Planet Aeon RP

Ending her attack, Flecker wrapped the poison in a ball of wind and set it off elsewhere, so it couldn't do any more damage. Dropping to the ground, as the other soldiers carried out the final blows, she took in shaking breaths of sweet air.

Her injuries that Anna had fixed, more specifically her wing, felt a bit numb, and outside of missing a few scales and feathers here and there, she was relativity fine. Looking over at the rest of the troops, she sighed. This was not good, and almost looked a bit hopeless. If they lost any more men to injuries, she had a feeling they wouldn't last.
As everyone started to land, Aleu saw Flecker and noticed some missing feathers. "OH goodness!" She said and ran over to the bird that she had talked to once before. "Here. Let me help you." She said, then conjured up some ice. "Your a general, right?"
"At the current time yes." Flecker replied, simply staring at the kid. "And I'm not one of those who need help. They are." She turned her head and pointed her beak towards the troops that were down and out, some bleeding, some broken, some probably not going to do so well in the future.
Cameron walked up to Aleu, then looked at Flecker. "My friend and I are looking for placement in medical treatment." Aleu told the bird and Cameron nodded. "Will you place us please?" Cameron asked.
"Go to the the white tent being set up under the balcony, you'll find medical specializing soldiers there, ask for Cid and tell him the general sent you. You'll be placed soon enough." Flecker replied, as she took wing to go find Orion.
Oroin was in the middle of the court yard tending to one of the wounded soldiers that had been hit by the first big attack. He bandaged him up and let him rest where he was knowing it would only hurt him more to move. He raised his head and looked around to see the mass of troops around the yard. He bowed his head for a second to honor the fallen and then raised his head to see Flecker flying about. "Over here Flecker." He yelled out to get her attention.

my posts will be on hold for a wile. if i do post it will be after days at a time. sorry everyone.
I'm sorry, but I am going to have to leave rpnation, for I am limiting my computer time. If anyone would like to take over my characters, that would be greatly appreciated. Goodbye :'(
Hearing her name yelled, she turned her head. Spotting Orion, the bird turned wing and dove towards him, before landing softly on the ground. "Yes, my lord." Staring up at him, she silently looked over him, trying to see if he had any wounds.
Orion stood unscathed except for his pre existing wounds. before he could even realize his body became over whelmed with pain as his ability and medicine started to fade. "F-Flecker. Gather the wounded and bring them inside for treatment. anyone who cant move get surgical teams here imediatly." He said hiding his pain beneath his breathe.
"Yes sir." Flecker said, staring at him a little longer before diving into the sky once more. Scouting out various wounded soldiers, she began to pull forth a few fully abled soldiers to help move them, sending one of the fly-ers to go get surgical teams. One wounded in particular pulled her attention longer. A simple badger fox creature, with a rather large slick spot around him and his fur, he had moved her close to him, before speaking quietly and handing her something. Hanging her head, she nuzzled the side of his face, nodding, before leaving the now dead soldier to return to her duties.

After those she could get moved were under way, she took to flickering about between the unmoved ones, assuring them, consoling, and in some cases, taking note of last wishes, and as the teams she requested came, drew them to the ones who had less time.
As the number of animals on the battle field became less and less the last of the surgical teams were patching up and disposing of the last troops still around. Orion had been moved over to the side by one of the healthy soldiers that sat with him. "In need of patching up yet again i see." Orion heard from the side door. As he turned his head he saw that the voice was lady Anna, he didn't need to look but it was good to see her face after such an attack. "Heh, i guess i do but Who better to do it then the one that has been for the past few years." He chuckled under his breath as he laid his head back down. Anna moved up to Orion's side and sat with him dismissing the soldier. "So it seems your young vice General is doing a fine job after such a short time." she said looking over in Flecker's direction. "I hope she can stay this calm and collected throughout what is to unfold." She said with a sad voice knowing the hardships of such a title. "I'm sure she will shock us one day." Orion smiled. "She is no ordinary bird."
As her soldiers were set up, and taken care of, Flecker perched herself on top of a blown out lantern. Looking properly at t he paper the dead soldier had given her, she sighed. It was addressed back to her old home town. "....Nina....." Bowing her head, she felt a bit of sorrow fill her. Tucking it away again, she looked over the field, narrowing her eyes. Taking up flight, she circled around, then towards the outside wall, looking on the outsides just enough to see if any enemies still remained.
This rpr is now inactive till i can gete a new laptop or desktop computer. very much planning is going into this rp and the story line is just getting warmed up so anyone still veiwing to continue with me and esme at that point please be patient <3 i will be back and we ill share many adventures together

