Planet Aeon RP

As a burst of noise entered the room, Flecker's eyes snapped open, automatically reached for the pouch on her side. That wasn't there. Blinking a few times, she listened closely, someone spoke of the king. Looking around, she found her present box with the weapons, her bag and horn on the stand next to her.

Hoping over, she grabbed them quickly, noting that her body didn't hurt as much. Flicking the box open, she slid her talons into the weapons, before testing her wings. It was sore, but it worked. Moving herself away, giving a free bed, she flew up to a rafter, looking down on the scene before gasping.

The king looked horrible, and Orion....he was hurt.


In the town around the castle, Rhys could hear a lot of noise. News was spreading fast, and people were beginning to panic Gulping as she bundled up herself tighter in her cloak, she knew now was the time to move. In her experience, things like this meant a time of war was coming. And war meant weapons.

Despite the facts flying through her head of her business, she had more of a want to help protect and supply, rather than earn a profit. And as she moved her cart and all the pre made goods she had, she headed for the castle, fully intent on lending a hand as best as she could.
"Hello? Orion? Is anyone there?" Aleu asked the door, still pawing on it.. There was a little hole in the door from Aleu pawing and she looked through to see Flecker on a rafter. "Hey! Um.. miss bird? Can you see the General Orion from up there? Do you know where he is? Is he in there with you?
Hearing a noise coming from the door behind her, and a faint voice of someone young. Going out the opened window above the door, she set on the sill looking down at them. They weren't soldiers, or at least didn't look it, and given the 'Miss Bird' they weren't from the barracks either.

"As Vice General to the General Orion, I have to ask you to leave. This is a surgery ward, not a play ground." Flecker chirped sharply, "And with the trouble we've been having, Anna does not need a distraction. Please, follow me." Hoping from the sill, she swooped into the air, going down the hallway a little ways before hovering herself in the air as she glanced back at them.
(its just Aleu.)

Aleu watched the bird swoop to a sill. "Oh thank you mi- I mean Vice General." She then followed Flecker and once she caught up to her she said, "My name is Aleu... What's your's"?
"Not important." Flecker said, truthfully only liking Orion to use it anyway. Turning a corner down another long hallway she kept her flight low and slow for the pup to follow her. "Do you have a home?"
Orion awoke from the touch of Anna who was about to heal him. His aura sharply went ablaze with anger and frustration. "General you musn't leave your bed!" Anna yelled out as guards tried and failed to halt him. Orion looked over to the king passing him and headed toward the door limping not giving any hesitation about his growing purple aura that seemed to crush the very floor he stepped on.

The guards that were spoken to by the wolves ignored them continuing to their posts on high alert.
"Oh.." Aleu said.... upset that the bird wouldn't be so kind to tell her her name. She followed the bird and sighed as she asked the question. "Ye- I mean... not really. My friends and I move around alot, trying to find shelter and a place to live, but something always happens to that place and we have to move on again.

Rose sighs as the guards push past her, ignoring her. "Hey! I was talking to you!" She yelled, but knew it wasn't worth it. "Oh.. I hope Orion is okay." She sees Cameron in the distance. "Cam! Over here!" Cameron looks at Rose and runs over to her. "Have you seen him?" He asks and Rose shakes her head no.
Flecker nodded her head, though she had already guessed the pup didn't. Stopping in front of a door, she rested on the handle of it. "You can stay in here, it's a spare room, with plenty of space. It also gives you protection, as we always have guards on every way out of the castle at all times." Hoping once on the handle, it opened, showing the room behind it, set up for a much larger animal than the pup in front of her, but it was empty and would work for it and it's 'friends' .

