Planet Aeon RP

Sedina awkwardly pawed at the ground. "What do you need me in Arkadia for?" She asked nervously.
"Good question. I'm not sure to be honest. Think you can fight?" He said raising an eyebrow with a smile. "Its better then waiting for some bandits to pick you up here. I took car of some but after I'm gone i cant say what they will do." He shrugged.


Orion quieted down with the troops and took a step facing to the side. "Move out!!" He barked his command. Not a few moments later as the gate opened half way a soaring noise could be heard above the tower getting louder as the seconds past. Suddenly a large barrage of fie bolts came crashing from the sky toward the troops. Running for cover and helping the few that got hit the troops prepared to fight back as the few birds took flight and the archers took aim.
"Wait, did you say bandits picking me up?" That made her very frightened. Some of the bandits could have been a group of Dholes looking for her, so she decided to cocme with them. "I'll do it," She said before she found an answer to her first question. "I'm not so sure about fighting, but I am very good at hunting. Do you think those skills apply?" She asked.
"Im sure we can find a place for you." He said as Sei got on the Swai. 'Whenever you ready." He bowed showing her where to sit then laid back down.
Sedina climbed on the Swai nervously sat down in her place. She didn't know what was in store for her in Arkadia, but she was almost excited to go to a new place. She wondered how long it would be until they arrive.
Seeing Anna bow, Cameron bowed. wow.. this is Anna. He thought. "I was wondering if you need any help. My talent is water and I was thinking that maybe if your busy with someone and there are more wounded, I could help them. Do you approve of this?"

Rose looked at the work the fox was doing and was amazed. "You are wonderful. Do you think that maybe.... you could teach me?" She asked, bet then nodded her head 'no' "I'm sorry. THat was an absurd thought. With you so busy, I don't think you would have time to teach me." The wolf hung her head sadly.
As bolts rained from the sky, Flecker whistled to herself, glancing once, at Orion, before taking to the skies, instantly going into command mode as she flew fast and strong, gathering a few flying soldiers behind her. Namely, five. She worked better with small groups. The others knew what to do, and she knew it would definitely help. As she swirled around a bolt, she rose up higher in the sky to get a gander at what was attacking them.


Rhys looked at the child for a moment. "I teach no one my work." She said before she heard a loud commotion. Nosing a level up, her whole cart pulled itself together into a travelling order as she hitched it to the ground, taking off towards the gate to find out what was wrong.
Rose followed Rhys, but kept a distance. "What's going on?" She asked, trying to see past the fox.

Aleu looked at Cameron, then at Anna. She saw the two bow so she bowed, trying to be polite. "And my talent is ice!" She chirped as her friend told Anna that his talent was water.
As Flecker got in few of what was making the bolts she saw that they were Mortar Pelicans, beasts that use their large mouths to launch huge explosive elements at enemies from above. As they saw Flecker flying with a small group a section of 10 out of the 40 moved to head her off. they used an X formation launching fire from the middle with the ends using beams and bolts of thunder.


The Swai took off into the sky headed toward Arkadia with the 2nd General and friends on bored. "If your still tired you should rest for a wile. It will take an hour our two." The General said lounging on the Swai's back.
"Divide." Flecker chirped out sharply, the group splitting into three groups of two. Two of the groups swirling out and down low to the sides, to attrack the lightning ones attentions as they looped and swirled about in the air, Flecker and her partner taking towards the middle.

As the two twisted themselves in midair, they pulled the air around them in turning into into a cyclone that wrapped up around the fire balls and spinning it straight back at them. Soon, the two merged together, moving mere inches apart, their combined force creating a growing cutting tunnel of wind aimed at the Mortar Pelicans
"Okay," Sedina replied, putting her head down. She found a spacious area to see the view beyond the Swai. She was happy to go to a different location, especially in a much more relaxing form of transportation. She wondered what Arkadia had in store for her when she arrives.
As the tornado came closer to them the pelicans split and formed some sort of a circle with their mouths open wide facing the middle. Before anyone realized what they were doing they fired their bolts and lightning into the center forming a large compression ball between their power. One of the mortar pelicans came up from behind it and made his own ball inside his mouth firing it at the energy bolt making it burst forward in an array of powerful beams matching if not surpassing the power of the tornado.

