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Fandom Percy Jackson RP

(lol, sorry i haven't replied for a while. my mom took me away to do some errands that took sooooo long to do :P )

Alana: (after a long day of new campers, a swamped out camp, and a cat/human camper, she was pooped out. She went back to the camp fire and tried to relax)
"Wait...you were the...I was stroking..." Ronan went red with embarrassment, but grinned at the situation. "So you're exposed under there?" She was three years younger then him, nothing too bad nor looked down upon. "Well, you can have my shirt for now I guess." Ronan quickly took of his shirt, leaving him with a vest. "There, before I change my mind and take it back. You don't have a lot of time, Astra."
Astra grabbed it and pulled it on, her cheeks flushed. "I really dislike you at the moment..." She muttered, crawling out. The shirt was down to just above her knees, meaning her tail was still exposed, it was flicking back and forth angrily. "You're gonna laugh aren't you..." Astra sighed, looking up at him with twitching ears.
"And I really like you at the moment." Ronan stated as he stepped back to take a better look. "That shirt really suits you. Makes you look cute. Especially with the tail." Ronan winked at Astra and shook his head. "No no no, I'm not going to laugh. Hmph, my brothers cabin is rather plain." He mentioned. "Anyway, it's a massive pleasure to meet you Astra. You are a very beautiful women."
Astra simply glared before kicking him in the shin. She turned and looked at the statue. Of course her father chose to claim her then... With a glowing thing on her head that freaked her out. "ACK! Get it off of me!" She squeaked, swatting at the lightning.
"Hey! Ow!" He complained before the sign of Zeus appeared. "Well. We have another camper for me to put into place." Snapping his fingers he made time slow down so that Ronan could search the camp for her clothes. Maybe that would calm her down. Finding them behind a certain tree, Ronan ran back, easily making it look like the clothes had just appeared in his hand. "Hey!" He said as time came back into full swing. "Your clothes. Calm down, you just got claimed by my big brother. Zeus."
Astra glared at the roof. "Don't tell me. He's the voice that told me to come here..." She gently took the clothes and pulled on the sweatshirt and pants. "That would make it his fault I got these." Astra growled, motioning to the ears before pulling the hood over them. Shuddering, she stepped towards Ronan. "Is there any food here? The fire goat ate my bag of crackers... They where my food for the week...."
"Maybe." He noted. "Gods always tend to mess with demigods. Quests, prophecies, monsters. You name it." Ronan laughed as Astra complained about the ears. "No, come on, they're cute. Honestly this time. Oh, and you're never kicking me again...Want to know why? Time." That one word should keep her guessing for a while. He never showed any power to control time, nor did he show signs of his father. "Anyway yeah. But we all go to the mess hall to eat. There, you will sit with your cabin... There, you will sit by yourself and eat with any drink in the world available...except anything alcoholic. Can I stroke your ears?" He asked randomly before reaching out.
Astra froze for a minute before nodding and pulling the hood off. "Wait... If this is your brothers cabin, then you cannot be the child of any gods... How about a titan? That would make you a son of Rhea of Kronos." She exclaimed proudly before continuing. "Though, time would make you a son of Kronos." She said with a smile, happy she figured it out.
"You figured it out pretty fast..." He said as he reached out for the cat ears. Slowly, he began to stroke them. They felt just like a cats. "You know, you technically said I could keep you when you were a cat. You are the same person as the cat...so you're my pet..." A sly smile grew across Ronan's face. This was perfect. "Anyway, yeah, son of Kronos. I have the power over time...no one in camp really dares try to fight with me because of that."
Astra's face grew extremely hot as she tried to glare at Ronan. "I-i'm a person not a-a pet!" She whined, looking down. She really wished she still had that garden shovel. It would come in handy. For use on enemies faces only. "You can't make me!"
With a smirk, Ronan continued to stroke her ears, getting even softer as he went on. "Okay fine, we're equals in our relationship, aren't we. Boyfriend and girlfriend can't be on different levels." As she said you can't make, Ronan almost laughed. "You'll wish to be my pet eventually...trust me." Ronan whispered the last part into Astra's ear and continued to stroke her.
Astra flinched, shifting her head away from his hand. "T-that's never gonna happen!" She squeaked, dashing for the door. You'd think she would be far more agile, but nope! She tripped over her feet and landed painfully on her face. "By all the atoms in a grain of sand!"
Alana: (gets up and goes to her cabin, and comes back with a gold blanket and a guitar. She then starts to tune her instrument, and finally starts to play some campfire songs)
Ronan calmly walked over to the girl on the floor and offered her his hand. "Come on beautiful. The floor is no place for a princess." Crouching down, he looked at Astra with a tilted head. "You really hurt my feelings, turning me down like that. Is that anyway to treat your savior?" With a sigh, Ronan smiled. "Come on, up ya get."
"Campfire?" He offered. "Magical. Changes color based on the feelings of the campers. I have a feeling it will be pink for love tonight..." Ronan teased the girl as he helped her up. "Want me to carry you around camp again?"
Astra rolled her eyes and pulled the hood back up. "I only shift if I get really scared..." She sighed "Sometimes the changes are unpredictable... It's rather bothersome."
"I was offering to carry you around in human form..." He said as Astra pulled up her hood. "Well, at least you have more then the powers that you got from your dad."
Astra shrugged, walking out the door. "I really hope no one tries to pull of this dumb hood..." She mumbled, breaking into a run.
"Don't worry, I won't." He told her before sighing and walking the same way Astra had ran off.
Zoe narrows her eyes. "Great. I'm ignored by one person, so I go to another to talk. Then I'm ignored by them too." Zoe mutters, throwing a stick at the fire.
When Hunter's arm was relatively healed he walked out of the medical tents to the fire making it turn red due to his slow declining anger, "Great, a mood fire, let me guess it was bought on eBay?" He asked no out loud as he sat down nodding to the two girls across from him.

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