Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

I continue to observe the crowd in silence. A Margyur... That could be bad. I'll need them silenced, or on my side. Rudith is a total wild card, I'll want him out of my way, but it won't be easy. Russia is interesting, I'm considering trying to bring him to my side, but I'll need to know his powers first. May seems fairly harmless, but you can never be sure.
"Being a Yuki-Onna sounds cool,"Russia says picking up a pork dumpling,plopping it into his mouth savouring the juicy tender meat inside the deep fried outer crust.I wonder if it would be rude of me to leave.He looks at the clock.
Naomi sits at the table, cross legged. It was a habit of hers for some reason. She was just used to having her legs together as she was a bit clumsy on occasion. Naomi gazed at Derivik, hoping that he didn't know much about Margygur's. Most often, once people discovered this about her, they would avoid her. It's not like she had the visions regularly; only on occasion.
May still red as a tomato from Rudy's comment apologizes "I'm sorry for his unsightly behavior. He's always like this." After she apologized she glared at Derivik for laughing. "Any way do you guys know the room plan yet? If you don't I can tell you."

Rudith smiled slyly, pleased with himself that he got a reaction out of Russia.

Riley went back into silent mode.
I turn and look Naomi in the eye, "Must be tough eh?" I wonder if she understands what I mean. I'd rather not silence her, it could be useful to have her on my side.
"No. I just avoid most water." She says, then curses her slippery tongue. She hates sitting in a chair on the occasion, a freaking tail where her legs should be. She kneels consiously, and bites the insides of her cheeks.
Ophelia smiles and rubs the back of her head, "Well it kinda is, I mean I can control ice and snow, and freeze things, and make weapons out of ice. On the downside I have to keep my body cooled and when I'm out of my room I have to keep this choker on, or else I get really weak. Kinda like a melting snowman when it starts getting sunny, it can be a real drag."
Interesting. "Man, that must be hard... I don't know if I could handle that." 
(I need to stop the one liners...)
"Why do you want to know so much?" Naomi asks Derevik questioningly, looking at him with curiosity and ice in her eyes. She doesn't exactly trust him, yet.
"Why do I want to know? I want to know as much as I can about the people I'll be spending the next few years of my life with, don't you?" Naomi knows... I'll need to either draw her to my side, or silence her... I hope I can avoid the later...
Russia Looks to may."No I think the board said i was supposed to have 2 dorm mates I don't really know."Looking down back at his empty bowl of ramen.
"Then tell us about you." Naomi says, leaning back. She is wide eyed and innocent, smiling softly and friendly. Naomi crosses her legs, as she is bad at sitting still for long periods of time.
Russia looks up suddenly wanting to know how Derivik would respond to this.Curiosity bright in his eyes."Yeah Why don't you."
May looked at Russia with sympathy, "I don't think this is going to make you very happy but your roommates are Rudy and Derivik. You should try to stay as far away as possible from Rudy."

Rudith glared at May and stomped on her foot. "Hey!!!" May yelped. "Don't say stuff like that," Rudith said as he pinched May's arm. "Ouch stop that! Fine!"

Riley seems to have dozed off in her seat.

Rudith and May agreed with Russia and Naomi "Why don't you tell us something about yourself?" they said in unison.
This is not gonna end well... Naomi thinks. She shifts in her seat, pulling out her notebook while not seeming like she is. She pulls out her pencil as well, waiting for Derevik to talk. She wants to do some research, and raises her eyebrows "So?" She asks.
I confidently reply, "Then I guess I will. I was born a normal human, had a fairly normal life. Then I got into gangs as a teen, it ruined that normal life, and I'll never stop regretting it. I got power, fame, respect, but at the cost of my families life. They're all dead." I take a breath, seeming to stop a tear. "A enemy gang killed them, one more powerful then mine. It was terrible, and sparked a rage in me unlike any other. I killed them all, and sacrificed them to a demon of control. The worst thing is, it turns out he manipulated them into killing my family. I ended up leaving the gang, and a few years later, I ended up here. You happy?" Damn... I should have made up some lie, but I couldn't help myself... Great.
Ophelia looked over at May and tilted her head to the side curiously, "Roommates? People get roommates? Wish I could have a roommate, but my parents had it made so that I'm in a room by myself with a big air conditioner. They said that other people would be uncomfortable in the vast cold that I'm supposed to dwell in, but they might have a point." she said then looked over, listening to Derivik tell his story.
"Hmm, you seem to be kind of narcissistic, oops did I say that outloud?" May said not regretting her words.

(gtg eat I'll be back soon)
Naomi nods. She writes down nothing, but knows exactly how to find out more and the truth. She slips her notebook back into her boot, along with her pencil. She really wants to leave, and bites her lip.
Russia looks down feeling slightly guilty."I think I am going to go back to the dorms know its late,"He says trying to hide his guilt.He stands slowly giving everyone a slight nod.Then raises his hands above his head making his beige sleeve fall down revealing the dark scars on his arms,but he doesn't notice.
May say "Well it was planned for you(ophelia) and Naomi to be roommates but it seems that you have separate rooms. I'm not absolutely sure yet."

Rudith stretched and yawned "I'm gonna go back to our dorm room, it was nice meeting you all."

May told Rudy to carry Rie Rie back to her room and that is how Rudith and Riley took their leave.
I stand up, "I guess I'll head out too." Then I run up next to Russia. "Guess we will be sharing a dorm then. And you never did say what you are, still going to hide it after I told you my sob story?" Russia. He really does interest me, the must intelligent of the bunch as far as I can tell. It'll be hard to win him over, but I hope I do.
"So it's just us two girls, huh?" May tried to make conversation with Ophelia.

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