As some of the excess beams fell and the bombardments continued prince Orion lept into action swaying the fire bolts off course and hit them before they could touch some of the soldiers. "Men get to cover and reform your groups. Teal take some flyers and aid the General!" Teal one of the noble falcon captains took flight out from a fallen pillar with a selection of men and flew to the aid of Flecker as commanded.

(Teal is a water expert. he has a team of fire air and ice. Esme you may use these chars as needed.)

Anna looked down at the two wolves. "If you would like to help that much i need some broken bones dealt with over at bed six and cuts that need disinfecting at bed 8. prove to me that you can use your elements as a nurse and you may help." She said giving them an oprotunity.
Lilica looked back to Flynt one last time before sighing and then closing her eyes. For the time being she needed to rest and preserve her energy. Soon enough she would be back on her feet, devoting her time to training and getting stronger for the General and all of those who needed her. She wasn't used to the responsibility of having to defend people other than herself but she was quickly climbing the ropes to understanding it.
As the tornado met the beams, the attack dissipated, leaving the two birds in direct line of fire. Seeing the other bird about to get hit, Flecker dive bombed her, unable to block the attack, she caught the bird with difficulty, before chirping loudly, the other birds in her group forming back around her and taking the bird back to the ground to get it help.

Flying back up up, Flecker twitched a little, before staring at the Mortar Pelicans and cawing. Talons flashing out, the anger she felt at the moment led to an explosion of wind around her, uncontrolled and dangerous.
The Pelicans formed around again this time with another 20 put into the formation. They formed into a large ring a smaller ring and a two bird trigger to make a larger more devastating barrage of beams aimed down at the court yard. They were obviously trying to take everyone down at once as the formation became complete and Teal and his group were fighting the ones guarding the formation.

As the ground troops were under cover one of the tower guards yelled out to them. "Enemy scout forces coming from the city!! Estimated 30 fast ground units!" Prince Orion was startled by the news and relayed orders to the guards to form up around the gate and position archer and ranged units on the wall. He then looked up to the ring formations and felt defeat was soon to be at hand as he watched them prepare their first of few stages to fire.


As the second General and his Swai entered Arkadia air space he awoke and nudged the others to wake. "Hey we are here everyone." He said looking back to the castle expecting the usual view. instead his view was of a flock of birds doing battle in the sky and some sort of formation in the middle of them. "Hey whats going on." He said surprised and on guard. "Move faster to the castle!" He yelled to the Swai as it picked up speed with its huge wings.
With winds tearing around her, Flecker took a deep breath, expanded the range, making them jagged, and cutting before screaching and aiming a dive bomb a the formation. Looking at those left fighting in the air, she nodded her head, no plan was forming in her head. But when had that stopped her?
As Sedina was ready to get up and stretch, she noticed the Second General notice something. No sooner than he did, the Swai turned and flew faster toward the castle, where she noticed the storm and the birds. Wow, there's already something going on and we haven't even landed? She thought.
Cameron and Aleu nodded. "I'll go to bed 8 and disinfect while you ice the broken bones at bed six." Cameron said to Aleu and they went to work. As Cameron reached bed six, he found an empty bowl and a wash cloth there. He put his paw over the bowl and started to wave it around the edges. Soon enough, the bowl was filled with water. "Okay sir, this might stink a bit so hold tight." Once the patient got the note, Cameron went to work, carefully filling the cloth with water, wringing it, and dabbing it onto the wounds. Once all the wounds were dabbed, Cameron did it a second time. The wounds started to heal, and with another cloth, he dried the wounds so that they wouldn't get infected.

Aleu came to bed six and looked at the patient. "Hello there!" She smiled, then closed her eyes and thought of a skinny, yet long piece of ice. In no time, the block that she was thinking of appeared and she carefully slid it under the patient. "Now where is the broken bone?" She asked and the patient told her that it was in her front left paw. "Thank you." Aleu replied and made another piece of ice, putting it where the broken part was. Once Cameron was done with his patient, he went over to bed six and got to work creating a sling out of cloth. "no. That wouldn't work. A cloth sling wont protect your wound during a fight." So he undid the cloth and closed his eyes. Rose! Hurry up and come to Anna's room. Bring some hard shelled plants with you! He contacted Rose and told her. Soon enough, Rose was there with some leaves and vines. "Thanks." Cameron said and Rose nodded. The boy wolf folded the hard leaves into a cast shape and set it aside. He then started to work on the arm.