At that momemt, she felt something. Powerful and terrifying. "Excuse me, please, I have to return to service now." Flying off down the hall, she went fast, well aware of the soreness still in her wing as she moved, cutting down hallways, trailing towards the source of it.
Orion left the room and headed toward the tallest point of the castle. He took the shortest route by jumping from the ledges till he reached the top of the tower. Within a few seconds his aura boomed across the castle so that all would have his attention. "This is your General and prince of Arkadia Orion. Our king has fallen to the enemy force the flames of Sianika. On this day let it be known that we will no longer be on the defensive we shall push back the enemy and reclaim our honor. This is WAR!" His voice boomed along his aura and reached all the ears of the palace. From all over the palace loud roars and squawks could be heard from the soldiers as they prepared for war. Orion's Aura slowly declined as he started to move toward the ledge of a large window.
As the aura boomed, and Orion's voice spoke out, Flecker nearly nailed a wall in surprise. As the message ended, she nodded her head, but then, the power was fading out, and he was suppose to be in the care of Anna. Her eyes going wide, she took off again, heading for him quickly as she ducked out a window so she could avoid the hassle of hallways. As it started to die out, she grew worried, and started focusing on it more, before noting where it was. Flying at an angle upwards, she headed for the the tallest peak of the castle.
Orion started to wobble and lose balance because of the strain loosening on his body. He reached the edge just in time to fall into the window exhausted and hurt. Feeling Flecker come to his aid he felt comforted as he slowly started to rest on the hard floor.
As she flew through the window, she saw Orion fall and let out a chirp of surprise. Landing down by his head, she nuzzled her face into his, "Orion, please, say something, let me know your okay enough for that..." Her wing moved slightly, pulling the strap on her horn down, as it came forward. She had a feeling she was going to be letting out a call for help very soon.
"Flecker?" He said raising his head slightly with his eyes barely open. "I need you to to do... something for me. I nee you to Rally the troops... and relay them to aid General Bromley at the outposts... I'm sorry if i worried you and I'm glad your ok." He started to fade his words as he passed out.
General Bromley awoke the a familiar voice calling his name. He opened his eyes to see that it was Flynt giving his her cute look with a pleasant "Good morning sir." She gave a small salute and hopped on his side. "We have lots to do today General. We must repair our ranks and fortify for any more attacks." She said to him as he closed his eyes seemingly not paying attention. "In all good time my friend. let the men enjoy their rest for now." He said as Flynt tilted her head in a slight confusion. After a moment she gave up and slid down to his side resting beside him.

After Some time had past a vice Generals Swai was reported seen in the distance. The troops placed on guard prepared for a vice Generals welcome and awaited them to land.
Lilica was still huddled in the corner of her sleeping quarters, though she was awake. Her eyes were bloodshot and it was obvious that she hadn't gotten much sleep during the night. Her restlessness had kept her awake and now that it was morning she only had a few measly hours to go on. Shaking her head she got to her feet, brushing some fur from her eyes. She had people depending on her now and for the first time she felt responsible, as well as the fear of not wanting to disappoint anyone.
Aleu nodded. "Thanks but-" The bird flew away fast. "Wait!" Alue called and started to run after her. Soon, she bumped into her friends. "Did you see a bird pass by here?" Rose and Cameron said no, but was then interupted by Orion's aura. "War? Cool!" Cameron said and ran up to one of the guards. "Sir! I am ready to be equipped!" Aleu closed her eyes and listened carefully to the message. It got softer as it ended. "Somethings wrong." She said. 'I.. I can feel it." Rose looked at the pup, confused. "We have to help!" Aleu cried and darted up a hallway, where some feathers were.
", no...." Flecker said, backing away from him and looking out towards the window she had flown in through. What to do, she had just been given an order, but that would limit any help she would need for him and after a split second, her mind was made.

Hoping up to the window sill, she blew her horn, sharp, loud, and short, twice. A signal for an injured member. A few minutes later, four guards had shown up, and Flecker ordered them to bring Orion to Miss Anna immediately. As they carried out their orders, Flecker took off to the sky again, back out through the window, before heading to the court yard.

