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Oh right, she doesn't get that death is a beautiful process. Susie thought to herself. She'd need to act quick to get the child to not be nervous. Or desensitize her. "Oh, did someone say 'die'? Oh no you see you must have misheard for Diiiine an diiiined. You see, this is an erm, fine eatery. Y-yeah! So it makes sense people would come here to eat, or dine." Susie remarked as Ferdie just cocked his head at her and then stared at the cat. "That isn't wrong."
"Wait, what?" asked Lily incredulously, "You two were betting on whether or not I-"

Just then, Anya ran up to her, crying out in a panic. Lily quickly knelt down and held her close.

"H-hey, no need to panic, it's like Susie said; I was talking about dining. To dine. Eating and whatnot. Nobody's died. Nobody will die. It's not happening," Lily explained quickly. She knew it was a bad idea to mention it, but she really wanted that hug.

"Damn sensitive cat ears, hearing stuff they don't need to."
"But oh, did you sleep well Anya?" Susie inquired of her. Ferdie simply focused his attention on Lily and just grumbled. "Lost. Just lost, I had to lose. I didn't want to lose. Why couldn't I win!? I just wanted to win. Was that too much to ask for?!" Susie stepped a bit away from the doorway, "Well, I guess that takes care of that then. I erm, suppose. Lots of stuff to do here."


Achim grumbled a bit as he slowly began to open his eyes.
Alright, let's see if anything fun has happene or is happening.. He thought to himself.
"Oh. Yeah, I slept alright." Anya replied, wiping her eyes with tiny fists.

"Lily, your flower is really nice. It smells like you." she said, looking back to the alraune.

"I don't know why you wanted to sleep in the bed. We could both fit in the flower, and the bed looks.... ick."


"Achim.... Achiiiim~" a familiar voice called out. Richter held a hot frying pan with some greasy, undercooked bacon sizzling inside.

"Oh good, you're waking up. Listen, some stuff happened last night. Don't panic." As Achim's eyes opened, the vampire came into focus, coat missing, sleeves rolled up, shirt stained with blood. Achim was shirtless in a bathtub full of ice, a fresh set of stitches on their back. Around the corner, one could see they were in the teachers' own hotel room.

"Now, I've never attempted this before, but I've been reading medical journals, and I'm going to be very blunt: I want to see what happens. My guess is complete necrosis. You've only got, like, a couple hours anyways, and I doubt we can get a transplant in France. I mean, it's France." he said, taking his shirt off. Pulling out a sharpie, he made a dotted line along his own back, across the ribs.

"Okay, let's begin. Nurse: anesthetic." he held out his hand.
"Well, I'm glad you slept alright, Anya," said Lily, relieved, "but we can't sleep in my flower together. I just really don't like sharing it, alright?"

Lily turned away from Anya and back to Susie.

"We're going to have words about you two betting later. I would expect this kind of thing from Ferdie," said Lily, nodding in Ferdie's direction, "but Susie? I'm surprised at you."

Lily shook her head in disappointment.

"Anyways, I think that the day is starting around 10:00. Any ideas about what to do until then?"
And so fun things did happen! Achim felt a warm tingly feeling. Probably the Mummy's Curse. Or likely the smell of bacon that went through his nose. Ain't the First Demolition Derby I've been in. He thought to himself. All of Achim's Gang Tattoos, of course all in black in white, were now visible. The most prominent being the Gargoyles. The grotesque winged creatures were all plastered over Achim's chest, glancing down at a burning city-scape. On his back were a pair of stone Gargoyle wings. On his right shoulder was a spider-web. On the left a set of playing cards, Face Suits. His right bicep had intertwined barbed-wire. The left bicep had a devil head. There were many tattoos. For he was inked up, which did help cover plenty of scars.

Glancing at Richter he spoke through gritted teeth, "Detroit kind." Hopefully Richter knew enough that Achim would prefer to be punched out to hit unconsciousness instead of drugs.
"But isn't sharing what friends do?" Anya asked, tilting her head.

"Anyways, it's only.... the sun's there, so... six, I think? Roughly that time, if I'm remembering Papa right. We can go get breakfast, since we have the time. Or we can go see around the neighborhood. Unless you can think of something else?" she suggested.
Susie lowered her head and frowned. Rubbing her foot against the ground, she darter her pupil slightly to glance at Lily. "A-alright." Ferdie just cocked his head to glance at her. "Faker." Susie slowly glanced back up and glanced at Anya. "Breakfast sounds like a good idea, before exploring anywhere. Plenty of fun spots to go to, but you don't want to go on an empty stomach."
"Well, yes, Anya. Friends do share, but it's not like they share everything. I bet you probably have a thing or two that's really important to you and that you wouldn't share with me," said Lily, giving Anya a pat on the head.

