Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

Ophelia tapped her chin then shook her head and grinned at the boy, "Nope nothing important at all. Only thing the teacher has done so far is being a big grump, she must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed y'know?" she said in a whisper so that the teacher wouldn't hear her and giggled. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Ophelia. I look forward to getting to now you and all the other classmates."
I smile once again, and reply "As do I, it is always a pleasure to meet new people. I'm thinking about inviting a few people to meet up after school, you interested?" I'll need to form some bonds before I can decide my next course of action. I could try to gain control over the school over time, but that would be very difficult due to the nature of the students. Right now I need to gain their trust, and learn their abilities. I may even find one or two that would help me without being manipulated.
Russia stared at Derivik turning his head whenever he would look his way.There was something about him that set him off balance.Weird."Since this is your first day I will be asking you all to get up to introduce yourself to the class,"The teacher rolled her eyes like this was just an annoyance to her."Who would like to go first."
I stand up first, "I guess I'll go first. I'm Derivik Soul, and I hope I can get to know all of you. Thanks." Then I sit down, and observe the others with a cool eye, seeing who would act first. I can learn a few things from introductions, I need to make a mental note of what is said.
Ophelia blinked and processed the information for a minute, then nodded. 'Oh yes I'm very interested, sounds like fun." Wow only her first day and she was going to a get together, she had a real good feeling about coming here.
I nod at Ophelia, and wait for the next person to introduce themselves. I feel uneasy, as if someone is inspecting my every move. Because of this, I take a casual stance, and fiddle with my pencil. However, in the corner of my eye I try to determine who's watching me.
Nami shrug, Might as well get it over with... She thinks. Naomi stands up, "Naomi." She says, and nothing else. Naomi quickly sits down again, just observing now.
Russia stood up next stretching his arms above his head."Lets See Here, I'm Russia Augustine Higixia I'm 14,Possibly the youngest in this class.Oh Also I like ramen thats all thanks,"He said his voice sounding a bit creepy.
Ophelia gazed around the room before standing up next and smiled. "Hello, my name is Ophelia Verdant. I'm 16 1/2 and I'm so excited to be here and I hope to make tons of friends!" As she shouted the last part out a breath of cold air came out of her mouth but she didn't pay much mind to it as she sat back down.
I whisper to Ophelia. "Nice to meet you Ophelia." And glance at Russia. Something is off about him. I hope I can get him to go after school. He seems interesting. Not quite like the others. Ophelia is a cute, kind girl, nothing really new there. Naomi isn't social, but not really interesting. And the blond girl has been surprisingly quite. I think she may have fallen asleep...
Russia winced a little at the yell, but besides that Ophelia seemed ok.He turned his head and looked back at Derivik again.Why does something seem wrong about him.Quickly turning his head away when he saw Derivik glancing at him out of the corner of his eye.Prob just my over active imagination thats all.He flashes Derivik a smile.
(Hmm. How long are we going to make the school day, I want it to end... Can we make this first day mainly orientation, and have full days with classes later? I want to move onto some open speech to get things moving.)
(Agreed) The School bell ring loudly startling russia.Wow today went by fast.He tuggs on his gloves straightens his scarf and gets ready to go to his dorm.
I stand out, I walk over to Russia, acting as friendly as possible. "Hey Russia, I'm inviting everyone to go to a cheap restaurant, so we can get to know each other. I'm paying, want to come?" Russia Augustine Higixia, I wonder how you will respond.
Russia gives Derivik a smile. "Sure,Why not,"he say tugging on his black leather gloves."What time do i need to meet you there or are we going right now."
"I was planning to ask the other classmates, but I'm not sure how many will want to go."

(Eh, I want to continue on RP, but most of them are not active, and we should invite...)
Naomi jumps up, and pushes in her chair. She puts her book in her boot again, and holds a 3 ring binder filled with notebook paper. She gets ready to go... well, wherever she had to.
I walk up to Naomi, "Hey, Naomi, some other classmates and I were thinking about heading to a restaurant and getting to know each other. Are you interested in going? I'm paying." Naomi. I don't know much anything about her, but I don't really like the quite types. I won't push it if she says no.
Ophelia skipped happily back to her dorm room, shutting the door behind her and taking off her choker. She went to the window where an air conditioner sat and cranked it up to the highest setting, sighing as the room was bathed in cool air. Protective pedant or not, the weather took a bit of a toll on her. as she felt her body start to cool again, she smiled thinking of all the people she met today.
(Heck, I'm going to invite just you to go if no one else wants to. Ophelia said she would... but just left without talking to me. May is asleep to me :P . Not sure what Naomi shall say though.)
{Sorry for the abrupt leaving, but Ophelia isn't used to the sunny weather and had to leave to re-cool herself. She's coming back.}
(Mwa ha ha ha... She'll say yes... and I shall make evil plans... just kiddinggg!maybe)

Naomi shrugs, "Sure; why not." She says, her face expressionless. She doesn't really trust anyone yet; then again, she rarely does. This guy is a tiny bit creepy though... She thinks.
"HEY,Derivik i'm going to my dorm come and get me if when we go,"Russia says then leaves the room and quickly walks to his dorm.His coat felt heavy on him and he needed to take it off. He enters his dorm and throws off his scarf gloves and tench caot leaving him in nothing but a pair of blue jeans and combat boots. Revealing the scars on his torso,plus the burns on his hands.
After a good 25 minutes chilling herself, Ophelia got up and shut the AC off, then secured her choker once again and left her room. She walked out onto the campus looking around for Derivik, once she spotted him she ran over and tapped his shoulder.

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