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Fandom Percy Jackson RP

Klaus just sat back and watched as the other campers took down monster after monster "They got this no problem" he said to him self as he watched the battle go down. he kept a tight grip on his belt ready to help if they needed it but from the looks they really didn't. he saw one guy kill what looked to be a minotaur and let his grip on the belt loosen a little "hm interesting "he said as he watched the beast turning into dust
"Good,Now like I said you might feel a slight cut." She used the blade of her sword to cut his arm,she pulled her sword back and put it in her belt,His blood dripped onto the forest floor and evaporated quickly. "Hmm,interesting." She murmured as the flames near Sean's feet dissapeared in thin air "I may have to talk to one of the leader about this.." She nodded before walking away back into the camp.
Asher walked to the front of the the camp form taking a nap on the beach. "Oh come on every time there is a monster attack I miss it." ASher then punched the air next to him making a ice trident. He then threw it and pierced a cyclops in the eye sneaking on one of the new half-bloods.
Elizabeth took a deep breath, ignoring everything that told her to scream. "Can. Anyone. Explain. What. Just. Happened?" Her speech was halting, and trembled slightly in rage.
She turned around and her light blue eyes seemed to peer straight into his soul as she glared at him,"Nothing of your concern kid." She snapped as she continued walking to the leaders cabin.
"Oh no you don't!" Sean moved in front of her, practically spitting the words out. "You sliced my arm, it involves me, and I. Want. To. Know." He growled, looking around for support.
Asher got pissed off, and yelled, "Everybody shut the hell up, and calm down." AT this point Asher had a green, blue, and purple aura that was glowing. His eyes were glowing bright sickly poison green. "Now all of you talk in a clam manner and take turns." Asher pointed to the guy with the cut arm. "Okay kid you're first."
She rolled her eyes at his antics,it was a huge mistake to snap at her,after all,she was the daughter of Hades. "Listen kid,like I said, it's none of your concern and If you want to make it out of this camp alive,I'd advise you to move." She growled as her hair was getting redder and her eyes glowed an orange. If she was angry she would completely flip out and turn all demon on everyone here. But she always kept her cool by reading or meditating.
Like you could kill me. Let me guess you're a daughter of hades. Well hate to break it to you. I am his grandson, and a son of pontus primordial of water, and liquids. So have fun trying to kill me. So leave if you want, but make sure if you leave, you leave for good, because brats like you don't belong with an army, that is made up of family.
Sean nodded. "Right. Okay. I wanna know what's going on. What's with the ancient monsters, the glowing symbol, the girl slicing open my arm and saying its none of my business, and that booming noise before. And the sword and Beanie. It's like they appeared from nowhere." He took a deep breath and looked around. "Any answers?"
She left without another word,now she Really needed peace and quiet. "Stupid arrogant brats..they think they're all this and a flaming cup of coolness..newsflash kid,nobody cares!" The female yelled out loud to nobody in particular,She ran into the woods and got out her sword,she hit a tree that thankfully didn't inhabit a nymph. She started hitting over and over just to let her steam out,her sword glowed and burst into flames when she hit the tree,which then caused the whole tree to set fire. "Wonder-Fucking-Ful!" She yelled out as she dropped her hands and stood there watching the tree burn. "I always make things burst into flames..god I hate my life!" She punched another tree right next to her and she clutched her bleeding hand. "Ow! Jesus Christ!"
Hunter noticing the fight had died down picked up his sword and the lion's pelt, before trying to recreate what had happened to him, blatantly ignoring the other campers, he closed his eyes and focused, when he opens them again the world and reverted to the silhouette and flames, bit it wasn't the same the world still moved, he looked at his hand with his sword and saw his own silhouette with the flames, all in all this didn't feel as surrealistic. Deciding to look around with his new vision he noticed he could see the flames through walls and such.
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Elizabeth raised a brow at Phoenix's disappearance. "What's with her? We don't understand what's going on so she gets mad at us?"
She managed to bandage up her hand with a couple leaves and vines,it wasn't authentic but it would do,she sat down by the lake and started singing softly. Now she isn't really the type to show much emotion but she needed to remain calm,it was almost stupid to her that these kids had no idea what was going on,did no one here explain anything to them? Why couldn't they have figured it out earlier? It was completely idiotic but this was Pheonix,the teenager who basically lived here her whole life. "Now I fall in love just a little,oh little bit everyday with someone new." She kept singing.
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Blood dripped from a cut on Kaden's lip but the young man still smiled. His eyes showed joy and thrill. His white hair was had fresh blood from a gash on the top of his head. Fresh blood meant more misters would come soon. Kaden hoped they would. The young man held his beloved sword, "war ender" in a reverses grip as he bent his knees with his left leg in front and positioned his left hand crossed in front of his face with his sword hand a bit behind him.

