Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

May notices the confused yet slightly disturbed look on Derivik's face, and the glance from Russia. She quietly mentions, "Rudy's gay, just so you know."

(Are you still on Nirvana?) 
Rudith looks at russia with a sly grin, "I don't know, would I try something?"
"I see..." I say simply. Well I don't think he's interested in me, so I should be fine. So if he isn't a pedo, Russia will also be fine. But with that guy... I don't know.
(Okay I'm just gonna say this once, Rudy isn't a Pedo but he also doesn't care about peoples age or sexual preference, if he's taken a liking he will go after anyone as long as they're male. Also I'm pretty sure he is usually on the bottom >///<)

Rudith turns his attention back to Naomi.
(I can't really continue until Nirvana gets on because I need her to say Naomi's reactions and how she dances and such)
(Omg that would be so much fun! Sorry Nirvana)

Rudith slightly frowned at Naomi's awkward dancing he snapped his fingers and Naomi suddenly stopped dancing and slumped to the floor. "Hmm bad choice." He spun on his heel and quickly kissed Russia, enjoying it much more than her had enjoyed his kiss with Naomi.

May face palmed herself. She was fairly sure that Russia was going to be his new prey.
Taryn walks around the halls, completely lost. "Oh Chasik forgive me!" She chirped seeing the right class at last! She walked in. "Hellooo? Am I in the right place?" She asked, blurting out to anyone who might answer.
Russia froze his body tensing a little waiting for the magic to kick in.Oh please don't let anything weird happen.He thinks.As he senses the magic take control.
"Am I not?" She asked again, only louder and more firm. She looked around, no one seemed to be paying any attention.
May answers the new girl, "Yes this is the right place, though you might as well just sit down and watch for now, because Rudy really likes to go all out." She pointed to Rudith as she spoke.
I look at the girl. "Oh, I guess you are. There are a lot of open seats, you can sit next to me, if you'd like." Huh. A new girl.
Rudith grins widely, he had already taken a liking to Russia, he was tall and handsome also somewhat eerie, He really didn't care if he was younger than him. Though he decided he should take it easy today. "Spin around," he commands gleefully.
She gestures at both of them in a greeting. "Thanks...!" She said, walking over to someone who showed her a seat next to them. As soon as Taryn sat, she remembered the symbols. 'I'm tired of wearing a jacket...' She thought, deciding not to hide the unknown language on her back.
Naomi collapsed, and muttered "ow." She went back into her chair, smiling slightly to herself. She waited, smiling patiently.
May glanced at the new girls back. "Hmm those symbols seem vaguely familiar . . . but where have I seen them. Hmmm." May said out loud. She racked her mind through her thousands of memories trying to remember where she had seen them.
As if Rudy had read Russia's mind he commanded him to get on all fours. His grin widened, patiently waiting for Russia to get down.
Russia starts to get real dizzy,but his feet refuses to let him fall down and rest.His face starts to turn a palish green.Gosh I think I am going to barf.Then out of nowhere he get on all fours.This is not enjoyable. 
(sorry my alrets are gliching if it takes me a while to post)
( I don't think Russia's going to like this)

Rudith walks over to Russia and sits on his back (Rudy is very light so it shouldn't be too hard on Russia) "Giddy up horsie!" he shouts in cruel delight.

May not paying attention still caught up in her thinking, missed this.

(It's ok)
She heard someone mention something about symbols. 'And now I'm the freak-show of the school...' She muttered. She looked at Derivik. "Nice to meet you Derivik, my name is Taryn Kreida." She stared at him for awhile, it seemed creepy. "...Uhm, do you reconise that name?" She asked.
Naomi smiles, and reaches over. She kicks Rudy in the back, sending him flying head over heels. He's surprisingly light.

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