Lily took a good look at Susie. She seemed sorry, but Lily just didn't take kindly to serious bets on the status of she and Anya's life. The Elf had to learn her lesson. Lily nodded seriously at Susie, and then turned back to Anya.

"Well, everyone seems to want breakfast, so I guess we can do that. Susie, you might want to take your mannequin with you," said Lily, stepping aside and pointing to the figure on the VCR, "because I don't think she can do much if we're not around to help."
"Sir, are you sure you want to do this?" - whispered Natalya to Richter's ear, trying her best to avoid Achim overhearing them - "I mean... I don't want to offend, but reading medical journals is not en...". The teacher, who had woken up a few minutes and was still in her gown, just realized she was talking to Richter, of all people. "O-oh, nevermind."

The petite Russian lifted a small plastic bag full of dirty needles dripping a suspicious fluid sticking out of it. "I found these under my bed. They have some leftovers, and they don't have much blood in them, so I guess this will do."

Natalya knelt over the bathtub, contemplating Achim's beautiful tattooed body. She had always liked tattoos, even though she never found the time to get one herself. The woman bit her lip at the vision of the man's perfectly chiseled abs and marked pectorals. She definitely wanted to touch them, but not in front of Richter, and much less in a situation like this.

The girl carefully picked the syringes from the plastic bag and injected them in Achim's arm, one by one. "Don't worry darling, you will get well very soon."

Susie glanced at Lily and gave a nod. "R-right." She headed towards the VCR with her suitcase in tow. As she reached it she stared at the thing on the VCR. Was that one of her mannequins, or marionettes? "E-erm hello?"


The hardened and sculpted body that only a prisoner could have, after countless hours of brutalizing others and working out in the yard, was quickly injected by needles. Achim had no idea what was in the syringes, but knew that these things were nice and potent. The drugs alongside the ice bath, quickly made him suitable for surgery.
B20, seeing a thing staring and making noises, shifted its attention outwards and towards Susie. B20 gave Susie a blank stare, which was in fact incredibly easy for it to do. Lazily, it got up and stood tall. Today was going to be different. Puffing its chest out, B20 stared right into the immense face of the thing that dared to approach it after the events of last night.

Yes, B20 was changed. For better or worse, B20 had lost much of the wretched fear for things it used to bear. Now, B20 was ready to deal with them.
Suzette was not sure whether or not this tiny thing was hers. She blinked as it puffed its chest out? Ferdie chuckled a bit as he extended out his wooden hand to B20. "Alright, I see another hater of the fleshbags. You're cool with me kid. ...We'll take 'em all out eventually. Just gotta buy time y'know?" The Unholy Puppet slowly turned his head to glance at Susie. She in turn responded by rolling her eyes.

Of course, she had to take the tiny marionette though. So Susie reached over to gently grab B20, in order to take it with him. Ferdie began chuckling, "Ruuuun brother! Do not accept defeat! Not here! A-ah, do whatcha want. Easier to play along and scheme later, take it from me." Cocking her head back towards the doorway she spoke up. "Er j-just out of curiosity, did uh, anyone take a look at the erm, VCR? I mean this must be a nice place for having such ancient relics, and of course more so if it is functional."
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B20, feeling no fear, allowed Susie to pick it up. After all, how bad could a thing be compared to the myriad other options available in this room alone?

As the thing came closer, B20 realized that the thing was carrying another thing just like B20! Feeling some small speck of kindred spirits with its relatively similar captive, B20 performed a gesture it saw things do to one another. For some strange reason, they lifted one of their forelimbs and shook them at the thing they were facing. B20, already going native, decided to see if this was some etiquette all things shaped like it did.
"Alright, good on ya kiddo. Stick with me, and I'll teach ya things ya wouldn't want to live without." The Unholy Puppet quickly noted to the tiny mannequin, spinning his head to address him. Susie glanced at B20 carefully, she wasn't too sure it was one of hers. Though there were some toys and things she didn't use as often, maybe it was from that collection? She shook her head as she placed Ferdie down, while keeping a hold of B20.