He looked at the beast in front of him with one eye seeing as how blood had began to drip over his left one. The beast was huge with a bulls head and red eyes full of hate. Its body was somewhat human but with a bull's hine legs. Kaden quickly wiped away the blood and grinned at the minotaur, its muscular arms holding an ax that was stained with the blood of demigods.

The beast grew impatient. It charged Kaden. The creature was fast for its size. It moved quickly, closing the distinct in a matter of seconds. With a roar, the minotaur swing its ax in a deadly horizontal arc. Up until now the monster hadn't shown Kaden many openings but now the creature just opened himself wide up. Kaden moved swiftly, ducking the ax. The momentum from the weapon had force the monster to finish its swinging motion, leaving itself expoxed...

Kaden spun, flicking his wrist out and cutting war ender deep into the minotaur's exposed side. The weapon hissed and steamed as it made contact, forcing the monster to drop its weapon and stumble backwards. Mistake. Kaden became like a blood hound. Smelling blood, fear and hesitation. The son of the war god went on the offensive. He pounced at the monster, moving inhumanly fast. He attacked with his blade, giving the monster a fury of swipes, thrusts and kicks until finally the best fell to its knees and Kaden had taken off the monsters head with a swipe of war ender.

The demigod fell on his ass, breathing heavily. He was exhausted. He hasn't had to fight so hard since he'd first found out about the world of gods and myths. He looked up to the sky, wondering if his father, Ares was watching him. He knew if he was his father would be proud. Kaden later back on the forest floor and closed his eyes. The gentle breeze feeling all too good on his skin. Within seconds, the boy dozed off while all around him, the bodies of 7 minotaur he'd defeated retured to Tartarus.
As Hunter was looking around the forest he was somewhat listening to the group of demigods, 'This will be useful' he thought as he noticed a female figure sitting near water with his new ability, turning the vision off, which made him trip out a little, he decided to see if she was ok walking towards her, he heard singing and realized it was from the girl. he stood behind the red head not making any noise as he listened to her voice.

@Misuki Tatsumi
"Don't take this the wrong way,you knew who I was every step that I ran to you." She grabbed a rock and tossed it into the lake as she was singing,she already knew someone was behind her so she smiled a bit while watching the rock skip over the surface of the water before saying,"I know you're there..you don't have to hide." She took another rock and tossed it. She said that in a soft tone,giving her away,but she didn't care. And besides it's not a crime to give away your emotions. Like she says occasionally 'If it doesn't define who you are or who your character is,then why should it matter?'
Hunter shifted his weight before walking next to the girl and sat down "Your voice is beautiful you know." He said to the girl as he stared out at the lake "Names Hunter by the way."
Pheonix blushed a bit before replying,"I-It's not that good.." She was being a bit truthful to herself and Hunter "And I'm Pheonix In case you didn't know." She looked at the beautiful landscape in front of her,she was getting a bit nervous because she hadn't been around boys that much,in fact she hasn't been near that much people in general from what she's witnessed at the camp.
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Sean sighed and jogged after Phoenix, and heard her speak. "Look, im sorry for back there. I wasnt thinking, and whatever this is is just so new to me, I dont understand any of it. Could you please try and explain it to me-oh. I dodnt mean to interupt you, im sorry." He scratched his head awkwardly, what with the sword and beanie still in his hand.
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Hunter looked back when heard another male's voice, and saw the newest male at camp, and noticed his sword still in use "No problem man, you might want to put the sword away though."
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She turned back and stood up,ready to leave again until she heard him say his apologies,for the daughter of Hades she was pretty forgiving,"I-It's fine..a-and you weren't interrupting..I-I was just gonna l-leave." She stuttered awkwardly and she walked away again. I need a break..this is too much and right after she took a couple steps,she passed out right then and there in front of the two people she wanted to walk away from. This was an exasusting day for her and she wasted it on fighting and speaking,her powers were wasted as well and that's why she passed out,right then and there.

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