Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

(Just so you know when you become his slave you are completely under his control, with love magic you just fall in love with him and by love I mean crazy in love)
(If you resist enough you can snap out of it for a few minutes but it usually won't go away until he snaps you out of it himself. For slaves your mind still has a bit of it's own conscience left so you get what's going on but you don't really want to resist it unless you have a really strong willpower, but when you fall in love you're fully in love with him no exceptions. If he kisses you with the intent of making you his slave you become one. To make you fall in love he says these really cheesy lines "Lovey dove fall in love*and mimics shooting an arrow at you.)
(Haha, I had a feeling :tongue: and slave isn't much better because he usually uses that power for feeding but when he makes you his slave for fun or class he will make you do a bunch of silly things )
(We have to work on including everyone, and ok do you want to fall in love or be his slave? I think he would personally prefer slave because he is gay so Naomi isn't of much love interest to him.)

May leaves followed by Rudith not bothering to wait for Russia and Derivik. "See you in class."

May recognizes the classroom almost instantly. There are spellbooks, potions, and chemistry tools everywhere.
I walk out next, and head straight to the classroom. Spells, potions... Great. I didn't go to "Demon Elementary" so I have no experience in this... Maybe I should have just skipped...
May takes a seat as far as possible from Rudith. She waves at Derivik and pats the seat next to her. I should probably warn him about Rudy.
Ophelia quickly got dressed and left her room, she walked into the classroom and stared in wonder at the books and potions and everything. "Ooh this is soo neat, I've never seen any of this stuff before. Today is gonna be so fun!" she squealed and giggled then ran to a seat.
"I know a lot about this because I've been to many schools, I actually have already graduated college but I thought it would be fun to take high school again. " She says recalling everything she knew about spells and magic. "You should stay away from Rudy though, unless you want to be humiliated or hurt badly. Last time I was in the same class as him he got angry and almost killed someone, the other times were fine because he just made them do embarrassing things."
Naomi slips into the classroom, "Me too." She says sort of softly, nodding. Naomi sits in a seat near the back of class, groaning silently.
I laugh. "I think I'll be fine. I know how to handle myself in a fight, and protect my reputation. No need to worry about me." What was he again... a incubus? I'll have to watch myself. I hear that their kiss can bind you, as a slave, or make you fall in love. Though frankly, I doubt he could make me a slave, let alone fall in love with him... What ever his power.

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