Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

May wakes up to get ready for her morning run and so that she could go and wake up Rudy. She goes on her morning run, showers, and dresses up in her casual clothing. "Time to go wake up Rudy."

May walks to the Male dorm and knocks on their door.
Russia doesn't hear the knock he's sleeping so soundly."Toasters,"He mumbles in his sleep and falls off the bed still not waking.
May knocked a little louder hoping to wake someone up. If they didn't get up soon they would be late. One of the other students (a slime monster) opened their door and shouted shut up. Crap the slime monster noticed that she was female and was automatically fully awake. "Open the freaking door!" May shouted in panic. Kicking the door. She didn't care if she had woken up others.
Russia wakes up and slowly makes his way to the door opens it and pulls May in quickly."There."He says closing the door behind him not even noticing the slime monster or the other students that were now peaking there heads out there doors.
May sighs with relief, "Those slime monsters are seriously nasty, who knows what it would have done." May shivers at the thought. "Anyway just wanted to tell you that if you don't hurry your going to be late," she said as she shook Rudith awake.

"Hmm?May? Whadya wan," Rudith mumbles still half asleep. "You better wake up today's your favorite class and I don't want you to cause any trouble for me once you realize you've missed it." Rudith snaps up to attention. He laughs evily the only thought that filled his mind was now Slaves! He quickly dresses up while May looks away in disgust knowing what was going through his mind.
Russia frowns."What class do we have today,"He was still sluggish from the fight yesterday.Then he turns to Rudith staring at the weird smile on his face.I don't think I am going to like this class.
May replies in a very very very unhappy tone "Spells and hypnotism, it's Rudy's favorite class because he excels in it." She shivers again, the last time Rudy had made someone his slave was so disturbing, she really didn't want to ever see it again, but she knew that was impossible.
Russia stares at Rudith for a moment."Well then,"he says while stretching out his arms."i need to take a shower first."
May replies to Derivik, "You're gonna be late if you don't hurry. Though I'm pretty sure you wouldn't mind being late because this class is going to be quite some fun. "
I stretch out a bit. "Spells? I don't give a damn about spells... Though I guess I shouldn't be late for class... Give me a minute." I walk over to the kitchen, and pour myself a bowl of cereal.
Russia hopped out of the shower,coming out of the bathroom in only jeans he goes through his duffly bag looking for a clean shirt."How long until class."
He slips on a neon green t-shirt and puts on his trench coat, gloves and scarf.Then walks over to the kitchen opens a bottle of orange juice chugging it down.
{Let me just post this super quick, then I'm on pause.}

Ophelia rolled over onto her stomach as she slept, then sun slowly coming through her window and shining in her eyes. she groaned as she sat up feeling oddly sluggish this morning. she climbed out of bed and figured that a shower could wake her up. She went to the bathroom and turned on the cold tap before stepping in and soaking under the water. After a few minute she felt more awake and turned the water off, wrapping a towel around herself and going back into her room to look for clothes.
Naomi woke up, and pulled on a pair of jeans and a bright red t-shirt. She brushed her hair, and pulled on red sneakers.
(I guesss . . . do we have any volunteers for you rudy will practice his slave/love magic on? I promise he won't do anything perverted >_< except for a kiss)

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