Letting out another long loud sound on her calling horn, she began running over in her head everything she would need to say. ​Bromley, war, the outpost....
"This is no place for a child to be. War is no game for you to play hero." The guard said to Cameron in a strong underminding tone as he went back to attention in his post. Some of the Captains and their troops were already prepared and heard the vice Generals horn and went toward the court yard to hear her orders. (Captains report under vice Generals so it would be likely you know one or two.)
Sitting there, as a few of the troops showed up, she nodded to a few of the captains. As one of the captains came up and spoke to her, she explained something sharply, before he turned, shrugging at another captain. Looking at them all, she grimly nodded. "Sirs and Ma'ams, gather your gear. Your to head out to the outposts to assist General Bromley, and boys, this isn't child'splay anymore, this is war. So pack what you need, your weapons, your tools, and kiss your lassies farewell for now, you leave in two hours."
The troops saluted and moved out to prepare for their deadline knowing that they were going to be gone for a long time. Within the first 30 minutes they had said their goodbyes and were already half way done packing their items battle. They were ready to lay down their lives for their countries honor and they knew that some of them would not be returning.


Mean wile at the out post Omega the vice Generals Swai landed and the passangers started into the base. The cloaked one stayed behind as the vice Generals moved into the barracks. Standing over sleeping troops they watched an sincronized their attack. Moments later the troops woke to the noise and they begun to attack But the troops were caught off guard by the vice Generals they trusted and the power they held. within a few minutes they were easily disposed of as the vice Generals walked out of the barracks.

One of the members moved into the Generals quarters with a knife in mouth standing over where he slept. With a swift movement she brought down the knife. The Generals eyes opened as fast as the knife was dropped and he shattered it just before it hit his side. "Second vice General Anko." He said with no surprise in his words as she stepped back with fear.
Cameron's eye's widened. "Hero? I.. I'm not a hero..." He paused. "But I'm also not a pup! I'm 2 years old... I think!" he crouched down ready to fight. "Cameron!" Rose yelled at him. "Sorry." His cheeks blushed and he stood up. Aleu looked around. "Look over there! I think it's him!" She darted towards the guards who were carrying Orion. As she got next to the general she started to jump. "General Orion!" Hop! "Is that you?" Hop! "Are you okay?" When she hopped again, one of the guards knocked her to the floor on accident. Thinking it was on purpose, Rose ran up to the guard that hit her friend and growled. "What was that for? Why'd you do that?" (Twisted or Esme... you can be the guard since I really don't know what the guards should say... Twisted- other than Flecker, who are the vice generals?)
(An Arkadian guard would not attempt to knock over/ hit anyone purposely and i would like to say i take that as a mild bunny of a character. This is your second warning. if you have any questions regarding this or anything else in the story please don't hesitate to send a message to me.)

Orion laid silently as the pup called his name. The guards moved along toward maiden Anna's room with their heads held low as if sad that their General and prince was in the shape he was. One of the guards said to the young ones. "The General is in no shape to speak with anyone. As civilians you should seek shelter and stay out of the way of the soldiers."
Despite her new given role by General Bromley Lilica hardly acknowledged her powers and was quick to report to Vice General Flynt as her superior. When she finally ventured out of her room she began to look for the vice general, although something felt very wrong to her. She growled a bit, her fur on end as continued on her journey to find her superiors, trying to shake off the uncomfortable feeling.
The vice General Anko was fearful of the now awake first General and ran out the door through the hall as fast as she could. She ran down the hall and turned down a hall that had an animal walking down it on alert. "Move out of the way." She yelled with her cloak trailing her body as she got closer to Lilica.

Bromley moved out from Flynt and stood up knowing something tremendously wrong has happened. He pulled the Alarm signalling lock down. The outer doors slammed closed with the exception of the flight deck whose guards were killed by the cloaked man as the rest of the vice Generals came through it to the Swai. "Where is Anko." He asked as they looked around. "We can't stay here any longer. We leave without her." He said boarding the Swai with the others.
Lilica was getting closer to the quarters of General Bromley when a magnificent creature came towards her. The beast wore a darkened cloak that tore behind her like midnight and Lilica felt chastened by the the power that the other being seemed to wield. As she was forcefully told to move out of the way she growled and stood her ground. "It seems to me that you're coming from a place that you were not supposed to be." She may not have held as much power as Bromley or Flynt or even this person who stood before her, but she knew when it was time to fight and was ready to prove her loyalty.

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