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Fandom Percy Jackson RP

he stops in front of the cabin "thanks I might have never found it" he smiled and walked into the cabin and noticed it was empty he looked up to the celling "what you couldn't have anymore children dad" he shook his head and threw his book bag on a bed that was closest to a wall and sighed he took off his belt and pressed a button of the buckle, as the belt took form a humming sound started until the Hammer was fully formed Klaus smiled and gave the hammer a swing a humming sound vibrating through the air as he did so he looked down at the hammer and sighed before taping the end of the hammer and put it back on when it turned into a belt, he walked out the cabin and looked around "what do I do know" he said to him self as he walked around aimlessly
Penny noted the scene unfold with Alana and Ashar, she smirked finding the scene awfully cute. She lived alone in a forest for most of her life with human interaction only found in books and the occasional camper or TV. It was nice to see it now in real life. "You lad, real smooth. "She commented to Ashar before turning to get into her cabin,
"Dammit!" Elizabeth sprinted down the abandoned road, going as fast as she could down the dirt road. Death hounds snarled at her heels and what she thought was a chimera wasn't far behind. Her two blades at her side, she searched for higher ground to fight at to give her an advantage. "Go away, you stupid spawn of hell!!"
Sean sprinted down the road, a Minotaur not too far behind. He growled, sprinting faster. He didn't know what to do, he didn't know why a Minotaur was there, he didn't understand! What was going on!? He spotted a forest ahead and ran towards it quickly. What the hell was going on? Or, rather, what in hell?!
Alana: (can hear the roars and growls of monsters near the entrance of the camp. She immediately runs over to the gate, drawing her bow and a golden arrow, waiting for the right time to strike)
Sean sprinted through the woods, only to see another girl running a few feet ahead of him. "You too?!" He yells at her, scared for his life as he glances behind him, before seeing a camp in front of him. "God yes" He breathes, putting on a final burst of speed to reach it.
Zoe Than wrapped her arms around her thin frame and walked through the woods silently. She was making her way to camp, by herself, in the dark. She hates this. It's not her time, but she can't help but feel scared that her aunt will slip and cut her string before her mother tells her aunt to. Zoe looked up. Camp is just up ahead. Good. She can make it there safely. Right? Of course.

When Zoe made it across the camp line she smiled at the beautiful grounds before her. "Hello there, Camp Half-Blood!" She greeted the camp, though to no one in particular. Zoe strolled down the hill, smiling.
Alana: (sees the monsters, chasing two other demi-gods, and she starts to shoot at the hell hounds and Chimera) Come on, you two! You can do it! Go, go, go!
Hunter heard a commotion from the gates and decided to check it out, when he got there he saw a pair running the chimera and minotaur, pulling out his sword out of pure reflex, his mind in overdrive to find a away to help, before noticing the Nemean lion pelt that no one picked up a little ways away "Give me cover fire on the chimera and I'll keep the minotaur busy!" He said as he sprinted towards the pelt, dashing through the couple in the opposite direction. When he got near the pelt he dove into a roll picking the impenetrable hide as he went "HEY LONGHORNS" he cried getting the minotaur's attention
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Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief at the girl shooting. "Yeah, monsters!" She yelled to the boy, before putting on a burst of speed and spinning on her heel and pointing her sword at the chimera. She let out a scream and suddenly lightning streamed through her one raised blade, through her body and out the other blade, slowing and stunning the Chimera. Elizabeth froze, unsure. How had she done that? She had never done that before. Heck, the only thing she knew her whole life was her strange mom, and the constant stream of monsters. What had she done and how?
Sean heard a boom behind him, and, frightened, stretched his arm into the air and screwed his eyes shut, wishing he had a damn weapon! Suddenly, he felt a smooth grip in his hand and pulled back, the heavy weight of a sword suddenly resting against his palms. He was shocked, before trying to follow the other girls example. He spun on his heel and wobbled, before raising the sword awkwardly in front of him. Suddenly he was staring into the eye of a cyclops, and instinct sprang in. Suddenly his knee was moving in a swift uppercut, jumping upwards as he did so. The cyclops doubled over and he leapt onto his back, the blade driving straight through his back. And just as quickly, the monster burst into dust. He coughed, before staring surprised at the sword he was suddenly wielding, than at his hands. What...what had happened? He felt a...black glow, almost, and stared forward, unknowingly displaying the sign of a glowing clack skull above his head.
Lilly: (shoots the last of the hell hounds with her last arrow, the dog yelping and bursting into dust. She loses the bow and and empty quiver as she drew her dagger, ready to help the other fight off the other monsters)
Hunter saw other half-bloods killing their monsters with an almost practiced ease, while he was avoiding or blocking the minotaur's strikes, though while he was slightly distracted, the bull man swung his omega sign shaped axe hitting the pelt Hunter was using for a makeshift shield. Not expecting the powerful strike, Hunter was knocked on his back sword and shield out of hand he saw the minotaur readying the final strike above. Son of Bia closed his eyes ready for the fates to cut his string and send him to the realm of Hades, until he heard feminine a voice in his head 'Son open your eyes and see the world in a way only you can, use the forces around you' it said caringly 'Mom?' He thought before opening his eyes to see the world seemingly frozen in a silhouette type fashion, but around each shadow he saw a different colored flame of sorts red, blue, green, pink, black, any color imaginable. It was breath taking until he saw the bull it was covered with a rusty brown it's axe frozen mid-attack, lifting his hand to try and touch the unmoving strike he noticed he didn't have a silhouette just the fire. After getting up Hunter saw his own shadow still on the ground

