Planet Aeon RP

Orion stood surprised and speechless for a moment at Fleckers question. His face turned red and he seemed to panic. "I uhh.. don't think that is a question to ask your superior vice General Flecker." He said looking away hiding his face obviously trying to avoid answering.


General Bromley bowed to Lilica and moved to the head of the room overlooking the battlefield. He liked to collect his thoughts before moving out the next day. The vice General moved toward the party in the main barracks with the troops looking over to Lilica to join them for the night.
"Oh......okay...." Flecker said, looking down. She had messed up, again. As a disappointment washed over her, she went quiet, her mind sorting through things. She had thought the question would be harmless enough, but, Orion was right, she shouldn't ask things like that. Slowly, she began to tuck away the silly thoughts in her head.
Lilica watched as General Bromley walked away and realized as she turned to go to the Vice General that she had been holding her breath. Shaking her head she put all of her focus on the Vice General. "I will admit that I am not experienced in this field, but I will look to you as a teacher and will give only obedience and hard work." she said, acknowledging the small creature with her title for the first time since she had met her.
Orion started to walk into the hallway and toward the maidens chamber. He was still alittle blush as he tilted his head back. "I... I think highly of you Flecker." He said hesitating as he turned his head back forward only checking her eyes for a second.


The vice General smiled at Lilica and moved forward toward her a bit. "No need to be so stiff." She said letting go of her smile. "All of these soldiers fight on the battlefield for their lives but even after all their hardship they still celebrate. Life is to be celebrated happily and to be shared with others wouldn't you think?" She asked giving a small smile again. "I may be your superior and your teacher of sorts but remember. I am your friend above all else." She said tilting her head in a cute fashion.
Lilica couldn't stop herself from repeating the word friend. She'd never had one before and despite her previous opinions of the vice general she felt a warmth in her heart that had never been there before. Nodding her head she offered a small smile. "Yes, life is to be celebrated." she agreed, surprising herself with the certainty in her voice. Only a few days ago she had been ready to die alone.
Flynt smiled and hopped up onto Lilicas back. "Well first thing as my student and friend is we need to get you trained! To the combat room!" She threw her arm up and giggled. "Its just through that hallway." She said as she moved up and pointed toward a side door.
Lilica gasped softly as the little creature hopped up on to her back. Her ears flattered on her head and she felt a little embarrassed, though she nodded her head. "Y-yes," she said, walking down the hall as she was told. Some practice actually sounded appealing to Lilica because at least it was something she knew. It was when she fighting that she was the most at peace with her mind and body.
Flecker didn't hear her higher ups words, she was too busy sorting through her own head. She kept messing up like a child, and she was an adult now, and never had she acted like one. Her eyes shut as she thought about what she should do, and she had an odd feeling, it was her attitude or her in general, that made Orion not want to say. She almost felt her tiny heart drop.
Orion lowered his head as he knew she didn't hear. He decided he would let her know when the time was right. Finally reaching the door to Anna's room he spoke out to her. "Hello. We need some medical attention." He said as Anna came out from the backroom. "Hello General. How may i assist you." Anna asked. "Its Flecker. She was injured in a battle a day ago and she needs to be battle ready fast. I could think of no one better." Orion answered moving her to the bed to be treated.

"Well let me have a look." Anna said a moment after she was placed. "Hmm it shouldn't take me to long.. but i will need her to be put under so she wont feel the pain." She said giving a slightly grim face knowing how much it would hurt.

"If it is ok with you Flecker ill leave you in the hands of Anna for the night." Orion said trusting Anna.


As they reached the training room the vice General dismounted Lilica and moved to a practice dummy. "You know the fundamentals of element control right?" She asked hoping she wouldn't have to go over them with her and jump straight to advanced.
"I suppose..." Lilica said, her voice trailing off a bit. While she was aware that she had control over the ice and water elements she chosen over the years to focus more on hand to hand combat with either her claws or her rusted dagger. She laughed sheepishly and then lowered her head. "I suppose I still have a lot to learn though." she muttered.
"...put under?" Flecker blinked a few times, never in her life having heard that term except when the elders had told her what had happened to an old bird in their family when they had passed away. "No, no no no no NO!" Her feathers ruffled up, the scales underneath gleaming as she moved roughly across the bed away from them both, looking ready to strike if they came closer to her.

