name you Flecker of the sky temporary 3rd General of Arkadia. You will still report to me as usual but when i return to post you will then be place as 1st vice General under me." He said bowing his head.
Flecker looked up at him. "Sir?" Shaking her head, she bowed to him. "Understood. Your highness."
Cameron looked around, trying to find the animal called Anna. As he looked, he bumped into her. "Oh. I"m sorry miss. Could you help me please?"
"Now rise Flecker. We have a war to win." Orion smirked jumping to the lead out the door. Orion flinched for a second at the pain in his leg then turned with a smile on his face. "Hurry up "General" Flecker. Wouldn't want an old dog showing you up now would you?" He snickered through his pain going out the door.


Anna looked down at the pup and gave a quick bow. "What can i help you with my child?" She said with a warm smile.
"Don't talk like that." Flecker said sharply to Orion as he mocked himself. "Your much more than an old dog." Hopping a few times, she took to flying next to him. "And you shouldn't be walking. Not with that expression on your face. If it hurts that much, rest and I'll take care of what needs to be done."
Orion smiled. "Thank you for thinking about me but I'm fine. I have my own medicine for these things." He said speeding up to make the 2 hour count at the court yard. "What about you? How are your wounds healing." He asked giving a glance at Fleckers wing.
"Fine...barely feel a thing..." Flecker said, staring at him as he walked, reading to chide him into resting should she see the pain in his face again. Letting out a sigh, she looked forward again, flapping her wings a few times to keep herself in the air at her pace .
After seeing the Generals off second General Kamika stayed to clean up around Aurora. Bashing a few bandits and helping a few needy. the day went by fast wile he was alone. After a bit at night he stumbled across an old friend and spoke with him for an hour or two. Finally leaving him to go back and rest in his tent.

Sei stayed mostly around town keeping an eye for any more bandits and helping with repairs with the buildings. Training for the rest of his time he quietly went back to his tent just in time to see the General arrive before him. Paying no mind for a greeting he let him enter his tent as he did the same going to sleep for the night.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Orion started to pick up his pace after taking out a pill from his pouch swallowing it whole. The pain slowly melted away from his body as he began a light run down the hall and some stairs not far from the court yard. "Be ready to greet the men. We set out soon." He said slowing down just before the gate out.
Sedina woke up in her given tent. She was happy being given a place to stay. She noticed that it was rather late, seeing that the town was already bustling with the tents being empty. She began to walk around town to find a familiar face or two. She then recognized a wolf from two nights ago, even though it wasn't the general, and began to approach him.
Sei looked over to Sadina and quickly walked over to her. "Where have you been! The General and i have been looking everywhere for you." He said looking over in the direction she came from. "Don't tell me you were sleeping." He sighed turning toward the clearing with the Swai. "Come on the General is waiting."
"Yes sir...." Flecker said, flying a little faster to keep pace with him. An eerie feeling swelled in her, she had an odd feeling something was going to go wrong today.
Orion stepped out of the gate slightly fixing the crown headpiece on his brow. After it was set just right for him he stepped to the stage near the gate nodding to the captains to be at ease. Once up where everyone could see him Orion stood tall and rose his voice. "I Orion am acting war Prince for the Arkadian army. We are headed to war to strike back at the Rising Flames in Sianika. Many of us might not come back... but we fight for everyone in Arkadia and will not allow this needless violence to continue. We end this now!!" He barked as the troops roared out their strong morale.
Standing beside him, Flecker listened to his words, unable to find anything to say. His were powerful enough to set the whole troops a roar, and it needed no addition that could tarnish that. As her feathers puffed out a little in anticipation, she nodded her head a little.
Sedina felt uncomfortable about admitting she was sleeping all morning, so she quietly followed Sei. She began to feel worried. What would the General need her for? She hoped that this wasn't a sick ambush played on her. She would like to think that not every male would think of one thing, but based on her past, her view is nearly impossible to change otherwise.
Sei and Sadina arrived at the clearing to see the second General laying down on his Swai. "Ah Sei, Sadina. What took you so long?" He asked with a big stretch. "Actually never mind. Sadina i hate to ask you this but would you like to accompany me and Sei back to Arkadia. I notice you don't exactly have a home that you want to go back to and i would hate to leave you stranded here." He smiled putting his head down lazily.

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