Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

Russia sits at the table starring at the menu blankly."So Whats everyones heres favorite food,"He ask awkwardly trying to start a conversation.While messing with his scarf like it kinda annoyed him.
May says "I don't normally eat human food, but I guess I'll have a parfait." Following after May Rudith answers seductivley "Sex." and May elbows him in the ribs. Riley just sits there quietly ignoring Russia.
Naomi sidles into the table, silently. She glances at the menu, and decides to just get some ice cream. She notices that a lot of the things on the menu are either sort of watery, or might have fish in them. Since she's technically part fish, she wasn't in the mood for either of those.
Ophelia sits next to Russia and looks down at the menu, "Hm.. I don't really have a favorite, I like trying all kinds of foods. Well actually I think I'll stick away from really hot things, I'm not sure if this," she points to her choker, "will keep me safe from them."
The waiter comes over to there table ready to take their orders."I'll have the Hot spicy chicken Ramen with pork dumplings on the side please,"He says to the waiter politely then stares at Rudith wondering if he heard him right.Did he just say his favorite food is sex.
May notices the waiter carrying her parfait and makes it float towards her since he was taking too long. She starts slurping her parfait acting as if nothing happened as the dumbfounded waiter stairs at her while he rubs his eyes.

Rudith notices Russia staring at him, so he licks his lips and gives him a charming wink.
Ophelia sees a cold pasta salad on the menu and not knowing they even had a thing like that decides to try it. She tells the waiter and watches him walk off, he comes back a few minutes later and sets the dish in front of her. She pokes at her food before taking a bite. "Ooh this is really good."
Russia didn't know to be charmed or offended.This guy was so checking him out."Ummm So how old is everyone here,"Looking away from Rudith and staring into the newly delivered ramen it's broth sending up a flavorful steam that tickled his nose.He takes his chop sticks and eats slowly feeling the spice burn his tongue."God this is Delicous."He says mostly to himself.
May answers, "1,347 but I'm physically 17," not interested in the topic she digs into her parfait while looking out of the window.

Rudith just says "That's for me to know and you to find out." and ends his turn to answer.

Riley stays silent as always.
"I think he left to go to the washroom," said May as she scooped some of the parfait into her mouth. "He'll probably be back soon."

Rudith yawned and called to a waiter "Black coffee please." The waiter left to go get him coffee. "May, may, innocent May, he'll probably take longer than you think." At this Riley and May both glared at him.

Riley finally spoke up, "May why're you friends with this ridiculous pervert.

May choked on her parfait, "Rie Rie don't ask questions like that when I'm eating!"
I order a rare steak. "I like meats, always have." Rudith is quite the character... What the hell is up with him? "So what type of creature is everyone? I'm sort of a human that was given demonic power, a half demon, I guess." 
(Whoops, posted before I read that. Add," I leave the washroom and sit down".)
May answered quietly "Demon," she has never been proud of it, in fact she yearns to be human but she knows that will never happen.

Rudith flashes a lazy grin, "Incubus. Now why would you want to know what we are?"

Riley mutters quietly "Half Grimm."
I reply, "If we are all going to get to know each other, may as well."Rudith... That guy is going to be a a problem. Incubus too, I've never liked them. I eat my steak politely, and enjoy the flavor.
Russia Laughs a little bit at May choking on her parfait."Well I think thats the first time I have seen you startled or surprised,"He says grinning innocently.That is surprising."And i rather not say what I am,"Turning his head to look at Derivik.

(lol sorry edit thought it better like this)
I look Russia right in the eye. "Why? It isn't like we are really trying to hurt each other, right? Just practice." Damn it. I need to know, I can't let Russia get the upper hand. He's smart, too smart, only one who thinks something is up, from what I can tell. And interesting one indeed.
Naomi shrugs, and orders nothing for now. She blinks for a moment, and sees Derivik doing something... trying to take over the school or something?(That's his goal, right?) Naomi blinks, and shakes her head slightly. "Half-Margygur." She murmurs.
Rudith laughs at Russia's comment and whispers to him, "It's because she's still a virgin."

May turns bright red for she had heard Rudy's comment. "D-Don't say that!" she said while slapping the back of his head.

Riley just whispered, "This is why I hate him."

"Ok ok, May! I'll stop being perverted . . . for now," Rudith says with a smirk.

May hits him again.

(And now Rudith will stop with his perverted jokes)
I laugh out loud, "Quite the group we have here. This will be a great school year, really interesting." And god damn difficult. I need to watch my back around this crowd... I don't know enough, not nearly enough. I have half a mind to break into school records.

(Nirvana, how does Naomi see my trying to take over the school? From me eating my meat?)
Ophelia blinks and looks up, fiddling with her snowflake choker "Um well I'm just a Yuki-Onna, also called a snow woman for everyone's convenience."
Russia's cheeks turn bright red at Rudith's whisper.Feeling awkward he wants nothing more than to jump up and walk back to the dorms,but being the polite young man he is. He stays clamping his hands together nervously his eyes pretty much screaming how awkward he feels at this moment.
(Here, I'll put what Margygurs are so that everyone knows; Margygurs are mythical Norwegian creatures that are mermaids who can also see into the future.)

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