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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

John turned around to go back with the others, but as he did he swore, just for a second, there was another him standing there, smiling back at him. He blinked and it was gone. He wondered if it was real. He went back to his home, crashed on the bed and fell asleep. While he dreamed he saw the figure again, it was him in a black suit. He was smiling as he said, "Well would you look at that, everyone else is gone from here. I suppose that leaves just us now, right?" John tossed and turned in his sleep.
Grace returned to a dark and silent house. Remembering that her family was supposed to be out until late tomorrow, she made her way upstairs and into her bedroom. It wasn't long before she fell asleep as well.
Dan woke up and went downstairs to eat breakfast. His butler Buddy stood beside him. "Master Dan, you have a meeting today." "Oh thanks bud."
Raika and chirpy were still sleeping. After a few minutes raika woke up. She rubbed her eyes " what should I make for breakfast...." she muttered
(It is Sunday in the rp!)

Adara woke up in her bed, a bit surprised upon finding out that she did. Sitting up, she looked around in confusion- trying to gather things but it didn't take long to figure it all out.

"I must've fell asleep while deciding on whether or not to enter the TV..." she mumbled groggily. Immediately after her words, she clasped hands to her mouth. But quickly did her hands leave from her mouth when she realized there was no Hank in her room watching her sleep.

Taking her sweet time, she crawled out of bed and stumbled out of her room, scanning the area of her home for any signs of police officers. Surprisingly there was no Hank and there sure wasn't any...

She looked down in shame as she thought of the scenes from last night. Oakley had proven to be the exact same as everybody else..and why did it even surprise her? Such thoughts were bitter, and she probably shouldn't be so judgmental but..

"Who can even blame me?" she mumbled to herself as she turned around and re-entered her bedroom. She needed a nice, long shower and...probably something to eat though. Honestly though, she was dreading every bit of it. She didn't really know what to do in such a groggy state- even the idea of laying back down in her bed and deteriorating sounded like suffering effort. Sighing she decided to take a seat at the edge of her bed and began to think- her mind null.
Yukaze woke up and let out a huge yawn as he rose from the bed. "Man the tv world tired me out, I need to practice with my persona more" Yukaze said to himself. He threw the covers off as he got out of bed, he was still sleepy as he slammed his toe into one of the bed legs. "DAMN IT" Yukaze yelled out in pain as he held his foot.

After a bit he sighed, "well today's already a going so well" he said opening the door to his room. He walked downstairs to the living room feeling hungry.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Raika was making omlets and she jumped when she heard yukaze yell. She looked out of the kitchen and saw yukaze " morning.....is something wrong?" She asked a little worried.
John woke up with a start in a cold sweat. He showered and got ready for the day as he went down to his Grandparent's restaurant. He worked on getting the place cleaned up and ready to open, he planned on working here until the others arrived, assuming they went ahead and followed his advice and met him. He sighed as he cleaned the tables and floors and got the cash register system online. He really hoped they didn't blow him off.
"Agh...no nothing's wrong just stubbed my toe" Yukaze said giving a reassuring smile. Suddenly little footsteps were heard and behind him upstairs, as he turned around suddenly the red hair figure flung herself at Yukaze and wrapped her and held onto him. "Kotori...crap" he said as he started to stumble then fell down the stairs backwards falling down the stairs. He hit his head the rest of the way down then finally stopped. "Owww" Yukaze said rubbing his head, "what was that for" he said annoyed looking at the still clinging girl.

She looked up, "I thought you were hurt when you yelled, so I came to make sure you were alright yuki" she said sadden and embarrassed.

