Planet Aeon RP

Before she nodded off, she felt the nudges and made a violent twist and stared at the shadow of the figure. The twist gave her pain on her side, so she put her head down again and whimpered softly. She wasn't so confident she could get up on her own, and she wasn't planning on trying anytime soon. She was extremely tired, and she wasn't so sure if the stranger knew that.
"I'm too old to die like this." Lilica mumbled, stepping back a bit. She had only a little bit of food that wouldn't even satisfy one of the Snakeskin coyote. Lilica held no valuable other than her pouch. Reaching for her leather pouch Lilica pulled her dagger out. "But I am also too proud to die of dehydration in the desert." she growled, her teeth clenched around the hilt of the dagger.
stark looked behind him and smiled at orion "what would be the point of telling me that now ive already attacked" starks ear twiched as he heared twisteds voice from the air he turned his head back and looked up at twisted in the air. "give him a message for me will you, tell him... im sorry for what i am going to do" as stark said that ten bolts of lightning came down from the sky hitting the ground causing blinding light to let stark escape
"We don't have time to worry about her at the moment we need to hurry." A young wolfs voice said in the darkness. "We can't just leave her!" A teen male voice said. "I'll have to take her with us. Lets move out." The teen voice said as he picked her up and began to sprint toward the village of Aurora. "I hope your making a wise decision." The other voice called out behind him.
She began to drift to sleep again, but not before she heard voices. Male voices. She thought about the harem she almost joined, and began to feel terrified. She didn't want to go back to that place, but she knew she was vulnerable at that moment, since she had no energy to fight. She hoped she would gain strength in time to fight them off long enough, but all she could do now was whimper throughout the whole trip.
The coyotes pounced ready to kill before a Swai flew over top of them and larger bursts of water came down hitting them out of the air. not a moment after they hit the ground the 1st General and Vice General of Arkadia jumped down from the Swai in front of Lilica. "Are you ok?" The vice General asked as the General faced the coyotes proudly standing tall.


Orion looked away from the light as Twisted came down from the sky and landed where Stark was. "Friend of yours?" He asked Twisted glaring at him. "I guess you could say that." He responded turning his back. "He said he is sorry. For what he is going to do." Orion said to Twisted turning his back as well. Twisted flew off back to the young wolves to see if they were ok. Orion sighed and took off toward the village.
"Perfect." Lilica answered, putting her dagger back in her pouch. "But I was just fine alone." She nodded her head. "I do not mean to be ungrateful but I must go now. I have a place that I need to get to." And with that she turned on her haunches and left the two generals in favor of finding the Aurora village.
Orion arrived at the village to find the 2nd General and his 1st Vice General surrounded by the bodies of many fallen bandits. His brow raised for a second as he looked around. "I suspect this is your doing?" He asked walking forward to meet them. "And who is this on your back might i ask?" He looked to see a young girl on the Generals back. "We don't know we found her in the forest passed out." He said trying to shake her awake on his back.

--- Merged Double Post ---

"It seems your going in the direction we are. That is why we thought to stop and give you a lift." The vice General yelled out.

"Heading to the village Aurora?" The General asked Lilica walking toward the landing Swai with the bandits fainted in the sand.
Lilica didn't let the thought of a prolonged interaction with anyone but knew that her supplies were dwindling and whether or not she liked it she would die of dehydration and become a dried out husk by the end of the week. Not exactly that way she wanted to go out.

"Yes," she answered hesitantly, turning to face them. Her ears twitched a bit out of discomfort, though she went against these feelings and returned to the two generals. "If I go with you how long will the trip be?"
"We aren't far now. It should only take about an hour." The General said mounting the Swai. The Vice General followed his lead and sat turning backward. "No need to be scared." She smiled patting the back of the Swai. "Don't wanna stay in the hot desert all day do you?" She giggled as the Swai squawked.
The giggling, even though not directed towards her, felt very patronizing. She cringed a bit but nodded her head, "Yes, you're right. I want to get out of the desert soon as possible." Taking one last hesitant look at the ground she mounted the sai behind the vice general.
The Swai took off into the sky with them on its back. "So whats your name stranger. Im Flynt." She smiled with a tilt in her head trying to be as welcoming and friendly as possible. The General sat in the front silent not bothering to introduce himself he seemed cold and unwelcoming. "Don't mind my General he doesn't like to talk much." She said nudging him in his backside.
"A lot of people are like that." Lilica said, having a preference for people who didn't talk when it wasn't necessary. "My name is Lilica, I am from the land of Raze." she said quietly, sighing and lying down, resting her muzzle on her front paws. She missed the warm, humid air already but not too long after her blindness had been revealed the more bold animals had begun to hunt her. It was no home to her anymore.
(srry if I missed anything in my post, to lazy to read it all)

Cameron and Aleu exchanged glances. "Rose!" Cameron yelled and ran into the forest, with Aleu following. Cameron skidded to a stop as he almost ran into Lilica. Aleu tried to stop, but hit Cameron, accidentally pushing him onto the wolf. His cheeks turned bright red and he jumped off of her. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" He put in a quick smile, then started to run again. Aleu jumped over Lilica and ran after Cameron. "Where is she?" THe white wolf asked. Cameron shrugged and kept running.
Vice General Flynt turned around understanding her want for privacy. She laid down and rested for the rest of the trip to Aurora. After about an hour or so the Swai landed just outside the village that seemed ruined with burns and bodies lying around. The General and Vice General said their goodbyes and left on their own way into the village.

