Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

I feel something on my shoulder and whip around, startled to see Ophelia before me. "Ophelia! I was just about to look for you and Russia, I think he's in his dorm. Want to go get him then head over to the restaurant? "
May woke up, she hadn't even realized that she had fallen asleep during class, must of been the teachers boring speeches. She looked around and realized everyone was gone.

Rudith had slipped out of the class room when no one was looking and was walking around campus. Everyone's probably out of class already might as well and go look for them.

(sorry I left so abruptly yesterday, I'm gonna add some stuff so that I catch up with you guys)

May went to go find Rudith so she could ask him which dorm room he wanted to be in just hope he doesn't go out of control as she was searching she bumped into Derivik. "Oops, sorry." He seemed to be chatting with a few other of our classmates, "What are you guys talking about?"

Rudith was on his way to the dorms when he saw May talking to the other people in our class interesting.
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(Sorry, had finals.)

Again, I suddenly turn around, this time seeing May, "Oh, hey there May. We were about to get Russia and go hang out, introduce yourself ya know? You are invited, of course." May. A high class demon, but I don't know much about her. I need all the information I can get.
May was suspicious, he seemed like a nice guy but the kind who would go and get his nose too deep into other peoples business. "Sure can we go find Rudy to see if he would like to come as well?"

Rudith decided to go join May and see what they were talking about.

(I have to go to gymnastics soon but I will be back in like an hour or two I'll tell you when I have to go)
[QUOTE="Derivik Soul](Mmk, I think I'll wait to post, until everyone is online.)

Ok, that a good idea.
Shoot! I thought to myself. I had overslept on my first day of school. I quickly jumped out of bed and sprinted over to the closet and pulled out a pair of light blue skinny jeans, a lilac colored tanktop with a darker purple shirt over, and an emerald colored sweatshirt. I decided to skip breakfast and brushing my teeth and hurried out the door. 
As I was fast-walking partly running I see my roommate May with a bunch of other kids. I slowly make my way over to her, to see what they are talking about.
May notices her "Sis" Riley coming towards them and asks "Why were you so late? Oh never mind just come over here we're going to a restaurant with our new classmates."
I decide to follow May and her group of friends. As the rest talks and chats on the way I remain silent.
Ophelia giggled as she felt the excitement of more and more people joining the once small group outing. 'Soo many new people, soo many chances for new friends! Coming here was the best idea I've ever had.' she thought giddily to herself as she was rocking back and forth on her heels.
As I see the new member join, quickly assess her. Another strange girl. Fairly shy, meaning it will be hard to learn anything about her. Though it also means she will not be quick to action. "Come on, before we leave we need to get Russia." Then I turn to the newcomer, "Nice to meet you, I'm Derivik Soul." Then I walk to Russia's dorm, and knock on the door.
They reach the restaurant and find a place to sit Rudith sits next to May and Riley sits on the other side.

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