Planet Aeon RP

Flecker's eyes cracked open, her heat source gone making her let out a noise of surprise. As she fluttered up, she ended up dropping herself in a lot of pain, her wing and bones still not healed. As she lay there on the blanket, breathing hard, she started cursing herself out for being so dull.
Orion heard Flecker wake with a chirp and a small thud. He moved back into the tent to find her on the ground unable to fly. "Would you like some help?" He asked with a slightly worried face bending down in order to help her or let hr ride on his back.

"You have to take it easy right now or your wounds will open and hurt more." He said as he pulled her in closer and started to clean her with his tongue forgetting how awkward it must be for her being a bird.

The 1st General stepped front and spoke loudly. "I wish to speak with everyone about our plans and where we will all be headed. Those of you who wish to follow me or Orion please meet us by our Swai so that we may go when ready. All of you who are staying i pray for your safety and comfort along you journeys." He yelled out as he prepared his items.
When Sedina heard the general, she hopped off the tree and followed the sound of his voice. She wondered what could she contribute to this new place she had found, and arrived at the location where he was, along with many other members.
Flecker made a small noise of embarrassment as Orion came back in. As he drew her in closer to him and started to lick her, she made a louder one, more of surprise. "Ah. Sir....don't do'll cut yourself...!" As her feathers became wet, they puffed up, angled weird ways, and exposed her scales and their sharp sides which threatened to cut Orion's tongue should he touch them.
Orion stopped before he cut his tongue on her scales and snickered. "I'm sorry its a force of habit. I use to take care of some pups and they would always hurt themselves." He said as he moved to let Flecker get on his back. "Here hop on. We are setting out soon."

The 1st General looked back at Sedina and turned to face her. "Hello." He greeted. "What are you planning to do now." He asked remembering her from the night before.
"I'm not a pup, I'm an adult....Just because I'm tiny....." Flecker shook her head, a bit annoyed that he had just compared her to a tiny pup unable to fend for herself. Hoping onto his back, she settled herself down. In truth, it was hard for her to act annoyed, Orion was like that too her, and she was very thrilled to have been thought of in any sort of caring way, rather than just a fellow soldier.
Orion had a faint smile on his face as he got up and walked out of the tent. "Everyone wishing to travel to Arkadia please follow me. The 1st General will be leaving for the front lines so only follow him if prepared for battle. The second General as i know of will be staying here for a wile if you wish to stay with him. everyone else i wish you a safe journey." He spoke out clearly stating to everyone what was planned for the Generals. Orion then took his leave with Flecker moving toward the other clearing to where his Swai was awaiting anyone else who wished to follow.
"Surely I will die in battle." Lilica commented softly to herself, weighing her options. She had accepted the inevitability of her death, especially due to her new coming handicap. Her decision to live in Aroma village had come from her desire to not embarrass herself anymore against her foes. Would dying in battle only be a humiliating end for her? Or would it be worth it? Breathing in she nodded her head and decided that she would go with the 1st general. As she got up she followed him, hesitantly at first, to his swai.
The Generals Orion and Bromley got on to their Swai and awaiting there followers to join them and preparing emotionally for the journey they were about to embark on. Orion stood at the very front of the Swai looking into the risen sun with its beautiful orange glow. Bromley took a seat and looked back at the lush mountain knowing it would be a wile before seeing any plant life around. They both wore a gloomy face knowing the harshness of the war and how hard it was going to be to fix everything. With a final sigh from Orion he looked around seeing that everyone was where they wanted to be. (if you wanted to go with either General just post as if you got on the Swai) He barked out giving the Swai signal to take off into the sky.


A few hours later Orion and the group arrived at Arkadia in the top landing zone of the palace. He disembarked the Swai and moved toward the door saluting the soldiers. He looked back at the group and with a grand smile he said to them "Welcome to Arkadia!" The view from the tower showed all of Arkadia in its greatness. The tall towers, the many Swai flying around, and all the different animals of the area. It was a breath taking sight for anyone to be this high up looking down upon the City.


