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Fandom Percy Jackson RP

Zoe has been training, oblivious to everything that has happened around her.

(I stopped getting notifications, what is going on right now?"
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]Zoe has been training, oblivious to everything that has happened around her.
(I stopped getting notifications, what is going on right now?"

(Um, the camp was flooded, we have a new camper who turned into a tiny white kitten. Other than that, no clue.)
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong](Um, the camp was flooded, we have a new camper who turned into a tiny white kitten. Other than that, no clue.)

(Oh. Okay. Ummm yeah no clue what to do. Anyone near death?)
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent](Oh. Okay. Ummm yeah no clue what to do. Anyone near death?)

(No, but Astra's running around as a kitten... I could have her get stuck in a tree?)
Ronan was surprised by the sudden flood...and not pleasantly. He had gotten soaked and was now trying to get back to change. Sure, he could always stop time, change clothes and go back like nothing happened, but he didn't want to mess up the time line too much. So, complaining the whole way, he walked through the camp. But, he noticed a small white cat running around. "Strange..." He said to himself aloud.
Astra hissed at a 'crazed' camper who Astra had believed was trying to put that tiny dress on her. No way was that gonna happen. She ran for her life (Or pride) and climbed the nearest camper. Which happened to be Ronan. She perched on his shoulder, hissing at the Aphrodite kids.
"What the! Hey!" Jumping around in a circle as the cat climbed up on him, Ronan wiggled around, trying get free of the cat. "What do we have here? A cat in camp? I'm pretty sure pets like this aren't allowed...hmm..." Looking over to the Aphrodite camper, he tilted his head. "I thought you were meant to be loving, not torturing." With a sigh, he continued to walk to his cabin. "What am I going to do with you?"
Astra clambered onto her new found human's head to avoid capture. She was not going to get off of him. When he 'asked' 'what am I going to do with you', Astra perked up before attempting to shrug. But, well, being a cat takes away that ability.
As the animal climbed onto his head, Ronan sighed. "No, no you don't." Ronan's arms flew up to his head and he picked up the cat. "Cute little thing..." The demigod then begun to stroke her, going behind her ears and down her back. "You okay?" He asked the cat, not expecting an answer.
Astra purred softly and nodded, leaning into Ronan's hand happily. Normally she wouldn't do that, but he saved her from the crazed dress lady, so she was rather fond of her person. She claimed him. Mwhahahahaha.
"Hmm..." Ronan didn't know whether or not he should keep the cat. It seemed to like him, and he had no issue against it. "Do you have a name?" He asked as he continued to stroke the cat. "Who am I even talking to? She can't reply."
Astra hissed at that remark, jumping down from his arms. With her tiny claws, she tried to dig out a word. Slowly forming words. A-S-T-R-A. When she finished, she sat up proudly, her chest fluffed up. "Mew!"
Did he do something wrong? She could understand him, that was now obvious. And... "Wait, you're some sort of genius cat. And Astra is actually a very beautiful name. Astra reminds me of the Astral Plane, a perfect place that isn't in this world." It could be compared to Ogygia in many remarks. A place where time stood still...where you wouldn't age. "You're a good girl Astra." He said. "Up we go now." He said as he bent down to pick up the cat.
Astra rolled her eyes and climbed into Ronan's arm, clawing her way back to his shoulder. Then she slipped back to his arm and gave an annoyed meow.
"Urgh...why am I speaking like this?" He asked himself before scratching the cats stomach. "So, do you want me to keep you? But, I have a feeling you aren't a normal cat anyway...No matter. Pur once if yes and twice if not."
Astra nodded, purring happily as she flicked her tail back and forth. She knew that she'd be stuck like this for a while, so learning about the camp would be a good idea.
"Alright then." He said with a smile. "So, my cabin I guess." He said to the cat before walking in the directions of the cabins.
Ronan approached the cabins, all arranged in the Greek shape Omega. "Well...mine is near the back. This way." He said as he walked around. He tried not to go near the big three cabins, but passing Zeus' cabin was something that had to be done. "Urgh...the cabin that hates me..."
Astra leaned towards the Zeus cabin, tempted by it. She put a put a paw on his shirt and pushed off, running inside. She froze, feeling an odd tingly, so she ran under the bed. Within moments, she had shifted back to her small human size. Of course, she left her clothes behind that tree... Great. So she called out for help. "U-um, anyone! Help?" She called, hoping someone was there.
"Uh...hi." He said as the cat got out of his grasp. "Hey!" He called out as he ran after it. "You can't go in there!" Quickly, he ran inside. "Where did you go?" Then, he heard someone from underneath the bed. "Ur...hello?" He cried out as he walked over to the bed. Slowly, he bent down poked his head under. "Anyone...oh...uh...hehe, hi." He said to the girl.
Astra crawled further back. "Please, can I just, um, have some clothes? " She whispered, her ears back before adding, "I, um, just changed back..."

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