(OOC: Put under as in burried is the only other time she's heard that term xD Never used in a medical sense)
Orion chuckled. "Don't worry Flecker. I forgot that you probably never had to learn that term. She is talking about medically putting you asleep for surgery. That way you wont feel any pain and you will wake up healed and well for the most part anyway." He said gently trying to reassure her.


"First question i have for you is why do you carry that rusted thing as a weapon?" The vice General pointed out disapointed in her choice.
Her ears flattened on her head and she looked away, feeling a bit defensive of the old blade. "I-it was my mother's blade. Not my birth mother, I never knew her. The mother who raised me as a child. When she died she left it for me. I've always used it, it's kind of a part of me." she answered, feeling like a sentimental fool as she said it. "Getting rid of it would be like getting rid of a part of myself." Lilica had never wanted anything flashy and the way she saw it as long as the blade got the work done what did it matter how it looked?
Looking at Orion, she grumbled for a moment, before taking his word, settling back down though she didn't go any closer. Sighing, she bowed her head to Anna removing her bag of poisons and her horn and setting them off to the side and out of the way.
Cameron looked at Flecker and Orion as the entered the hallway. "I... I'll wait for you out here!" He yelled after them. "I think they're ignoring me." He whispered softly to himself as he layed down.
Orion took hold of Fleckers items placing them to the side of the bed. He then gave her a soft pillow wile Anna was preparing the medicines and equipment to the side. "I'll see you when you wake in the morning. Will you need anything before the surgery?" He asked knowing Anna would soon be done.


"I'm sorry i didn't mean it was a bad weapon i just meant that you should have it cleaned wile your here. But the other thing was that i never really see you using your powers. Your element would be great to modify around your physical abilities." She said moving to the wall where weapons were stacked taking up a dagger like Lilicas. "Have you ever thought to enhance it like this?" Flynt said as her hand started to glow and electrify then making the blade become a conductor for the electricity. "You can use your elements to form around weapons and even your own body when you fight. This is one of the basics all units are taught." She said before launching the dagger in a stream of thunder at the training doll.
Rose saw Cameron laying on the floor infront of the hallway, then she turned towards Aleu. "C'mon. Looks like Cam is sad." The two wolfs walks towards Cameron. "Go away!" He growled, and Aleu jumped back. "ALEU!" Rose screamed and leapt for the side of the building. The wolf glared at Cameron, madly. "Look what you've done! YOu just made Aleu fall off of the building!" Cameron jumped up in the air in surprise and ran to the edge of the building. The wolf's eyes widened with disbelief as the pup started to float back ontop of the building on a block of ice. "How'd you do that?!" Rose half screamed, half yelled. "I... I don't know. A second I was falling, and another second, I was floating back up on this block of ice!"
Lilica only vaguely recalled using her element as a child, having gone through a curious experimenting period not too long after she'd become aware of them. While Flynt was able to use her electrical element on her dagger Lilica wasn't sure how it would apply to her own weapon, other than perhaps her water element making it more rusty. "I can't say I've ever really used my element while in battle. It never occurred to me when I already had a weapon." When she had lived alone fighting wasn't done for sport or to sculpt talents, it was done to stay alive.
Flynt face palmed her forehead and moved toward her taking up her dagger. "If you can use water you can more or less use ice. Try bending water around your blade and freezing it into a longer blade. This can also be done with your claws and fangs if you don't mind a little cold. General Bromley would be better suited to teach you the advanced but till then i need to teach you how to focus your powers around your movements." She said speaking like a true teacher having studied the elements for many years.
"A longer blade?" Lilica commented, looking at her dagger thoughtfully. Would she make it so long that it would be too heavy or the hilt or too brittle that it would break upon impact? Breathing in she closed her eyes and focused on the thought of water atoms. She had not used her element in a very long time and had hardly gone through any training to sculpt it. Lilica heard a soft humming in her mind and followed it, eventually giving in to the untapped potential that had been there all along. The water formed slowly around the blade and then hardened, though the blade was only bigger by an inch or two.
Flynt smiled at the attempt knowing she would be a good warrior once she mastered the technique. "You keep practicing the basics I'll pass it on to the General to train you at a later time. I need to get some rest and you should to." She said hopping away to the door. "Bye." She did her cute tilt of the head and went to her sleeping quarters.
Lilica nodded her head, "Thank you very much Vice General Flynt." When the little creature left Lilica sighed to herself and looked at one of the training dummies. She couldn't handle the thought of looking weak in front of the general but it couldn't be helped that she had not previously taken an interest in her elemental abilities and had therefore chosen not to sculpt them. Eyeing one of the dummies she grabbed her dagger's hilt with her teeth and threw it at the dummy, aiming for the bullseye on its bellie. She missed her target but not by too much and she was pleased that she was still at least skilled with basic combat. After she had taken her dagger she then left for bed.
"No." Flecker said, not at all ready for what was going to happen. Gazing at Anna, she sighed before letting out a small chirp. Bracing herself, she nodded her head. "Alright, whenever your ready."
Anna prepared her needle and laid out her tools before the surgery. "Your going to feel a small pinch." She said moving closer then as gently as she could injected her with the needle. "You will start to feel light headed just count to ten for me." She said knowing she wouldn't make it to five.