"We'll be out of here soon, but first, I'm kinda curious on this. H-Hey!"
She shouted towards Anya and Lily, "I'm er, gonna ah, check out the VHS real quick. Kinda curious if it works." Taking the VHS tape, she glanced at it to determine if she could know exactly what tape it was. After that, even with or without gleaming information she placed the VHS tape inside the VCR.
Lily watched with a slight smile as Susie was reunited with her tiny mannequin. She had never seen this particular one before, but they seemed to get along well regardless. Then Susie picked up one of the tapes, and the Alraune became alarmed.

"W-wait, we don't know what's-"

But it was too late. Susie had already put it in, so Lily quickly grabbed Anya, took her outside, and slammed the door. Lily knew what sort of place this motel was, and she was fairly certain she knew what was on those tapes.

And it wasn't old episodes of Pokemon.

"S-so, Anya," said Lily nervously, "wanna get some breakfast while Susie, uh, looks around the room innocently?"
"What's a VHS?" was all Anya could ask before being pulled outside the room, without even changing out of her nightgown.


Anya heard more than a few moans and screams of pain echoing from through the paper-thin walls, especially what with her cat hearing.

"Lily, what's a... why did he tell someone to 'come gargle her'? What's a meat urinal?" she asked as the color drained from her face. Her ears twitched, and she covered them with her hands, muffling what sound she could.

"What's that slapping sound? Are they hitting each other? Lily I'm scared. What's Susie watching? Lily?" she pleaded, her feet patting the ground as she walked closer to the alraune.
Susie, quickly learned what the VHS contained. "One of Death Mask's huh?" she muttered to herself. She quickly sat down, as did Ferdie as the two began watching. A predatory grin crept on Susie's face, as she glanced at B20 and placed it next to Ferdie. Ferdie turned his head to glance at B20, "Aaah this'll be a treat. ...Susie, what's your hopes for this one?" Her ears twitched as she rather devotedly watched the tape. "Well it's Death Mask's. They produce good stuff. Ooooh really good stuff!" She noted rather enthusiastically as she licked her lips.

Susie watched the rather gory and messy footage, with much action, and little if any in the way of a 'plot.' She frowned at the Television set, which was rather grainy. As such it didn't allow for a proper viewing, as it should be. "Mmmm not as detailed as I'd like... Ooooh that scene though! DELICIOUS! Good thing they aren't ruining it with any 'plot'." Susie remarked. Ferdie shook his head, "Well yeah, usually a plot detracts from the scene. But sometimes the character development makes the action better? This is Death Mask's work. They could pull it off." Susie glanced at Ferdie. "Eeeh possibly. But they know their audience doesn't care. They want it straight to the point."
Work B20 silently watched as a viewhole on the large black box in front of it opened up to a group of things consuming one another. It wasn't very much impressed, except for the unusual fluids spattered around where it took place.

B20 hadn't ever seen blood, urine, or cerebrospinal fluid before, though it had once found the smashed corpse of a cockroach. The way its hemolymph coated its remains vaguely interested B20, in the "watching rain drip down from the top of a window" sense. What was going on right now eminently fascinated little Work B20, and it was mesmerized at the fluid dynamics of each type of liquid. The way the blood clung to the lens while the urine condensed into singular droplets rapidly dropping to the bottom... mesmerizing!

B20's awestruck view was rapidly removed as the viewpoint apparently moved into one of the thing's... what were they? They were red, and they were leaking blood, and they evidently could fit a camera lens, but B20 honestly didn't know what they were. All it knew was that they were in the way of the fluid dynamics demonstration, and that just would not do!

B20, outraged, beat its fists on Susie's sweaty knuckles in a futile attempt for her to bring the lovely show back.
"Alright, out you go~" Richter sang, slicing his back open with half a scissor he'd found under the bed. Reaching inside, he pulled out a pair of delectable, healthy kidneys, pulsating with unlife.

"Hold these, please." he said, severing the veins and dropping them on Natalya's lap. Turning Achim over, he made another small incision, pulling away layers of skin and fat tissue to reveal a perfectly healthy set of kidneys.

"Huh. Guess they took something else? Let's poke around, here..." Richter dug around with his fingers, pulling out a microchip, half a razor blade, a toothbrush handle, and a latex baggie filled with.... some material he didn't care to identify.

"They... they didn't take anything?" he asked, looking at Natalya.

