Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

I stand up, "Rudith. That's too far. Let him go you sick bastard." What a jurk. Doing that to a kid, no matter how mature. Hell, doing that to anyone...
Oh.god I am going to die.Russia gallops on his hands an knees Rudith on his back.Kill me NOW!!!.He gave Derivik a desprate look his eyes saying.Please Help ME.
Taryn turned her head behind her. "Uhh... Yeah..?" 'Better not get the word out, Chasik will hate me, and the whole story will be told..' She scoffed to herself.
Rudith sails across the rooms. His wings tear out from his shirt and he snarls, "What was that for?" entirely ignoring Derivik's comment. 

Nirvana said:
(No one saw my post... o_O)
(I did)
Naomi looks up innocently, and a smile flickers across her face "What did I do?" She asks innocently. She then stands on her desk, jumps up, and grabs one of his legs in an attempt to pull him back down to the ground.
His tail lashes out at her, "You've ruined my fun B*tch."

May loses her train of thought as she hears a crashing sound. May looks up and see's Naomi and Rudith brawling while Russia goes around on his hands and knees acting like a horse. "Rudith let Russia go and stop fighting with Naomi, you really did go t0o far and you deserved whatever Naomi did to you."
She looked around. This class was noisy. Annoying. Noisy. "Do I literally have to pull out a plasma cannon on you guys- I mean a bat...?" She yelled.
Ophelia groans and rubs her head, "Come on everyone can we please just have one day without some sort of fight! I think we're leaving a real bad impression on our new classmate!" she shouted, looking over to the new girl.
Rudith let's go of his control on Russia and gloomy flops down beside May. "Hphm." He continues to pout and doesn't even glance at the new girl.

May sighs in relief. "Well now that everyone has calmed down who wants to go next?"
Russia collapses on the floor thankful for his freedom back."Thank you,"He rasp and lays on his back not moving."I think I'll stay down here for a little bit."
She couldn't take this anymore. She remembered her family losses because of the big war. And it all added up to anger. She bursted out of her seat. "EVERYONE JUST SHUT-UP!" She scremed, almost becomming that wretched Cynan that lives inside of her.
"Not me." Naomi says, shrugging. She grins to herself, giggling a bit. She has a new plan, and smirked to herself.
TechnoDragon said:
She couldn't take this anymore. She remembered her family losses because of the big war. And it all added up to anger. She bursted out of her seat. "EVERYONE JUST SHUT-UP!" She scremed, almost becomming that wretched Cynan that lives inside of her.
(everyone's already shut up)
Rudith glares at her. He didn't like the female and most likely never would.

May sighed, "I guess I might as well go now."
Ophelia gets out of her seat and kneels down next to Russia, rubbing soothing circles on his back. "I can stay down here with you till you feel better." she says softly.
"Thank You Ophelia,If you don't mind,"Russia at the moment felt drained Being controled didn't suit well with him."When does class end again,"He ask the question to no one in particular.
Rudith now turned his glare to Derivik, "I will do what I want."

The teacher tells Russia, "Class will end after two more people demonstrate."

May gets up and tries to help Russia up. "I'll go now and then someone else can go after me."
She sat. She just wanted to hack into her thin suit that spawned with her every time she became Cyber, and call a ship to Earth so she can just live on the big ship until the year was over. Well... Maybe she'd want to.

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