In the village with 2nd and 3rd Generals the 1st General came to the group not a moment after. "Well well well look what we have here." The 1st Vice General said. "It would seem all of the Generals came to the same conclusion." She continued. The second General looked over at the Vice General and scowled. "Mind your voice in the presence of the three Generals." The vice General bowed and sat down beside her General.
In some ways Lilica felt like there was an acidity to her voice that the vice general didn't really deserve. She was so unaccustomed to any contact with any other being, so unused to kindness that she didn't know how to react. When they reached the Aroma village she dismounted the Sai and looked up at them briefly. "Thank you general and vice general." she said, bowing her head and then watching as they left.
Everywhere Twisted went, the small bird followed him closely, she had the odd urge to actually speak to him, and make her presence known. And, shew as going to, till a sudden arrow show up at her and nicked her right wing. Off balance and unable to fly straight, she crashed into a tree, before falling down it, hitting various branches before landing with a dull thud on the ground.

Her eyes stayed open long enough to see a very large beast with a bow in it's hand towering over her before the world went black.
The first General stood forth. "Report." He told the Generals. Second General Kamika stepped forward. "Many injured or dead from a bandit raid. Otherwise the village of Aurora is now under Arkadian control." He said the the others. Orion stepped forth as the Second General finished. "Not quite. Prince Twisted has already claimed this land." He said firmly almost like he didn't want to say it. "As long as he is here we cannot claim this land."

The second General sighed "Well i guess we can't really help that. But its better him then someone else." He said walking away. "I'm going to get this girl some medical treatment. Come vice General." He said walking to a hut on the outside of the village.

"And what of you Orion." The first General asked. "I'll be leaving for Arkadia to report and supply." He stood and walked away toward his Swai. "I'll leave the front line to you then." He said to the General wile he pulled out his necklace and blew a sound for Flecker to return to him.

The first General began to walk away as well leaving the other Generals to their duties. He began to make his was back to his Swai with the vice General to make his way back south to defend the front lines.
The day was slowly fading into evening as the sky presented itself with a soothing array of oranges and pinks with a slight tint of light blue. Lilica had spent the past hour or so in the clearing collecting supplies. As she looked up at the cloudless sky she wondered if it would be wise to stay the night in the clearing, even though she knew that the Aroma village was not too far away. The thought of having to become a regular civilian, of having to interact with other beings made her skin crawl and she decided to entitle herself to one last night of freedom and independence before she allowed herself to become an old cat waiting to choke up her last hairball.
After a little while, Flecker felt herself swaying back and forth, a lot of pressure built up near her head. Cracking an eye open, she saw the ground moving back and forth below her, along with a pain in her chest and wing. Moving her good wing, she tried to move around more, but soon found she couldn't move her feet. Looking up, she realized she was hanging from a stick, her feet bound to it tightly.

Blinking a few more times, she looked around, before noticing the fact her stick was held up in a sort of spit fashion. With a startled squawk, she realized exactly what this was. A fire pit. A rustling in the woods and a large bear like creature stepped into the small clearing carrying with it a lot of wood. It stocked the under side of the fire place with a few logs and leaned back, poking Flecker with a fat finger, verifying the fact that something in her chest was broken.

"Food..." It rumbled out, before a fire sprung up from the logs, dull, but catching on. Flapping her wing, Flecker started screeching, watching it closely as the bear thing started laughing.
The first General moved through the trees as night rolled in catching a glimps of Lilica through the bush. He paid no mind to her as he continued to move toward his Swai at the clearing. "We should camp out here for the night." His vice General said as she ran into the middle of the clearing. The General sighed and moved to grab his things from the Swai. "Very well." He said gloomy as he sat down with his pack.


As the bear sat and laughed as the fire burned. Orion walked out slowly from the bush to the side of him. He opened his mouth wide and began sucking the fire into his mouth. "Flecker are you ok!" He finished the last of the flame wile making a fighting stance.
As the fire licked higher, nearing the small bird, it was pulled away. A familiar voice called out, and she sighed in relief, before swearing loudly. The bear had pulled out his club and was aiming it at Orion. Flapping her one wing, she yelled for him to move.
As the large bear attacked Orion he simply avoided his attempts. "No one hurts my comrades!" He yelled out as he raised his paw and crushing the bears side with a large smack with claws. He then grew his aura out as the bear stumbled walking forward to the bear and standing like a predator about toe kill his prey. "I'm going to hurt you ten fold for what you have done to Flecker." He sternly said as he let his purple aura grow into a crushing force over the bear.
Lilica had been collecting sticks for a fire when she heard a commotion in the bushes. She hid for a while until she heard an all too familiar voice. Sighing to herself she wondered if whoever it was up there called the shots enjoyed spitting on her everyone chance they got. Growling softly to herself she decided that there was nothing to be done about it, especially since it was now too late for her to venture into the aroma village when everyone was probably settling down. Picking up the sticks she had dropped on the ground upon noticing the vice general she resumed building her fire as if nothing had happened.
The bear roared in pain, swipping it's claws at Orion growling deeply, before going savage.

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