Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

"I'll head out too then." And with that, I walk back to the dorm. Damn it. I lost control of myself back there. Went berserk. I've lost another slice of my humanity... I need to learn to control myself a lot better. It was a good call to fake forgetting though, gives me some breathing room.
They didn't seem to want to talk so she decided she would just visit to check up on Rudy and maybe ask if Russia could cook something for her. She walked back to her dorm and took a shower. She could see in her reflection that all of her cuts and bruises had already healed. She flopped onto her bed and thought about what had happened during class.
Rudy glanced once at Derivik and sighed "Seems like you had fun. Just hope you didn't make May cry, she's had enough sadness. Though I doubt she would cry from losing," he adds remembering about her alter ego. "And don't call me Rudy, only May can call me that!" He snapped.
Ophelia quietly slipped out of the room without a word, a bit freaked out by what she had seen today and walked off but didn't head towards her dorm. She was first going to getting some ibuprofen for her head then head out on walk to try and get her body used to the weather. As she walked she reviewed the events of the day in her head and hoped that things didn't get that serious and scary everyday.
"Yeah yeah, I get it. And I don't think I could make May cry... Anyway, I'm going to take a nap. G'night." And with that, I plop down into bed, and spiral off into a state only describable by sleep.
May looks at her clock and decides that it's time to go visit Rudith. She trots down to the male dormitory and easily finds their room. *Knock knock* A groggy Rudith opens the door. "What do you want May," he says while rubbing his eyes. She comes in and shout whispers (because Derivik was asleep) "Have you been sleeping this whole time!?!?! You are going to grow weak you know!" Rudith just mutters, "Yeah yeah whatever."

(Does this mean your going offline or are you just waiting for the next day?)
Russia sat on his bed barely able to move."Uggghhh i can't feel my damn arms."He says flopping them slightly they were like lime green jello.Useless.
May pouted as she turned away from Rudith, "I'm guessing that means you can't cook anything right now."

Rudith just chuckled and went back to bed.
Russia sluggishly crawls out of bed and walks to the kitchen."What would you like,"The feeling came back to his arms slowly."I make a really good ramen,"
"Okay then, I'll have some ramen. I don't mind what type, you can choose yourself." She said while sitting down in a chair.

Rudith snored away.
Ophelia dragged herself back to her room having stayed out a bit longer than she should've and plopped down on the bed falling asleep quickly without even changing her clothes or putting her choker up.
May quickly ate the ramen that Russia made and bid him goodnight. She went back to her room and fell asleep instantly.
(Yeah I guess, can we have spell/hypnotism class today? because I want to have Rudy join in and he's good with spells, especially hypnotism)

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