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Fandom Percy Jackson RP

Hunter would've continued the assault, if Ginny hadn't halted him, he looked at the new cat girl for a moment, his mind returning to clarity, before his eyes darted back to Asher, still in his grasp. Hunter pulled the other male close to his face, the blondes features contorted into a snarl and eyes gaining an ominous red glowing hue from his energy and emotions, "Stay. Away. From Alana," he said before shoving the blue haired male backwards, and stalked off to try and cool down
Ginny sighed with relief when Hunger stopped, she began to follow him, but she looked over to Asher and nodded with sadness and disappointment before turning her back on him. "So Hunter? Thank you for stopping" she quickly explained the cat ears and tail, "Umm, im going to tell you something that I haven't told anyone. I'm Gaia's daughter and controlling her powers aren't the easiest task" she said innocently, and she was blushing, "I know it's weird"
Hunter looked out of the corner of his eye at the girl "Yeah, kinda figured, I mean seriously I've never seen a child of Demeter create storms or ice, but thanks for the confirmation." He said as he tried to shrug only to hiss in pain as, his torn muscles finally set in, he went to the medical tents for the second time that day, and got some Ambrosia, and nectar to help with his arm. He was still pissed at Asher, though he still couldn't tell why, he really just wanted to chop him up like Kronos before feeding the pieces to Hell hounds, only to toss them into Tartus after chopping them up as well.
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Kaden saw the the blonde clobber the other guy as he was passing by. The boy could feel the blondes killing intent from a distance. He guessed he would've killed the other guy if the cat-girl hadn't stopped him. It would've been interesting to watch but o well. Kaden could've stand being in this place any longer. He couldn't find Chiron, he'd just tell one of the cabin heads and have him pass the message to the centaur. Kaden scanned his surroundings, looking for a way to get someone's attention. He went to the nearest cabin and kicked the door down, knocking it off its hinges and making some noise. They'd probably think they were under attack. Whatever.
Asher took the hit. Then he lost control. His eyes became purple, sea green, and blue no pupils. In the distance you could hear hell hounds howling for the master. The oceans became restless, and it started to rain very hard. Asher's hair started to float from a his power. "You felt good hitting me didn't you, but let me tell you something. Alana is too good for me. I am just a lowly piece of shit, that can't control his powers. I couldn't even protect my mom form a hellhound. So the only thing I am good at is letting people die, and hurting them myself. So why don't you kill me here and know, because if someone doesn't stop me I will lose control over all of my powers." Asher said as the ocean began to flood the camp.
Alana: (sees the fighting going on. She runs towards them and overhears what Asher said to himself) Asher! (notices the water overflowing the camp) Asher, stop! (she grabs his arms) You are NOT a bad person! Bad things might have happened in the past, and we can't change that, no one can! But look around you! We now have a bunch of new friends! It's a new era, and we can change ourselves for the better! If you don't like who you were back then, then change yourself to become the person you want to be! (she then hugs him, burying her face into his chest) Let's help each other and the others become who we want to be, okay? (as the water reaches her ankles) You might want to start now, please.
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Astra stared at the sight, freaking out. "I'm really going insane... Oh well, time to talk to people." She sighed and walked forward a bit. Taking a step back, she decided that Alana and her friend where the best choice. "U-um, hi there?" She whispered, looking up a bit.
Alana: (turns around to see the newest addition to camp) Oh, hi there! Welcome to camp! Uh, well, it usually looks better, but with so many new campers that just came today, everyone's powers have been out of whack :P
Astra blushed and kicked at the ground. "I-i just- wait, what do you mean camp?" She asked, trying to ignore the fur on her leg.
Alana: Well, this is Camp Half-Blood, a safe haven for demigods, and other beings such as certain monsters, creatures, and even gods!
Astra blushed more and pulled her hood up again. "I don't have one actually..." She cringed at the pain in her leg and let out a small hiss.
Alana: (figures it out) Oh, haha sure, of course you are welcome! As long as you follow the rules of the camp, like not killing or maiming anyone, and others, then you can stay as long as you want :)
Alana: Haha, yeah it's pretty weird here. But it's our reality. Do you have a godly parent? Mine's Apollo, god of archery, music, poetry, among other things :)
Astra frowned, "Godly... Parent? No, I'm fairly sure I don't." She shook her head and let the hood fall off, exposing her fluffy white ears.
Astra flushed a bit as her ear twitched. "I had a run in with a fire goat/lion thing on the way here... I blame it for these ears... Oh, I'm Astra... Greek word for star. The name Astrology came from that root word." She said with a shrug. "Um, i-if I wind up shifting, could you maybe not tell anyone it's me?"
Pheonix went back into camp and sighed,"What happened now Alana?" The female asked her. To be honest Pheonix,being the daughter of Hades and all,wanted to see a fight and then she saw the water and panicked "A-Ahh!" She jumped onto the nearest high ground,which turned out to be a person and that person was Alana. "W-Water! H-How'd it g-g-get here!?!" She freaked out,No one really knew she was scared of water but it was kind of obvious since fire and water don't mix.
Astra squeaked, finally noticing the water. "Oh god~Mew! Fudge! Dang nabbit!" She cried, turning to run. "I-i've gotta mew, I mean go." Astra took off to behind a tree, staring at the fur spreading across her arms as she shrank a bit. *Fast Forward a minute* Astra rolled around in her clothes, meowing in protest of being trapped. Being a tiny kitten was not fun.
Astra finally crawled out of the shirt and padded wobbily toward Alana. Looking over, she saw Pheonix, so she wandered over and nudged her. "Mew?"

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