Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

"No no it's fine I'll tell you." May takes a deep breath and begins telling her story, "As you already know my father is Satan. He never really cared about me and I can't remember my mom. My maid raised me, she was also the one who gave me my name," she said with a sad smile. "I despised my father and I hate his ways and how he handles running hell. He is the exact opposite of me. When I turned 100 I moved to L.A. in the human world. While I was there I fell in love for the first time. His name was Aaron and he was quite the gentleman, but he was human. We loved each other very much, however while he grew older I wasn't aging. It was an innocent love. I stayed with him till the very end. When he died I went into depression, I hated my very existence. I met Rudy and he quickly became my friend and helped me get over it, but now I am afraid to get close to anything with a short lifespan. I don't like to lose those dear to me." May was on the verge of tears when she finished. She quickly wiped them away and smiled "Anyway it's not that important."
Standing rather dumbfounded, I say quietly, "It must have been hard... Sorry to force you to say that... It's never fun reliving painful memories..." I sit there in silence for a second, "I know you're not supposed to ask... But just how old are you? Do demons ever die? I would like to know... As its going to change my life... Being half demon and all..."
"Well I'm 1,347 already, and I won't ever die because I was never alive to begin with. I will stop aging when my body is that of an 18 year old. But it would be possible if a witch tried to killed me. Demons can kill other demons and humans can kill them with special weapons but those weapons are of ancient history. Lower level demons can die a lot more easily than higher ones. You're lucky being half human, you'll age quite a lot slower than a human but you will eventually grow old. It will take millions of years though. It's still pretty hard to kill a half demon if their demon blood is that of a higher level." May answered with a half smile.
"Well, not to be offensive, but I sure as hell hope I stay half demon not full... You see, sometimes when I fight... I slip away... I become very very power, a few times more then in that fight... But I lose some of my humanity. Three years ago I was only a quarter demon. Now I'm half. I'm hoping to live out my life like that... But chances are I'll become only a forth human before I die. I'll be stronger... But I won't be quite the same me. It's scary. It terrifies me that I'm not really the same person I was before the incident... I've changed. I find it hard to relate, I feel crueler sometimes, almost heartless..." I pause for a second. "I'm really rambling on, you probably don't want to hear all this." I really wonder. Am I still the same man deep inside? Or am I something else? Will I even exist in 10 years? Or will I be replaced by something... something else. I need power. The power to find that demon... The one who did this to me... And to end him, and hopefully, get my humanity back... I don't know what else to live for.
"Haha, you're not offending me in the least. I have wished thousands of times that I was human, but I know it's never going to happen. You're lucky that you are even part human. And you can continue on I don't mind listening." May sat silently waiting for him to continue.
(...I feel bad for knocking out Ophelia... Oh welll.)

Naomi gets up from attempting to wake up Opheilia, and walks around aimlessly.
"There's not really much more to say. I guess we all have it tough. But being a full demon can't be that bad... I mean your not some type of weirdo psychotic killer, it seems some demons are pretty cool." May really isn't what you would expect from a child of Satan. She's nice, polite, funny. Not the stereotypical murderous freak.
"Well it's not too bad, but it can get lonely, and I have a hard time going out in public because I always feel like the odd one out even though there are countless other supernaturals in the crowd." May usually didn't open up to people this much, she felt a lot better now though.
"I know how you feel. I find it hard to relate with people here. I'm just so... Different. They don't really know what it's like, you know?" I wonder if I should tell her. Why I really came here. What my ultimate goal is. She doesn't seem to like him. But would she aid in the death of her father? That is a risk I don't want to take. At my current state... I can't come even close to defeating him. Which is my I must get as much power as I can. To kill Satan, the lord of all demons.
"Yeah," there was an awkward silence.

(I have no idea what to say now -___-)
Nirvana said:
(...I feel bad for knocking out Ophelia... Oh welll.)
Naomi gets up from attempting to wake up Opheilia, and walks around aimlessly.
{Eh don't worry about it, Ophelia isn't really much of a fighter. She usually has to be faster than the person she's fighting so she can start throwing ice daggers at them and use other weapons.}

Ophelia's eyes start to open and she slowly sits up, she winces and rubs her head. "Oww, man what the heck hit me." she mumbles and tries to stand up but falls back onto her butt.
Naomi hurries over to Ophelia, and helps her up "Sorry." She says sheepishly, "I sorta like winning... I hit you on the head. Over and over. Till you blacked out." She says, blushing a bit.
(dam i had to read alot to get catched up)

Russia Stares his eyes wide."I'm pretty sure I am screwed,"He says laughing brushing off his nervousness.

"I just don't have the blood lust in me,its kinda a curse."

I walk over to Russia. "Ready to start?" I ask, still covered in blood from the last battle. This should be quick.
Without saying a word, I jump back, again wings sprout out of my back, my nails become claws, and I am shrouded with darkness. I instantly spiral forward at Russia, aiming for his chest with my nails. "You can always surrender now!" I yell out with a smile.
May watches silently as Derivik and Russia fight. Russia's going to have a hard time. I hope he doesn't get too hurt.
Ophelia blinks then grins still rubbing her head, "Ohh, well that makes a lot of sense. Well it's better for you to win anyway so no hard feelings. I don't really like fighting all that much, I mean I'm good at it but I'm more on the pacifistic side y'know, I mean unless I or someone else is in trouble." she says softly.
Russia laughs insanely and tightens the strings he never disconnected from Derivik earlier and attach more to almost every part of his body,He moves his arm in a wide arch cause Derivik to move with his movments. I need to get him to see my eyes.
I continue to charge as if nothing had happened, though the spots where the strings were attached begin to bleed. My eyes glow even brighter, and I channel my power into two words, while looking at Russia's eyes. "Don't move." A single phrase packed with all my power. (I can control/influence people.) My claws as positioned to stab Russia in the chest.
Russia's body Stiffens the only part he could move was his eyes.He stares into Derivik's eyes and his turn a dark violet and then it clicks.Russia Appears to disappear from the spot he is standing and reappear on the other side of the room The scene around them changing around them. Instead of the gym they were somewhere else they were in the memories that Derivik held closes.(Russia has the abilty by looking into peoples eyes he screaches there minds and creates scenes that aren't even happening but they seem exstremely real to who ever he is doing it to most people can't even tell its fake)

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