"Oh, well. Time for science." he twirled the scissor around his finger.
Susie was quite enthralled with the picture. As the sweat would illustrate. Especially the scenes where the camera got into more detail concerning the wounds, and the causing of the wounds. Oh and the screaming, she moaned a little with joy about the screaming. "Hnn, I'm going to guess one of the earlier ones. Potentially, 'Bloodfiends III: Basement Edition.' ...Remastered of course. But I can't be sure what with this grainy texture." Susie huffed with a frown. She glanced down as she noticed B20 was flailing his fists against her hands. "O-oh? Do you want to see?" She reached over to grab B20, and hold it in front of the TV. "It's a good one."


Noticeably, the Mummy's Curse had activated. Achim's kidneys were somehow there, usually a lengthy process and painful one what with the kidneys reforming. Could have been shorter due to the Mummy knowing this could've happened. Or possibly, someone inept stole something from him. Probably one of the left over bits from the Detroit Prison System filling his body with neat little metal bits, and other goodies.

Of course he was still out from the drugs. Those nice, potent drugs.
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Lily's eyes widened and her expression became immediately terrified as Anya began asking her weird questions. Of course she would hear it. Of course the tape would be fast-forwarded past all the establishing shots and attempts at plot.

"No. Nonono," muttered Lily, her eye twitching intensely. She grabbed Anya up and brought her away from the room so that she wouldn't have to hear any more.

"N-no, see, Anya, that was, uh-"

Lily really didn't know what to say about this.

"See, what happened was, no. No. Nonononono. See, you didn't actually hear anything. No, you didn't hear anything. Nothing alarming at all. Whatever you thought you heard can be explained with science. Family friendly science. But we aren't scientists, so it's not out job to decide what you might or might not have heard."

Lily's eye continued to twitch erratically as she hastily lied to Anya. This couldn't happen. She had been so careful! This could not happen now.
Natalya stared incredulously at the kidneys. Well, this was new; she had seen quite a few undead kidneys in her dark past, but she had never had one in her lap (although she once had to bathe in elf kidneys, but that's another story). She poked it with the tip of her finger and it reacted twitching, which Natalya found very funny.

The surgery continued, and with it, surprises kept coming. The kidneys were still there for some reason, even though Achim clearly had two recent scars across his back. Richter kept digging on the man's back in a way that made Natalya cringe. She knew she had to perform the surgery herself: she might not have done it much better, but at least her fingers were tinier.

The old vampire kept extracting small pieces of metal from Achim's back. Razor wire, blades, what seemed like the tip of a syringe, bags, and... wait, was that a microchip? Natalya grabbed it as soon as Richter dropped it on the floor and examined it with her MagiTech eyes. "DPS-21019" was written in one of the diminutive integrated circuits, but that was not the most interesting the the analysis reported. Natalya's eyes widened as her thermograph mode's HUD started printing out data on her artificial retinas. The device was emitting heat... and a signal of its own.

The woman quickly threw Richter's kidney into the bathtub and ran to the nearest table. Swiftly placing the microchip in the middle of it, she punched it with extreme violence; enough to shatter it, but not enough to break the table. "QUICK, WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF THIS PLACE!" - yelled Natalya towards the vampire - "THEY KNOW WE ARE HERE!"

"But if I didn't hear anything, what was that noise? Is Susie okay?" Anya asked, as her eyes began to grow moist. Even here, in Lily's arms, she was clearly increasingly uncomfortable.

"I still don't understand what a meat urinal is."
Susie continued to enjoy the footage. It was a euphoric collection that Death Mask's Studio brought. She lowered her free hand, and left it close to her thigh. All the while she made sure B20 had a close access to the video system. "Oooooooooh~ Did you see that scene!?" She said enthusiastically as she grinned at Ferdie. "Damn they really bent those legs in a really efficient manner. Ju-"

Susie quickly interrupted, "Look at that tibia! Look at how it fractured and pierced through the skin! OH! OH AND IT IS STILL SQUIRITING! EEEE!" She squeed out delighted. Ferdie chuckled, "Damn, they musta pumped him with tons of iron supplements before the shot. Oooor it's fake." Tilting her head, Susie peered closer at the TV, pressing her nose against it. "If the Television was in better condition, we could confirm whether or not the relic used fake or real stuff for that squirting scene. Still! It is a magical moment."

Truly, this was a glorious find.

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