your friend twistedclaw.
To the side of one of the broken guard towers a hooded figuer appeared before Flecker. Red fur could be seen by his snout and paws as he looked apon the battle field.
Almost ready to turn and head back to look over her soldiers, a weird shape caught her eye. Circling a few times, she settled on a wall, staring at it. Bowing down her head, extending one clawed foot then the other she tightened the weapons attached to them He had gotten her. When she was sure she at least had some form of protection in place, she looked at the spot again, this time catching tiny hints of red. Hopping down the wall for a moment, she took flight once more, before landing a few feet in front of them, just watching and staying silent.
As Flecker landed before him he simply looked at her with his eyes just below the rim of the hood. Knowing a familiar face he simply tilted his head back and let the hood slide to his back. "Vice General Flecker." Twisted said in a calm yet somber tone. "Where is my brother? I must speak with him at once!" He said with a strong voice that only a prince would have.
Flecker stared up at him, eyes narrowing. Defying someone who was royalty, exiled or not, was a serious insult. Puffing up the feathers on her chest, the scales that hid underneath glinting a little as light hit the razor edges of them. "I could care less what you need to do. In case you haven't noticed, we're not exactly welcoming outsiders." She hissed out in a shrill high chirp, knowing very well she was past pushing it.
"I come not as the exiled prince, I come as the leader of a new faction and raiser of an army. I Twisted need to speak with your king, so that we may join forces to stop this threat to our land. If you should refuse the simplest explaination i can give you is you will be our enemies on the battlefield." Twisted said with a harsh tone and yet it sounded sad as he spoke the words to some one so close to his family. "I'll ask you once more. Where is the acting king of Arkadia!"
Flecker narrowed her eyes. She did not trust the exiled one. Not. One.Bit. As she fluttered her wings, she hopped backwards, "A duel for the rights." She said shrilly. "I do not give away information to traitors unless they can prove serious in their cause to damage or help."
Twisted sharpend his gaze at Flecker and placed a foot forward before throwing his cloak to the side with his mouth. There he stood in front of Flecker with his crimson red fur glistening in the sun as if it was on fire. "Then the terms are simple. first one to yield loses." He boldly said as he took his stance and stretched his wings in the wind. "Begin when ready, I'm not one to strike at a lady first." He said not disrespecting her strength but to prove his honor as a gentleman.
"Lady or not, I am a warrior first and for most." Flecker stated simply, before drawing in a deep breath, chest swelling with the air she pulled in. Raising up into the air a few inches, she let out the air in a loud, ear drum piercing screech, multiplied by the air vibrating from the flapping of her wings.
Twisted didn't even flinch only catching little bit of vibration off his ear. "you should know this being a wind user. Arkadia manufactures ear protective nubs for its soldiers," He said turning his head showing it off. "Its my own design after a very harsh spare with a vice general way back when." Twisted then cracked his neck and made his stance quickly opening with a spread of fire going straight for Flecker then jumping over it launching a second volly of fire balls.
"It's not an attack on's a warning to them." Flecker said, a mischievous glint going into her eye, as she cocked her head back towards those still on the ground. As the air warmed, and fire shot out, she twirled up in the air over the first, before dropping off the edge of the building as the fire balls passed over, hovering in the air. A plan was forming in her mind, and she had no problem with letting him think he would have the upper hand.
Twisted dashed in the air spinning around with his wings as a corkscrew "I'm sure you soldiers will be fine." He barked preparing his fire around him. Within a few second he had formed a small fire tornado going toward Flecker, gleaming in the dusky battlefield for all to see in the courtyard.
As the tornado of flames grew closer, Flecker sighed softly. Under the beat of her tiny wings, air gathered as she flew directly at it, circling it quickly in the other direction, the tornado soon dissipating and the fire expanding outwards for a moment, in which Flecker shot upwards. "It's not that I'm worried for their safety. But for them to see one of their generals still fighting, they might get the wrong idea and try to join in..."

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