Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

A young girl who looks to be about ten walks into the room. She has a witch outfit on and is carrying a small broom. May whispers to Derivik, "That's the teacher." The teacher clears her throat and starts speaking in a childlike voice, "Today you will demonstrate your knowledge and skills with magic and hypnosis, Feel free to present when ready.

Rudith grins at the teacher's announcement.
Ophelia blinks and scratches her head, as far as she can remember she doesn't know anything about magic or hypnotism. She looks over to Russia and says, "Apparently we have to show our knowledge of magic and hypnotism."
Nirvana said:
(You realize that witches don't have to wear special outfits or carry brooms?)
(Yes but she chooses to do this it's the teacher personality.)
(Kk, I just like pointing out stuff like that. :P )

Naomi groans softly. Predicting, anytime anywhere. Swimming, sayonara. But this she would suck at. Naomi's eyes shut, and she saw herself being forced to do stuff that she would never groan. Naomi groans quietly.
Rudith moves to sit beside Naomi and puts his arm around her shoulder. "Hey teach can I go first?" he shouts out while raising his hand. She answers him with a nod.

May facepalms her self and mutters a quiet apology to Naomi.
Rudith stands up, quickly grabs Naomi by the waist and kisses her (>////< omg this is embarrassing) he let's go of her after a few seconds and licks his lips.

May hides her face in her hands afraid she would laugh once Rudith went into action.

Rudith waits a moment as the magic kicks in. "Dance," he commands in cold voice a bit unhappy form the push he received.

May answers Russia's question, "He kissed her because that's how his powers work."
Ophelia sits quietly watching curiously to see which direction this was going. She quickly remembered that Rudith was an incubus and that they can control the minds of others. She looked over to Naomi, really hoping that nothing terribly dangerous would come of this.
May quickly adds "Though he can still kiss people without using his magic on him."

Rudith replies to Derivik, "Of course I'll let her go, what would I gain from keeping a female as my slave?" He winks at Russia noticing that he had scooted farther away from him.
I'm a bit disturbed by that. "Yep. I'm going to have to watch myself." I turn to Russia. "I guess we should be careful tonight eh?" Damn it. I don't like this guy...
"Maybe I don't really think he will try anything,"Russia says questionly looking at May like waiting for an answer.Then looking to Rudith with his baby blue eyes."Would you."

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