Planet Aeon RP

Flecker was blushing, though it couldn't be seen. Nodding her head to his question, she had to let out a content sigh. Looking around, she tilted her head, this would be so much easier in the air, but unfortunately for her, she was grounded for at least a week.
"Are you almost ready? Do you need me to carry anything?" The General asked with a small tilt is his head. "Yeh he can help. General Brom can carry tons." The vice General said making a gesture with her hands and falling back on his back as he shook his shoulder giving her a small glare.


Orion lowered his body to the ground and looked at Flecker. "Hop on. I'll take you to our camp and treat you there." He said as he looked at the extent of her injuries.
jumbu jumped down off the balcony when he hit the ground a mixture of liondogs and rinorillas gather into tight lines and looked up at the balcony at start . stark grinned and yelled "we are moving to the border men prepare to move out" jumbu lefted his axe up and let out a rawr the army went crazy howling and beating on there chest. stark walked back into his room coughing lightly as he walked down the stairs and outside to the camp area "jumbu ill be at the border a little later then you i haft to go talk to my friend"."alright we wount move until you return to us". stark nodded and ran off into the forest in the direction of aurora
"No, no. I have everything." Lilica said, finishing off with kicking dirt over the fire that she had built. She didn't much like the thought of having someone carry her things with her and was thankful that it was light enough that neither of them would protest with her carrying them on her own. She couldn't help but smile at the Vice General's comment despite herself, finding that the little thing was starting to growing on her.
Cameron smiled. "Come on sis. I think Aleu wants to show us something." He said, as if reading the younger wolf's mind. Aleu nodded and the two wolves followed Aleu. THe wolves soon came to where Lilica was. "Uh.... Lilica. These are my friends. This one's Cameron, and the other on is Rose." She said and pointed to the wolves.
The General nodded and looked over to the wolves introducing themselves to Lilica. The Vice General jumped off of him and moved over to them looking at Rose. "Your really cute." She said with a smile holding her hands behind her back and tilting her head. "I'm Flynt the 1st Vice General under that guy over there." She giggled and pointed over at General Brom giving her a glare.
Flecker bowed her head, her turn to be embarrassed, as she hoped onto Orion's back like he told her to. "Sorry...." She mumbled.
Lilica nodded her head. "It's nice to see you again, Aleu. It's also nice to meet you Rose and Cameron." She felt a bit flushed, not used to being around so many people. It surprised her that she continued to stay and she realized that it was manners which kept her from hiding in the tent. For a moment she wished that she had the same charm and vivacity as Vice General Flint.
She jolted when she found the wolf right above her that she almost fell from her branch. "uh- its- uh S-Sedina" she replied trembling. She followed with "Wh-What do you want from me?! Don't send me back to that place! I don't want to go back!"
"Its ok Sedina. I'm Kamika. We though you were hurt and brought you here to treat you. Do you feel any better?" He smiled warmly with a firm tone. "Do you want to come down from the tree yet?" He wiggled back on the branch on the tree beside her trying to keep his balance.


Orion shook his head. "I't not your fault." He said getting up and walking toward the camp. Finally arriving there a few minutes later from running he noticed a second Swai nearby with camp already set up. "Thats probably the other Generals. We should treat you there." He said to Flecker not seeing anyone around yet.
Cameron looked at Flynt in awe. "Look. Rose isn't cute, you are." He said without thinking. Rose nudged him, and he realized what he said. Cameron's cheeks turned bright red. He then looked over at Lilica. "No need to be shy. We won't bite. Its a pleasure to meet you to. Aleu was telling us all about you on the way here." Rose looked at Flynt appreciative. "Thank you. You are cute as well." Rose smiled, then walked over to the General, who was glaring at the group. "You must be General Flint." She bowed, not knowing what else to do.
"Uh, a little," she replied. "Just tired. I don't know where to go" she said, awkwardly pawing at her tail.
The General stood and looked down at Rose. "I think your are mistaken young one. My name is General Bromley." He bowed his head and introduced himself. The vice General move over to Alue. "Your pretty cute." She moved around her looking at her nice fur. "We have the same colour fur." She giggled.


"Allow me to get you down." Kamika said as he jumped off his branch grabbing Sadina out of her tree. He twirled around till she was on his back. As he landed on the ground He jumped toward a soft spot of grass.
Sedina hopped off Kamika's back when they landed on the ground. "I would have gotten down the tree myself," she said, folllowed by a yawn. "where am I supposed to sleep?" She had a feeling that the question was perhaps too informal, but she was ready to lay down and sleep.
"okay..." Flecker replied in a small voice, looking at the Swai before sighing. She didn't care much for the other generals, they were nice yes, but, she always thought they were just waiting for a slip up. She didn't like the vice generals either, but for other reasons she didn't quite get herself.
Orion walked over the the camp area and sat down on the blanket allowing Flecker to dismount. After that he reached for his medicine pack and laid out some creams and bandages. "Here take this to." He took out a packet of red liquid. "Its pretty much tasteless and i made it specially for burns." He dropped it down beside Flecker.


"Right to the point aren't you." Kamika said wile nodding over to Sei to come over. "Yes Sir?" He said firmly at attention. "Take our friend to her resting area. I'm going to go look for some more herbs for treatment." He said to him bowing to them and dashed off into the bush. Sei sighed and looked at Sadina. "This way." He gestured over to a small tent walking her over.
Hoping off of him, onto the blanket, Flecker sighed. Watching him, she raised an eyebrow as he dropped the packet next to her. Looking at it, tilted her head before looking back at him. He had told her to do it, and this wasn't really a situation in which one would argue, so she did. Pecking it with her peak, she made a small hole in it and drank a little bit of it.
Twisted flew around looking around at everyone soon taking a break on a ledge on Mt. Kana. He sighed not knowing what to do anymore as he laid down and thought to himself as the night rolled in.
Aleu sort of smirked. "Hehe. Thanks. I've never met anyone other thing that has white fur... I thought I was the only one, and now I'm not!" She tried to sound happy, but something inside of her wasn't. It was like she actually wanted to be different. Rose blushed a little. "oh sorry. I... I'm Rose." She smiled.
"Thanks," Sedina said drowsily as she followed the wolf to her tent. She quickly grew paranoid on how this situation could possibly be dangerous.

"Hey!" she barked and hopped in front of the male. "Don't you dare get any ideas, any of you!" She growled, teeth baring.
General Brom looked at rose and faintly smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you." He said with a slightly softer but still firm tone. "We should be getting back to our camp now." He said to Flynt bowing his head to Rose. "You may accompany us if you would like." He said turning and stating to walk toward camp.

"Yes sir!" She hopped along behind the General. "You guys coming?" She waved back at everyone with a smile.


The vice General looked at Sadina like she was crazy. "I'm sorry if i scare you." He said with a slightly confused voice. "I'll just move over here then." He slowly walked over to his own tent and laid down perfectly content.
"Its a pleasure to meet you to." Rose told the General, then blushed as he bowed his head down to her. No one had ever done that to her before. Cameron smiled as Flynt waved her hand. "Sure!" The three wolves said in unison and followed Flynt and General Brom to the camp.
Lilica followed behind them quietly, not having made so much as a peep during their conversation. She was starting to feel a little nervous around so many people but decided that since she would be living in Aroma village soon she might as well get used to socializing every now and then.
"Hmph," she grunted, and nestled in her bedding, without first stretching and yawning. She was asleep in no time.

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