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Fandom Percy Jackson RP

"I dont even know how I got it, much less how to putit away." He chuckled nervously until he noticed Pheonix pass out. "God! Is she alright? We're gonna need some medicine or something!" Not even caring, he thrust the sword at the air and willed it away, wanting to help the girl who fainted in front of him. The sword vanished and he rushed to kneel by her side.
Hunter, with what he dubbed piston mode, quickly got to Pheonix's side as she passed out, hitting the ground, and picked her up bridal style "come on we'll take her to the medical tents, I explain this stuff to you there, and it's gods buddy" he said as he started towards the camp.
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Hunter looked down at the red head in his arms when she started to mumble, finally getting to the tents he laid her down in one of the cots and turned to the other male "Well I believe you need an explanation, you might wanna sit down though."
Hunter thought for a moment on how to start "Well, first off The Greek god are real, and your the son of Hades" he said nonchalantly, and waited for that to sink in
Klaus sighed and began to walk away, he honestly didn't know where he was going but continued to walk anywhere. after a few minuets of walking he arrived at a forge and smirked "are you serious dad" he mumbled to himself, he sighed and took of his scarf and jacket and throwing on an apron he held his hand out to the furnace and concentrated, it heated up to the exact temperature he needed that's all he could do at the moment was make things heat up but he felt proud of himself. he got to work forging a Bronze sword with Greek engravings that spelt out "He who caries this sword shall be victories" he felt a little cheesy for engraving it but o well it was to late
Sean blinked a few times. "Umm, yeah. Alright, I guess." He shook his head suddenly. "Wait, no, what? The Greek gods, as in Zeus, Hercules, etc? And im the son of the god of death?"
Hunter looked towards Pheonix as she turned and mumbled, before looking back at Sean "Yes, the fact that there was an all out brawl with a chimera, minotaur, and Cyclops is proof, and your the son of the god of the underworld, as thanatos is the god death, not Hades"
"Right. Such a big difference." He muttered, then see me to realize soemthing. "The what about that symbol? And the beanie? And the sword?"
She opened her eyes a bit and she rubbed them before fully opening them,"H-How long was I-I out? A-and did I t-talk in m-y sleep?" She yawned a bit and sat upright to stare at the two confused. "And how did I get here?!" She looked around.
Hunter took each question in stride "the symbol was Hades claiming you as his son, I have no clue about the beanie except that it's probably a gift from Hades, and the sword is most likely a gift as well probably just have to will it to come and go" he said moving a chair to sit in, before looking a the girl "Not very, yes, and I carried you"
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Sean blinked a few times. "Well, im putting on putting damn beanie." He pulled it out and placed it on his head, totally oblivious to the fact that it cause shim to become invisible. "So, youre like, my half sister then."
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"Well Harry Potter i guess I am,but call me sissy or sister I will most likely hurt you." She laughed at her joke and got up,"Welp..I think I'm done here,Harry potter,Mr.Know it all.." She bowed and left the tents laughing because of her clever jokes.
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Hunter watch Pheonix walk out of the tent before coughing loudly with a 'song bird' in there
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After finishing the sword Klaus had no idea what to do with it he didn't use swords that's why he had a hammer. He threw it on the table next to him, it landed with a loud clank and hummed for a little before stopping "Eh maybe someone will take it" he shrugged and took his apron off replacing it with his jacket and scarf he walked away from the forge and back into the camp he sighed when he didn't see anyone and he began to walk around aimlessly
She rolled her eyes at the last part and went to train somewhere,at least one person knew what was going on at this camp except the leaders and herself,since they basically lived here their whole life. She went to the targets and got her daggers out,she took out a red bandana she carries around her and puts it around her eyes,this has been a normal routine for so long that the leaders consider it safe. She pointed her first one at the target she was facing,"I'm feeling risky so I'll do it backwards." She told herself as she faced her back to the target,she aimed her dagger sideways so it'd hit the target and she threw. The dagger landed straight in the center and she moved onto the next one.
Kaden's eyes fluttered open. He saw the bright blue and a few clouds. He laid there on the forest floor trying to shake off the grogginess. After a few more seconds, the young man sat up. How long was he out he wondered. It couldnt have been that long judging from the sky. He touched his head and felt dry blood caking his hair. He looked around for the monster corpses but didn't see any which meant they went back to Tartarus. He scanned his surroundings for monsters. Once they got a wiff of his blood, they'd be swimming the place but luckily that hadn't happened and the forest was empty as far as he could tell.

