Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

Rudith hated combat so he decided to skip out. "Morning Derivik, Russia, I'm gonna take a shower first."
Naomi smiles as she wakes up. She doesn't look it, but she's very strong with her arms from years of pulling herself around with her hands and no help from her legs. She pulls on wrestling shoes and white leggings along with a skin tight tank top that is also white, but has some fancy black skull designs on it. She pulls on sport shorts over the leggings that are a dark black with white skulls on them. She ties her hair on top of her head, and pulls on a black headband. She smiles, and eats an apple.
May came back from her morning run and decided to take a shower and then go and check on Rudy (May has access to the male dorms because of her father) Once she finished she got dressed again and headed of to the Male dorm. She knocked on the door twice and then thrice.
"I Don't know who today will turn out I can't tell the future,"He says his eyes restless.Russia walks over to there small kitchen,Making pancakes from scratch the in the corner blows slightly making the room smell like buttery fresh pancakes.He makes A dozen of them ,but only eats half.
Naomi hurried outside, and ran to the combat room. She sat on the floor, smiling at the fact that she was alone. Naomi hoped to have an opponent that would be at least a bit of a challenge, but oh well if not. She did some warm ups, including the one minute side-out drill, the duck walk, and dong some jogging in place.
No one seems to hear her knocking so she knocks even louder and hears a few protests from the other things inhabiting the dorms. "Oops."
Russia opens the door an see may."Morning,"He says opening the door the rest of the way.He looks back. "Sure Eat as much as you want I'll make more if you want,"Russia offers because he just nice like that.
"Morning," May greets Russia cheerfully while slipping into the large room. "Are those pancakes I smell? Oops I got sidetracked, I'm here to see Rudy."
I put a pancake on my plate. "Thanks." And quickly eat it. Then I get up, and observe. May. She seems to know "Rudy" but I don't know their relationship. I can assume that she will be quick to ally herself with him.
"Rudy in the shower and Yes they pancakes Syrup on the table if you want any,"He replies rubbing his eyes look very young an innocent,yet the air around hism had a creepy vib.
"Might as well have some while I wait," she says secretly happy since they smell delightful. "These are absolutely fantastic!! Who made them?" she exclaims. May was in a much better mood than yesterday for there is combat training.
Ophelia woke up slowly and sat up in her bed, she scratched her head knowing that she was forgetting something. As she got out of bed and walked to her dresser it suddenly came back to her, combat class! She dug through her clothes to find something suitable for fighting, soon finding a pair of loose fitting white shorts and a short sleeved white shirt, pairing it with her white slip on shoes. She brushed her hair, put her choker on and left her room. On the way to class she grabbed two oranges and finished them by the time she walked in the door. She saw that the only one there was Naomi and walked over to her, "Good morning!"
"I made them from scratch my mother taught me how to cook when i was younger,"A saddess fills Russia's eyes for a split second,yet he still smiles."And yes I love pancakes almost as much as ramen,"He replies back to Derivik.
"Hmm. Do you think I could come over every morning to have pancakes? If that's ok with you," May asked hopefully.

(sorry I took so long to answer my internet went wack)
"Hey." Naomi says, smiling. She sits on a bench, and drinks a bit of water from a water bottle. She's really excited, as at her old school she would do wrestling, and was on the varsity team for her weight class. Whilst on the team, she avoided water and managed to go through it without her secret being discovered.
"Well I guess I'll be going soon, combat class is fairly soon, and I don't want to be late. Want to come with me Russia?" I put a jacket, and stand at the door. I wonder what he will do.
"Why just pancakes I can make other stuff,"Russia laughs."But i got the feeling now that the secret is out I'll be making breakfast for everyone on campous."Just as he says that the alarm goes off."Time for Combat class we better go."
(During the class, could there be just, like, open fights and Naomi could pound someone to a pulp xD )
(I want to show of my powers, and learn everyone's.)

I walk out the door, and head over to the school. "Are you still going to hide what you are Russia?" Tell me...
"Hold on," may said as she gulped the rest of her pancake down "I think Rudy is going to skip out since he hates combat so I'm gonna walk with you guys." She thought for a moment, "Can I hire you as my personal cook?" . . . Wait don't take that seriously. May blushes a little as she puts her plate in the sink and walks up to the waiting Derivik and Russia. They walk to combat class.
"Sure come along, I don't mind. This is going to be fun." As I walk, and turn my head to May, "So how long have you known Rudy, as you call him?"

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