Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

Russia walks next Derivik into a Huge gymnasium covered in burn marks and blood splatters."No I will pretty much have to display them in front of the whole class,"He says.
"Hmm that's really hard to say. I met him after I went into depression, he helped me get back to my normal self. We've been friends ever since then. It's been a really long time." May flinched at the topic and looked crestfallen recalling her sorrowful heartbreaking past.
"Wow... Nice place..." The blood stains are all I need to know that this isn't a game. I consider faking weakness, but decide that I will show my strength now, and hope it is unrivaled. Today could change everything, and my fate.
May quickly perked up as she reached the classroom. She was confident in her skills and was sure that it would be fairly hard for the others to injure her.
Ophelia sat down on the floor and started stretching, she was feeling a bit nervous about actually fighting someone, she wasn't horrible but she still didn't like fighting too much. She sighed and stood up looking around at everyone in the room.
The combat teacher Mr. Doley came in and shivered when his gaze fell upon the student. May grinned at him and he flinched. He said in a wavery voice "Today's pairs are May with Derivik, Russia with Rudy and Ophelia with Naomi. It's a free for all with no rules fight till one passes out or surrenders."
Russia looks around a small fear beating in his heart."Think the blood is left over from some kind of game,"He says quietly.As a tall spider like man enters the room.
May cracked her knuckles automatically switching into her sadistic alter ego. This sucker thinks I'm weak doesn't he. May rushes forward slamming her fist into Deriviks face.

(I should have mentioned that may has an alter ego and she's really strong and fast)
Still waiting for a reply from May, I look around the room. No terrain, just a empty room, covered with blood. 
(The combat didn't start yet... No one said to begin :P )
(Mays used to this this school's combat training doesn't have rules

(Since it's run by Satan)
(I'm guessing that I fight Ophelia...)

Naomi takes off the shorta that she wears ove te leggings. This is how she's used to fighting, in something like a singlet. "Ready?" Naomi asks Ophelia.
Mr. Doley informed Derivik that it wasn't a foul in these fights you can start when ever. "Chairman Satan loves chaos." 
Since Rudith isn't here Russia will fight Derivik after May.
I sigh, and jump back across the room. My face is bloody, and my eyes turn red. Something glows under my shirt, and long black claws grow from my nails. A part transformation. My eyes turn psychotically sadistic. "That all you got bitch?" And with that I charge straight at May, slashing my nails at her, covering a very large area. Die.

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