Kaden got to his feet. He moved slowly, his body still exhausted. He'd been on the move for days without food or sleep. He changed his mind about hoping more monsters showed up. If they attacked now, he'd me monster chow. He hoped if that happened, he'd give the monsters bubble guts. The boy grabbed his sword and sheathe from the floor and slide the blade in its home. He used his sword as a cane as he started to move.

Some time later, he found a river. It wasn't too big or too small and he could see his surrounds clearly without trees being in the way. He'd just finished splashing the cool, refreshing water on his face when the image of a sign that read, "Camp half-blood" popped into his head. He sat back and stared at the sky. Camp half blood. A place for demigods to be protected from monsters while they learn how to defend themselves from monsters like that minotaur. Not many knew of its existence. Kaden knew, in fact he lived there once upon a time. But that was a long time ago. He hated that place and now he was forced to go back

With a sigh, he continued his journey for camp half-blood, war ender in his hand ready to be drawn at a moments notice. This sword was the only thing good he got out of that camp. He clenched his eyes shut as he pushed away at memories that wanted his attention. Instead, he thought about his father and what he had told him.

Ares had asked Kaden to to return to the camp to warn them. Warn them of who or what, Kaden didn't know or care. He had no attachments to the camp. Once he delivered the message he'd leave again. The only reason the boy agreed to the task was because his father had always been kind and watched over him. He'd never tell him no. He clutched his blade as he picked up the pace. He wasn't too far off from the camp. He wanted to get this over with.
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Hunter decided to take his leave soon after, as he was about to exit he turned around "And dude, remember to take that beanie off, people need to see you" he said before continuing on his way, after awhile he started to wonder why Chiron wasn't doing his job, then realized he hadn't seen Chiron at all
She directly faced this target this time and adjusting her blindfold her threw the dagger which embedded it's blade into the center,as always. "I never miss..hm." She smirks as she throws the blade again into a target,still hitting dead center. She does this process with the remaining ones and so far she's hit all of them in the bullseye marking. She takes the blindfold off and stores it into her pocket,humming she walks around the camp gate,sometimes acting as if she was a guard then laughing it off. She leaned against a tree and sighed,her red hair onto her shoulders and her blue eyes filled with comptentment,she stood there for what seemed like hours. And she saw a figure in the distance.
After what felt like hours of walking, the demigod finally saw the camp gates. He saw the sign that read, "camp half-blood". He wanted to puke. Gods he hated this place. He inhaled deeply, still walking towards the camp. Kaden saw a figure standing guard at the gate. Her red hair easy to spot in the distance.

He made his way to her and glared. She was no older than him probably the same age. The boy glared a moment longer before speaking.

"Where is Chiron?" He asked plainly.

@Misuki Tatsumi
"Nowhere to be seen." She answered back,just as plainly as he did,spinning a dagger in between her fingers. She needed to keep a reputation of being the 'Cold,Emotionless one' in camp and since she met someone with that she probably can't trust. She can't just throw her emotions out there so carelessly. "What exactly do you need,kid? She asked shifting her weight to lean one shoulder against the tree.
Asher was sitting on the beach hoping his dad would talk to him. He continued to play with the water, while having the shadows come to him to keep him cool. Nobody understands what it is like being the son of a primordial. So much temptation and anger, but I could never hurt my family right?" Asher continued to question himself and the shadows seemed to draw near him even more, because of his doubt and fright.
Elizabeth wandered the ought he camp, still kind of confused. She noticed a boy sitting on the bench and asked, "uh, Ash, right? Could you explain a little bit of what happened back there?" She stood close to the bench, not wanting to invade any personal space on accident.

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