About the same time as Orion reached the Capital the first General reached station Omega at the front lines. As the Swai flew over everyone could see the fierce battles taking place on the ground in front of the outpost It was truly a battlefield. The General looked none surprised about it as the Swai landed near the top back of the large Outpost. (the outpost would be best described as a circle wall with many battle supplies and tents in it. the bottom layer is huge like a stadium and the top layer is for higher ups to figure out battle plans and tactics then relay them to those below.) As the General moved off of the Swai he saluted to everyone at once before they moved away and did their jobs not stopping for another second for formalities. He slowly moved up into the door and yelled back to those who followed. "Hurry up we need to figure out what we can do." He said as he moved toward the control room.
Still on his back, at the time they landed, Flecker raised an eyebrow as Orion took them up this high. It was pretty, yes, but not when you could easily be a part of it. Looking at him, he seemed rather happy, which caused her to sigh contently a mental note springing into mind that she wanted him to stay like that.
Rose, Cameron, and Aleu heard the General's announcement and followed Orion. The group started to take off and the wolves looked at eachother. "Get on my back Aleu. Cameron! Try to water bend yourself into the air!" Rose commented and the others did as told. "Come on!" Roots sprouted up from the ground, creating a pathway for Rose while water from a nearby pond evaporated into a cloud and Cameron rode on that. As the threesome reached Arkadia, Aleu sighed. "Its beautiful." The pup hopped off of Rose's back and trotted towards Orion. "Um... excuse me? Why are we so high up?" Rose and Cameron ran over to where Aleu was. "Oh! Don't mind that question!" Cameron said to Orion and Rose looked into Aleu's eyes. "Aleu! How many times have I told you to not talk to strangers?!"
Lilica had chosen to leave the land of Raze in favor of the civilian occupied Aroma village after her site had chosen to leave her. Now as she mounted on back of the first general's swai she wondered if she was making a horrible mistake. It seemed like she was going from the frying pan into the fire without knowing the true results of foolishly deciding to return to battle. As they reached the battlefield Lilica breathed in shakily and then braced herself, deciding that now her loyalty was for the first general and that regardless of her dwindling eyesight she would lay her life down on the line for him and his cause.
"General Orion!" Two dog soldiers yelled out as he was about to enter the door. "We have what you ordered Sir." They saluted with a smile presenting him with the box. "Ah very well done boys. Always glad to know you get the job done." He said with a snicker as he took the box and placed it in front of Flecker. "For you." He smiled widely hoping she would like his gift.


The first vice General hopped off of Bromley's back and toward Lilica. "No need to look so gloomy." She said with a smile tilting her head to look oh so adorable. "When the General is around no one ever gets hurt." She continued and started to hop away toward the control room. "Hurry. We need to debrief." She entered the doorway and hopped back onto the general.
Lilica nodded her head though she wasn't sure if she could take what Bromley said seriously. It didn't seem fair to the first general to have all of that pressure on his shoulders, to not allow anyone other than himself to be hurt. Following behind Bromley she wondered why she cared so much and wondered if perhaps she had found a kindred spirit within the first general. Shaking her head she decided to simply keep her mind on battle where she was needed.
Flecker tilted her head to the side, looking at soldiers, then Orion, then the box, and repeat. Poking the box with her beak once, she did her little stare routine again. "Why." Not a question, a demand. Her voice was a bit hard, eyes locked on his, she wasn't a person for presents as she viewed them as a family sort of thing, and Orion, he wasn't family. He was just....different to her.
Orion looked at Flecker with a slightly sad smile. "You don't like presents?" He asked disappointed with himself for not knowing. "I just thought that if you and me were going to be partners in this battle i want you to be safe and know that I'm thinking about you." He gave a slight smile.
Flecker nodded her head after a moment, "Uh-huh...." She was skeptical, but, she did trust him with every fiber in her tiny body and any doubt was soon cast aside. "'s fine...." She said, looking down at the box again, before using her good wing and moving it a bit closer to her. Setting one claw on the bottom, she bit down on the top of it and opened it.