"Scissors!" He said and Aleu past him the scissors. Carefully, Cameron cut into the flesh and found the bone that was broken. "Vine." "Vine?" Rose asked. "Vine!" Cameron repeated and Rose handed him a small vine. Cautiously, the wolf wrapped the vine around the broken bone, making it so that the bones would come back together. He then sewed the skin back together and placed the hard shell cast on. Aleu scrunched her nose. "Something's missing... Oh!" She smiled and took some flowers out of the plant pile that Rose got and started to tie them together, creating a sling. "There!" She said and put it over the patients head and attached it to the cast.
The clouds darkened and it started to rain with thunderous booms in the sky as the battle took place. The second General smiled at the front of the Swai. "That's our Arkadia for you. Not a moment passes with out something happening." He made a small chuckle then got serious. "Sei get me my sythe." He yelled back at him already with weapons on his back and the Generals sythe in mouth. The Swai neared a tower close to the battle landing for them to disembark safely just out side of battle range.

As Flecker came down from the sky the guard pelicans and Teals group noticed her. The pelicans flew to try and intercept her but Teal and his men quickly went to her aid. For every pelican that came within a few meters of her their was a soldier taking them down as she got closer to the formation. Soon as she neared the formation a bigger pelican got in her way preparing to Fire at her. From out of no whee Teal quickly crushed his side taking him out of the way. "Go Flecker." He yelled enveloped in battle.


Anna came over to the wolves and evaluated their work. "Hmm. It seems you need some work and lessons on our equipment. But i believe you would be suited for a battle medic." She said with a content smile. "Report to a General for placement and take the general supplies kits by the door. Good luck." She said going back to work on her other patience.
"Yes Ma'am. Thank you ma'am." Cameron said, and went out the door grabbing a supplies kit for him in his mouth. Rose and Aleu followed. They didn't really want to be doctors, but nurses would be fine. Once all three wolves had their kits, they searched for a general. As they followed a hallway, they met a guard. "Excuse me guard, but do you know where we can find a general?" Rose asked.
As Teal blocked the attack headed for her, Flecker flew faster, her anger rising as the wind became more dangerous. Aiming for the middle of the formation, her talons extended out, she screeched a war cry out.
The guard looked down at the kids having a confused look on his face. "What do you mean. Don't you know that the General and Prince are fighting in the court yard." He said to them nodding over to a door leading down stairs and outside.

The pelicans at the top of the formation looked up to see Flecker close in on them but were not afraid for some reason. They let out a loud squawk and reversed the trigger and attacked Flecker with a high density ray just before her attack hit. Before the attack could overwhelm or hurt her the Second General came from the sky jumping from the larger tower. "Sythe gale ripper." He yelled out like an action hero as he swung his sythe downward sending a very powerful array of ripping wind to blend with Fleckers attack. The beam now breaking up in the wind before it can reach Flecker.
Seeing the attack headed for her, Flecker didn't care. She'd gladly die before these traitors attacked another of her troops. It was the cry of the second general's attack that made her smirk on the inside. Giving out a warning cry to those close in the air to her to back away, she unclipped her poison bag, the thing dropping into the winds and shredding itself and mixing into the winds in a cloud around her, of course, this would limit her attack time greatly, because she wasn't going to be able to stay in it herself for long. But as she grew close to the formation, she had a lot of hope that it would at least do something.
"Thank you sir!" Rose said and the tree wolfs followed where the guard pointed. Since they had never seen a prince before they just yelled out. "We need the prince's help! Where is the prince?"
As the attack grew in power and the poison mixed in with it the pelican broke formation and scattered as it dropped open them. Heavily damaging them almost half their group was wiped out either shredded in the wind or poisoned beyond care. As they tried to regroup to possibly escape the soldiers quickly moved in to finish them before a single one could escape from the castle. as the skies continued to rain and wash their blood away to battlefield grew silent. Half of troops were now wounded in an already weakened battalion.

As the battle ended new came in from the base General Bromley was at. All the information on the attack at the base was reported to the head of the relay to be sent to the other Generals at once.

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