Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

(1 last reply...)

Naomi gets up, and pulls Ophelia over to the bench. Sorry... I just hate losing. She thinks, as she puts a semi wet washcloth on her forehead.
(I know sorry, I really have to work on that)

Derivik's claws pierce through May's skin very close to her heart. She snarls at him and grabs his other arm while tearing his claws away from her. "I'm not going to lose to someone like you." (Is that good? If not I can change it)
(It's good, I'll take a bit more damage, and depending on what happens either win, or surrender. I won't tell you why I would surrender though... Not yet. Though if you want to be picky, "Grabs at his other arm" is better then "Grabs his other arm" because it gives me more freedom to do things. But it's still good, just don't dodge everything, and don't have any fatal hits hit for sure and such.)

With a psychotic smile, and burning blood red eyes, Derivik says a single phrase. "Stop." With all the power he can muster. Hoping it works, he pulls his claws out and attacks with all his might at May's head. However, it leaves him very exposed to a counter attack. Damn demons... Damn them all, I'll never forgive you... I'll never lose to you. Not until you're dead. Every. Single. One.
May didn't have time to evade his attack so she strikes back instead with her foot. Her face was scratched badly but it wasn't fatal. His killing intent is strong but it's too brutal like a bull blinded with rage May by no means wanted to kill him, but her life was on the line. "You seem to hate demons quite a bit, but you don't even know how lucky you are!" May shouts in rage (Remember when I said May yearns to be human) Mays jealousy feeds her desire to kill.
I fly backwards in silence. By this time my eyes are pulsing red, an almost blinding glow. A darkness shrouds me. And a evil grows inside of me. I'm twitching, changing. I become pitch black except for my red glowing eyes. My killing intent is so intense, it could halt a weaker being. I prepare to attack, with all my rage swelling within me. Then, suddenly, I go to the ground. Using all my will power, I suppress the darkness within me, reverting to my human state. The glow of my eyes disappears. I speak, with malice in my voice, "You can kill me. Or you can do the..." almost spitting the word, "...human thing. Prove you aren't a sadistic murderer. Prove it to me, or kill me now." Damn demon. If you strike, it will be your last move. Don't think for a second I will let you survive, even if it costs me another slice of my humanity, any true demon will die. You say you "Don't want to be a demon" and yet you attack so sadistically, in a way only described as "Demonic". Prove it to me, or I'll end your miserable life.
May surged forward at Derivik as if to kill him but stopped inches away from him and with a grin inquired, "I guess this means you surrender?" She was still in her demon form but her personality had changed back. "You know, not all demons are alike."
I smile, and I uppercut May with all my strength. It would have killed a normal human, but I hoped it would knock May out. "It isn't over until someone is knocked out, or surrenders. Sorry. It isn't like you didn't attack first either though, I have to admit, if you aren't unconscious, I'll give you the win. I surrender if you can hear me May." May... She's an interesting one.
May floats slowly back down rubbing her stomach "Ouch, you're quite rude you know." But instead of glaring at him with anger she smiled. Even though she acted like it was nothing she felt a bit dizzy.
I let out a laugh. "Well then, you win. I guess I'll be fighting Russia next. Wait... There are not benefits to wining right? Other then pride?" That may not have been a smart move on my part... I'm getting too caught up with personal life, I have a mission. She's still a demon... I... I don't think I can forgive any of them. Not after what happened. Never. I'm so confused now... I respect... I genuinely like a demon... What the hell is this...
"Nope, none that I know of anyway," May sighed and went to go sit on the bench. Derivik seems to hold a grudge but he isn't a bad person. "It was a good fight. But I think if we hadn't ended it, it would have gone on for quite awhile," she said with a laugh.
(Gah... Russia isn't online, so I guess I'll just talk with you for a bit...)

"So true. And I don't think we really want to kill each other. Well... I hope you don't." I let out a small laugh. This is kind of awkward... "You seemed to change when you fight, is that normal for you? You were almost... Sadistic." God... That isn't what you should bring up... Damn, I'm socially awkward aren't I... I can trick and control others... But trying to be friends? I can pretend to, but I don't want to... And I guess I don't need to kill all demons... Maybe I was wrong about that... There are a lot of bad humans, but that doesn't mean that all humans are evil. I guess it's the same with demons... I hope it is. In case I ever... Change. Forever.
"No, I never intended to kill you, actually I didn't even want to hurt you too badly. But I have a really sadistic alter ego and when I fight I switch and I can't stand to lose. It's kind of scary though because sometimes I feel as if it controls me." May answers solemnly. She hates this part about herself. "Sorry if it seemed as if I was trying to kill you." This conversation is a bit awkward.
"Oh, no problem... I was getting into it a bit much... So... What do you do in your free time..." Yep. Awkward is the only way to describe this... Very... very... awkward...

(Sorry for the one liner, not sure what to post, we are really just stalling until Russia comes back... I wonder how things will develop between May and Derivik though.)
(Me too, and it's fine I also sometimes do one liner posts)

"Hmm I do lot's of stuff, I especially love to draw and read. I go outside to but I don't really have anyone to hangout with other than Rudy and Rie Rie. I'm not very good at making friends. And you?"

The conversation's still kind of awkward but at least the mood is lighter now.
I can't tell her I spend my days plotting and planing how to gain power... She would think I'm some sort of crazy. But what do I do... Not much but that... "I guess I... Think a lot. About the future. I don't really know anyone outside the school... since I broke all ties to the gangs I was in... I used to be in a gang... But now I just kind of... Think." Now I sound like some anti-social shut in... Oh screw it. I have half a mind to tell her the truth.
May giggled "So you think in your free time? About what?" He seems to be kind of anti-social but then again I am to. It makes it kind of easier to talk to him.
I crack a smile, "That is for me to know, and for you to wonder, isn't it." I say with a laugh. "So, as I've already told you about me at the get together, would you grace me with your story?" I say jokingly. I really am curious.
May immediately saddens, "I don't like to talk about it, but I guess I could tell you. The story is a bit long. Are you sure you want me to tell you?"

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