Orion headed toward the door and looked back to Anna. "Take care of her." He nodded leaving down the hall telling one of the guards to inform the 3 wolves of where they will be sleeping. He made his way to his room in the higher section of the castle. Drinking from a small bowl of fresh water he laid down and rested his eyes before finally falling asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The next morning.~~~~~~~~

When the sun was just rising a large explosion could be heard in the top of the tower where the throne was. Orion heard this noise woke sprinting as fast as he could to the throne room but he was to late. When he arrived he saw the great king Zenith laying injured on the ground surrounded by half of the vice Generals and a cloaked animal. "What have you done with the king!!" He roared in anger. The vice Generals slowly started to leave through the large hole in the wall paying no mind to him at all as the cloaked figure turned to face Orion.

"The 3rd General of Arkadia Orion of the flames. My name is number Three, General of the Rising Flames. Its a pleasure to finally meet you. It's to bad i must take my leave now i would discuss much when next we meet." Number Three started to follow in behind the rest leaving the castle. Orion furiously raised his aura and burst forward to intercept their escape but was met with an incredible burst or power from number Three. He was sent flying back toward the far wall seconds from being knocked unconcious he watched as they escaped without a scratch and his injured king on the ground. All he could think about was how weak he was and how he was a failure as a General to allow the king to be beaten in such a manner.

Minutes later the alarm sounded in the castle and many guards were sent running around to their stations. The king slowly drifted into a coma as the medics finaly came to tend him and the fallen General Taking them to maiden Annas room for surgery where vice General Flecker would soon be woken by the noise. All the guards of the castle were set in position but not a single animal was captured. On this day the king of Arkadia was put into a coma and the 3rd General was beaten in one blow by none other then the members of the Rising Flames of Sianika who escaped without a trace.

Chapter 3 begins
Rose, Cameron, and Aleu were brought to a room and instantlly fell asleep. The next morning, a loud noise was heard and Aleu jumped to her feet, rocketing out the door, followed by the others. Soon, the alarms went off and guards were rushing past them, all in different directions. "We have to find General Orion.. FAST!" Commanded Cameron, and the wolves split up into different dirrections.

Cameron looked around as he entered a big room with a throne and a hole in the wall. "Wow! This must be the throne room." There was a spot on the floor and the wolf came over to sniff it. "A royal scent! The king must be in danger!" Cameron darted around the room, trying to find clues as to what might have happened.

Rose bumped into some guards. "Um... Excuse me, but what is happening? Why is everyone in such a hurry?"

Aleu heard a door shut, and ran towards that direction. As the white wolf reached the door, she pawed at it, trying to open it. "General Orion? Are you in there?"

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