(Don't know where I got this idea, but seemed interesting and time is just stopped in Hunter's perspective)
Pheonix ignored the fighting and kept reading,she really needed peace and quiet right now. Sitting outside of her cabin she turned another page. Just ignore it..she thought then she slammed her book shut "That's it!" She yelled and she ran straight up to the gates to see what was going on,her Red hair whipping behind her as she held fire in her hands. She looked up and rolled her eyes. great,just what I needed..another monster attack! The teen thought whilst looking up at the great beasts,"It's gonna get a bit heated up in here!" She yelled,her hands glowing a shade of orange.
ELizabeth snapped out of her stupor, darting forward and sinking her blade through the chimera's neck in opposite directions, the head hitting the ground with a thump as it hit the ground. She noticed the hell hounds running away, and skidded to a stop, staring in awe at the boy next to her. "Holy...what is that?" She noticed the symbol floating above Sean's head and gasped. "Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?!"
Zoe walked down the hill and looked at the monsters. Great. Zoe unclipped her whip from her belt and approached a hell hound, lashing the whip so it wrapped around the hell hounds neck and choked it. Then she climbed her whip onto the hound's back and mounted it like a horse. At that point, Zoe used her whip to completely strangle the dog and kill it. "That was fun."
"What's what? What was that booming noise? What the hell is going on?!" Sean waved his arm above his head, not realizing the symbol was there as it bobbed over his hand. "Who are you people? Where is this? How'd I get this sword? AND WHY IS THERE SUDDENLY A BEANIE IN MY HANDS?" Sean shouted, waving the sudden black beanie in his hand. He spun around, his chest heaving. "Why, how, who..." His voice trailed off as he noticed the other boy underneath a minotaur and his eyes widened. "AND WHAT'S WITH THAT?!"
Pheonix stopped and noticed the sign too,her flames evaporated. "I prefer what the Hades is going on but that's fine too,and I think that's a sign for something." She pointed to the symbol and she frowned,"And to think I'd know what that'd mean after all my time here.." She sighed and held the flames in her hand again,She blew on the flames and they created a spark that went to Sean. "Don't move or this will burn." She warned as the flames surrounded him,creating a ring of fire near his feet,"It's a cage sort of thing,it makes you stay put until I figure out what's going on." She said as if things like this happen everyday for her.
Sean's eyes widened and he stared at her, then at the ground. He blinked twice, then took a deep and shaky breath. "Can you just...what happened here?" His voice was tight and trembled a little at the end, betraying his utter confusion.
Zoe falls to the ground when the dog evaporates. "Hm.... To fight or to not. Fight!" Zoe then saw the Minotaur. Great. Zoe coiled up her whip. She could definitely take this monster. Right? Of course.
"Don't worry kid,I've lived here for most of my life..You'll be fine,I hope." She said casually as she got her sword out,"Are you afraid of swords or knives?" She asked him as she examined her sword carefully. "If you are,just close your eyes because you might feel a slight cut on your arm." She smiled at Sean.
Sean blinked, then slowly shook his head.

(I was going for the claiming from the first book, except with Hades)
Hunter was confused as to what happened to the world 'Is this some form of limbo?' He thought, deciding to test his theory he did tried to grab something, particularly the minotaur, but instead grabbed the rust colored flames which pulled at his arm. Yanking his arm back instantly the flames left the silhouette and reformed like he was, looking around in confusion the minotaur paused, before noticing Hunter and started to attack once more. The blonde soon realized he was faster and stronger here, as he was throwing devastating punches and avoiding more. Throwing a haymaker at the beast's head, it's flames dispersed with the silhouette. The ethereal Male soon collapsed, going blind for a moment before opening his eyes once more to a normal world with a gasp, just in time to see the monster turn into dust suddenly.

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