Yukaze looked at her, "you kinda made it worse" he said to her. She looked down sad, he patted her head. "Don't be sad I'm happy you were worried about me, don't worry it was just a stubbed toe" Yukaze said reassuring her. She looked up and nodded, She stood up and stopped clinging to him. Yukaze smiled and started thinking,'she's always like that ever sense that incident, I'm all she has seeing as our parents are never home' he thought sadly.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Chirpy woke up from the noise " what happened? " he yawned and saw kotori and yukaze. Raika ran over and helped the two up. " are you guys ok?!" She asked worriedly.
Grace woke later than usual; last night's events had tired her out. Thankfully, it was a Sunday, which meant she could rest--wait. John had invited them over last night. Hoping that she wouldn't be too late, she hurried to get ready and walked over to the restaurant. She glanced up at the sign, making sure she was at the right place, before walking in.
Yukaze nodded "thanks Raika" he said to her happily. Kotori was surprised to see Raika again, "yay your back" she hugged her tightly. Yukaze laughed, "you know she comes her often, you shouldn't be this surprised to see her" he said to Kotori. She just hugged Raika and smiled.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
Raika laughed and hugged kotori " dont forget sleep...you guys have a very comfy couch" she said to yukaze " oh and I am making omlets! " she added happily.
John's grandpa greeted Grace at the door, "We are just about to open, but we aren't quite open yet. Can I help you?" The old man looked at her, "Oh wait! Are you here to see John? If so whip his lazy ass into shape, he needs a good woman." John came out from the back room just in time to hear this, "Grandpa what the hell?" as he said this his Grandma walked by, "He's right John. You need a good strong woman in your life, whip you into shape like I whipped your grandpa into shape, you are far too lazy." His grandma looked at Grace, "Promise you'll make Johnboy into a hard working man. Sorry you have to deal with this good-for-nothing lazy boy." John looked indignant, "I'm not that lazy!" John sighed as he gripped the bridge of his nose, "Sorry Grace, they're always like this."
"Yum" they said together and headed over to the table. 'Man I'm starving I forgot to eat last night thanks to the tv world' Yukaze thought to himself. He noticed chirpy sitting in the couch and had almost forgot about him. "Chirpy how'd you sleep he said then added, "you know you don't have to cook for us always Raika" Yukaze said feeling a little bad.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
"Th-That's alright." Grace insisted, despite the blush warming her face. It had risen more and more with his grandparents' words. She was thankful when John had come so she didn't have to hear it any longer.
Mitsuko groaned as her cell went off yet again, and so early in the morning too. Or at least, for Mitsuko it sure as hell was. In the midst of straightening out her hair she pulled out her cute little red phone with the panda charm and opened up to reveal:


Hey. U busy?

Such a direct and to the point text. But that was much too typical for Daisuke. Rolling her eyes, she texted back.


Well...Glenn wanted me to hang out.


Y? Miss me? :tongue:


Not particularly.


Jw if u wanted to hang out.


That's all

Mitsuko couldn't help but to giggle at Daisuke's text. As she read each text she could imagine the boy's monotonous face, saying this with eyes that reminded you of a lost puppy's. Shaking her head, she decided to just go with it.


Alright. Where u wanna meet up?


...But I thought u said you were hanging out w/ Glenn?


What do I care? I can just say my head hurts RLLY badly lol! Come on name me a place tiger! :wink:

Mitsuko waited on Daisuke's reply when she smelt something...off... like burning? Gasping she ripped the straightening iron off from her hair and let out a scream.

"Oh my shit!" she shouted as she messed with her fried hair. Thank god it wasn't burnt off clean! Today was already going to prove to be...quite the day.

"Well at least it's only Daisuke..." she mumbled, almost ready to cry at her hair. If she had to cut it...ooh lets not even think about that!
Raika laughed at the two and went back to the kotchen and continued to cook. Chirpy answered as he yawned " I slept well" he went over and sat at the table. Raika served the food and said with a smile " I dont mind, I love to cook for you guys" she sat next to kotori " kotori get ready after breakfast all of us are going to the amusement park~" she chimed.
John facepalmed as he looked at Grace, "Old man I think you're going senile." John's grandpa looked indignant, "I'm still under 80, I'm not allowed to be senile. Now when I turn 80 you can bet your sweet ass I'm going to be senile, and you'll just have to deal with it because I'll be old and respected in the community!" John sighed, "Respected my ass. I'm not sure anyone even knows you, at least no one who doesn't come in here." He shook his head, "Anyway Grace, someplace you have in mind where we can talk?"
Grace smiled in amusement at John and his grandfather's interaction. At John's question she looked back at him. "Talk? Well, there's always the riverbank or the park."
"Let's go to the riverbank" John said as he walked out with Grace. "Sorry that you had to deal with my old man. He's senile, he knows, it, he just denies it whenever he's in public." John scratched his head, "So, really sorry about that, anyway so what exactly happened yesterday?"
"It's fine." Grace repeated. "Do you mean the tv world? I think I explained about as much as I could about that...or do you mean how the Shadow turned into a persona?"
Kotori jumped with joy as she heard this and started to eat her food fast. Yukaze laughed "well that's great to hear, I hope you guys have fun" he said happily not hearing the all of us part as he was eating.

from the legendary Shiro Okami
John shook his head, "I meant the shadows, where did they come from? When do they manifest? Why do they require being in the TV world? Who made them? Are they a part of us or are they developed? Can they become self-aware? Where did the world even come from?"

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