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Fandom Percy Jackson RP

Ginny looked around, she didn't know if it was safe to say that she was a daughter of Gaia. "Umm... I'm not sure. Probably Demeter or Persephone because I can do this" She said, before making a beautiful rose grow from the ground nervously. Then she saw another boy and she smiled, "Hello I'm Ginny" she said politely. @AnarchyReins
Asher went over and hugged Ginny. He whispered in her. "Hey its okay I know who you are, and my little cousin I will protect you with my life you got that." Asher then smiled, and playfully ruffled her hair. "So Ginny how much do you like water, same question for everyone else." Asher asked as he got a mischievous smile on his face.
Hunter's eyes widen when he heard the primordial name and saw the tree grow from nothing "Well that explains the fish smell, and that's impressive, Names Hunter by the way, son of Bia" he said as he started to shift his weight impatiently almost, "What was that about a tour again?"
Alana: (blushes as she's given the icy rose)(she then sees the water balloon) Naw, come on, they just arrived, let's give them a break. (as she walks away, she whispers to Asher) After the campfire tonight, okay? ;) ) Okay, let's start the tour! Yay! :D (she starts taking them all around the camp, starting with the cabins) Here's where we all live! The cabins are organized under which godly parent you have. For example, since I'm the daughter of Apollo, I'm in Cabin #8 (she points to a golden cabin that's almost blinding from it's bright golden rays)
"Yes, I agree with Hunter. It has been a long journey and we would like to settle in... "She went to say before Alan stepped in and basically said the same thing. She had to admit the girls will energy was infectious and eased Penny's worries lightly. "Nice cabins... Homely and rustic. " She commented.
Okay Alana. So if the guys would like to follow me I will show them the guy version of the tour." With that Asher had started the boys vs girls prank war, but Alana was in for a surprise she was my first target.
Ginny smiled, "How do you know about me?" She asked hugging him back. Yay! I have a family, she thought. "Hey!" She giggled when he ruffled her hair. "Water?! It's fun to play around with" she whispered to him "Being Gaia's daughter and all" She said as she created water out of thin air. "This is fun"
Alana: Hey Ginny! Come over here! I'm going to help you guys settle into your cabins! (to the rest of the girls) So, if I may ask again, who are your godly parents?
Ginny nodded happily, "Okay Alana" she skipped over to her and each step she took beautiful flowers and roses sprouted out of the ground. "Oh I'm sorry, I can't control any of my magic abilities" she said blushing and in embarrassment she lowered her head hiding her face with her ombré hair.
Greekgeek1213 said:
Alana: Hey Ginny! Come over here! I'm going to help you guys settle into your cabins! (to the rest of the girls) So, if I may ask again, who are your godly parents?
"Like I said... I was told I am born from Athena." She said unsure whether to reveal her identity as a gorgon. In any case what she said wasn't a lie, madusa was made a gorgon due to earning the wrath of Athena.
Lets do flash boy." Asher then walked towards the dining hall with Hunter. When he thought they were out of ear shot he said, "Hey Hunter so how are you up for a prank war versus the girls.' Asher said with a mischievous grin on his face.
Alana: Wow, so pretty! :D Anyways, let's get you two settled in the Demeter and Athena cabins! (shows them their respected cabins)
Hunter almost face faulted at what he was called "Really? Flash boy, is that the best you can do?" He said as they walked before growing a smirk when he heard the prank war idea "How can I help? And what about the Hermes kids, I hear they're real good."
Yeah they will be in it too. So have any idea, but to make one thing clear I get Alana, since she is my friend." Asher then blushed as he said that.
Hunter gained a thinking look before he remembered something "My Aunt Nike owes me a few favors so does uncle Kratos, I can call a few of those in?" He asked with a questioning look

Alana: (to Penny and Ginny) Okay, you guys all set? Your counselors will help you with anything you need, and I'm in my cabin whenever you need me! (starts to walk back to her cabin)
Hey Hunter speaking of which I have to go get my target." Asher then ran over to Alana. "Hey Sunshine I have a question." Asher said as he tilted his head to the side, and made a pouty face.
Yeah. Do you wanna go on a date with me tonight??" Marcus asked kneeling down holding a bouquet of violet and sea green roses."
Alana: (blushes) Oh my gosh, yes! (hugs Mangus {did you mean Asher?} and takes the flowers) Oh, I'm so sorry, I gotta run to my cabin! (starts to go to her cabin)
Klaus walks around trying to find his cabin "where the heck is this place" he kept looking with a huff he saw a girl walking and decided to go ask her where his cabin was he ran up to her "Um excuse me I can't find my cabin" he said scratching the back of his head

Hunter walked up to his guide "I can't tell whether that was Aphrodite or not." He said as he was trying to think of a prank "Hey where's the best place for an Iris message?"

Klaus thought for a second trying to remember how to pronounce it he looked down at his belt and smiled "Hephaestus" he said smiling felling proud of his father he looked at the girl


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