She went utterly silent staring at what was in the box. After a minute of silence, despite her wounds, she suddenly barreled herself into his side, nuzzling him as best as she could with the size difference, chirping out thanks yous and little notes of joy.
Orions face grew bright and happy seeing Fleckers joy from her gift giving her a nuzzle. "I'm glad you like it. now we should move along and get you to a proper docter to be treated." He gave a smile and stated to walk toward the door.


Bromley entered the door of the command center with lots of computers and map layouts and took a spot near the front view of the room and took command. "Everyone i would like your attention!" He said strongly turning the intercom on. "All units fall back under the protection of your officers. All enemy units that are still on the front line within 3 minutes will be met with my personal force! You have be commanded and warned!" His voice boomed over the battlefield making the light of heart enemies retreat to the far back lines and the rest stand in place awaiting in a slight fear.

One of the rising flame members 44 was on the field and rose up speaking out to his units. "Stand firm! He can't possibly take on all of us." He said as his fleet started to raise their moral in anticipation for the General. Back in the control room all of the officers awaited orders from the General. "All units focus balistas at the enemy line. Anti air units form around the front lines. I'm going into battle." He said as the officers saluted and relaid his orders.

The General walked toward the door looking over to Lilica. "I need you to stay here. I am now appointing you to captain under the first Vice General." He said as he started to leave. A few minutes later the General opened the front gate to an opening in the troops. The vice General was at the top of the station over watching the lines as the General made his way to the front of the army. He was met with a roar of troops that followed 44 on the front line. "Those of you who retreat now will be spared." He said raised his Aura with a powerful burst of energy that boomed in the hearts of everyone who was on the battlefield crushing their will of hoping to defeat him.
Flecker chirped softly, picking the box up by a string on it in her beak, after closing it back up. Nodding her head, she suddenly stopped moving, setting the box down for a moment. "But....a doctor will station me out for at least a month....." She looked up at Orion, "And, we can't afford any soldier missing for longer than a week..."
Aleu whimpered and tears formed in her eyes. "I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. It's just that... that I miss my family so much." Rose said softly, also about to cry. She laid down next to the pup and sighed.

Cameron followed Orion and Flecker, overhearing their conversation. "Yeah... It would be pretty bad if we didn't have a soldier for longer than a week."
"A regular doctor maybe but i was thinking more along the lines of maiden Anna. She is a special healer we found in Isel. She is said to sure even the greatest of injuries within a few hours." Orion said as he looked down at an old scar on his leg. "She healed me up pretty well and i was said to never walk again. If anyone can heal you within battle time its her." He said sure of her ability.
Lilica's eyes widened as she was given her new title and position. "Y-yes, Sir." she said, bowing her head. As he left she looked around, hesitant and a bit unsure of what to do. She was so used to fighting alone and for herself, what exactly was she supposed to do right then? Her shoulders felt stiff and she took in a few breaths, trying to do as the Vice General did and calmly overlook her post.
44 stood tall and rose his Aura. "Don't let him scare you troops!! ATT---!" He was cut off as his army hesitatingly halted at the sight of 44 pierced with an ice pillar from below. The troops stood silent watching the last breath of their commander fade away. "I will say this once more. Those of you who retreat will be spared." Bromley said as the troops started to flee one by one from the front lines.

The gates opened with a cheer of soldiers as the General walked back in with the surviving soldiers. After months of battle they were finally at ease and ready to celebrate their victory thanks to General Bromley. Finally returning to the control room with vice General Flynt he saluted to the room and ordered them at ease and to celebrate wile they could. He then moved over to Lilica who had been waiting. "Sorry to make you stay here. We will be preparing to push the front line in the morning so enjoy yourself wile you can." He said with a small smile.
" I see..." Flecker said thoughtfully. Raising an eyebrow before sighing, she looked at Orion and wondered something and suddenly, as out of line as it was, she had to ask. "What do you think of me?"
Lilica was quiet as Bromley spoke to her, the respect that she had for him very evident. It was when he let his guard down and smiled at her that she was left speechless. "Yes, Sir. Thank you, I will." She felt hot underneath her fur and theorized that if she were hairless she would have a flush all over her body. Despite his menacing form and attitude he had smiled at her, and it felt intimate to her and made her smile in return. "It is an honor to to fight under you, General." she said, bowing her head.

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