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Fandom Percy Jackson RP

"Oh y..yeah." Asher quickly whipped some tears away, and started to say, "Since so many powerful half-bloods came to the camp gate. You guys kinda attracted a lot of monsters with you. So you guys started fight them off, and the one girl flipped out, and I got angry, because she wouldn't stop to see we were helping her, and I kind lost control of my powers." Asher said this as a stray tear fell form his eye, and he tried to put on his best playful smile.
Elizabeth smiled, sitting next to him and resting a hand on his shoulder before retracting it. "Well, it was awesome. Your powers are super cool, I don't even understand mine or know who my dad is."
Would you mind if I took a close look at your eyes?" Asher asked as he blushed a little from Elizabeth touching his shoulder.
"Oh. Oh, um, sure." She leaned slightly closer, opening her eyes wider. "Can I ask why though?"
Kaden watched the girl curiously. He was searching her face of any hint that she was lying. He didn't find any but what he saw in her eyes amused him a bit. The boy let a small chuckle escape his lips then moved past the girl, ignoring her question. He didn't want to talk anyone but the centaur. Kaden didn't want to answer to anyone but him.
To see who your parents is. So from what I can tell I think you are a daughter of Zeus. Umm a very pretty daughter of Zeus." Asher started to blush from being so close with Elizabeth. "So You are pretty powerful then." Asher could smell the ozone on her. She looked really cute form where he sat.
Wow, lol, lots happened while I was gone, huh? xD

(the sun was starting to go down as all the new demigods started to become acquainted with their new home)

Alana: (went out and started the giant campfire. She brought tons of s'more ingredients, and sat down on one of the many benches; waiting for the other campers to come and sit with her to start their nightly bon-fire events)
"Really?" She blinked, staring into his eyes. "Then you must be the son of...hmm..." She blinked, tilting her head. "I dunno, but whoever they are, they're incredible. Posidan, maybe?" She could smell the slightest hint sea on him and tilted her head. "You aren't bad yourself, by the way."
Bonita walked around the camp, she didn't have any siblings so she spent her times with the other campers. She had just arrived form the lake and she was soaking wet, only because she wanted to feel the water on her skin. She was making her way back to her cabin.

Ginny has been talking to the tree nymphs since they knew her real parents. When she left to explore more of the camp, she caught a glimpse of Asher flirting with another girl, Mother was right, she thought. She decided to go see what Alana was doing, "Hey Alana!"
Alana: (heard someone calling her name, and saw Ginny coming) Hey! What's up? Want some s'mores? :)
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Ginny had an adorable puzzled look on her face, like a lost puppy in a mall. "What are s'mores?" She asked innocently, sitting down next to Alana.
Alana: You've never heard of s'mores?! Well, you're in for a real treat! It's like a sandwich, but instead of bread, you make them with graham cracker, marshmallow, and chocolate! They're very good :3 Want one? (hands Ginny the one she was about to eat)
Ginny hesitated, "What if it's poisonous?" She asked, but she looked at Alana and she wore a smile, I guess if she's sure it's good, but what in Gaia's name is a sandwich?, she thought. Either way Ginny accessed the s'more and took a slight nibble, "mm, this is great" she said, her eyes brightened with joy.
Alana: (giggles as she makes another) So, did you need anything? Or did you just wanna sit with lil' old me and enjoy the fire? :)
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Asher leaned over and kissed Elizabeth on the cheek and looked out to the sea blushing. "I'm sorry if i took that to far. If you do't like me I understand." Asher said as he brought hi knees to his chest, and sighed into this knees. @Altaynna
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Alana: (as she's talking to Ginny, she looks over the camp to see if anyone else was coming to the fire, and sees Asher kissing another girl) O-oh... (makes a sad smile, as she stares at her burning marshmallow)
Astra glared at everything... Everything was annoying at the moment. Probably because fire goat was chasing her again. It melted her sword and burnt her hoodie, nearly burning her sensitive ears. She didn't know what the heck was real and what was fake... Fire goat and lion weren't helping. Nearing something she thought was her destination, Astra felt a familiar prickly sensation in her legs. "Oh no, not now!" She cried and tried to run faster. "Heeeelp!"
Ginny sees a fake smile on she turned and saw Asher kiss another girl, she immediately looked back at Alana and sighed, "My mother was right about my cousin, he's a player but a nice guy. I just met him today myself. Oh I'm so sorry Alana." She gave her a sincere hug and she was suddenly angry at Asher. She wasn't trying to be but she hates that he hurt Alana's feeling, Ginny's skin became ice cold and rain clouds were forming over her head.
Astrana: (hugs her back) Thanks, Ginny. (feels Ginny becoming ice-cold, and she notices the rain clouds over her head) Woah
Astra tripped and fell on her face before pulling herself into....... A strawberry field. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE GODS AM I DOING HERE!?" She shouted, grabbing a bright red strawberry and shoving it in her mouth.

((Aww bai))

Ginny blushed, "I'm sorry, it's hard for me to control my powers" she said. Ginny heard another voice barely. Suddenly before Ginny realized what was happening she had cat ears and tail, she was able to hear the voice clearer, and she was able to trace it. "Hello!?" She cried out.
Astra froze, looking around. "I really am crazy..." She muttered as she nibbled on strawberries with her fluffy white tail swishing back and forth on the ground.

((Gotta go as well.))
Hunter saw Asher kiss another girl near the fire pits, noticing the storm clouds randomly from Ginny as week, where Alana saw. This made Hunter livid for a reason he couldn't explain, so deciding to vent he strides over to Asher with a killing look in his eye, before grabbing the demi-primordial's shirt collar with his left and swung with a right hook to his face with every drop of energy related attack the blonde could think of, making his the strike come close to one from Kratos (Google him if in mythology for the reason) he heard his own muscles tear from the force of the punch alone, Hunter didn't care he would make Asher pay for hurting Alana.
Ginny saw Hunter start to attack Asher, she panicked and ran to him, ice and snow prints left behind after each step she took. "Leave him alone Hunter!" She said defending her older cousin, she grabbed Hunter's hand, "Just please, he can't help it if he's the worst cousin in existence" she said sadly, tears falling down her cheeks and her new cat ears flopped down to show her sadness.
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