Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

Nico stalks the halls silently.Three days late its a new record.She thinks.She walks into the office looking at the very ugly harpy receptionist."Um hello I need to know my dorm assignment,"She says her mellotone voice kinda echoing in the almost empty office as The receptionist types on her keybaord.

"Male dormitory room 342 you have 3 other roomates,"She replies then foes back to whatever she was doing on her computer.Nico scrunchies her nose.Great not this again.(Nico is a new charcter she is a chick that everyone thinks is a guy and she never corrects them lol)
Naomi wakes up, and pulls on whatever she grabs first(sweatpants and a t-shirt) and yanks a brush through her hair, muttering ow every so often.
I wake up, and go outside. I breath in the fresh air, and close my eyes, leaning on the wall next to the entrance to my dorm. What was the class again... I guess I'll figure it out later. Man, so many new kids, though that's probably all of them
May was still unhappy with Rudith so she decided to not wake him up this morning. She gulped down her morning coffee, got ready for school, and jogged to the main building. When she reached the building she saw a boy. Hmm, must be the student who hasn't been here for the past three days. She walks up to him and introduces herself, "Hi, I'm May. I'm guessing you're Nico?"

Rudith is still sleeping since he's not used to waking up by himself.
Russia awakens feeling dazed and confused."What day is it he mutters,"as he notices a note on the door reading it quickly.

Dear residents of Dorm 342

You will being accepting a new room mate Nico H. Sloan.Please Don't kill him on sight

Sencirly,The Head ChairMan

Taryn awoke. Putting on some shorts and t-shirt. She didn't care what the weather was, she was just lazy. She walked outside, standing there, detecting the weather. I'd say it's about......" She thought for a moment. "69 degrees?" She secretly pulled out a strange gray metaled device from her pocket, with Cynanian symbols engraved on it. "Yes! I was right!" She grinned to herself. Man, did she want to stretch out? But it was too risky, she didn't feel like spilling it out, but she should anyways. But again, she didn't.
"Umm I mighty be who's asking,"Nico says smirking a little bit."I'm just kidding yes I'm Nico,But who are you?"Nico shakes her head making his prison suit colored hair become messier than it already is.Then grabs May's hand shaking it.
I decide to head to the main building, and see a boy standing next to May. I remember the note on the door, "Oh, you must be Nico. Nice to meet ya man, I believe you'll be staying with us, right?" A new kid, again. He has a interesting look to him. Very much so. I think I'll stick around him, learn a thing or two about him. Something about him is interesting me, I can't tell what it is though. Huh.
(Omg I'm in the middle of thinking up the perfect reason for 1. Why Rudy's gay and 2. Why he's so sadistic.)

Rudith mumbled in his sleep with a pained expression, "No, Oniichan! Stop!" tears streaked down his cheeks. He tossed and turned from the nightmare haunting him.

May answers, "I'm your classmate and the Chairman's . . . oh never mind about that, anyway want to walk with me to class?
She finally walked inside, seeing a few people talk to eachother. She quietly walked up to them. "So, everyone, how's life?" She asked, holding the device, not even knowing that it was out.
Russia see's the tears run down Rudith's face,walking over to him noticing he is still asleep.Russia grabs his hand and whispers in his ear calmly."It's ok,Rudith wake up its just a dream,"He says moving some of Rudith's hair off his forehead.
Naomi walked out of her room, yawning slightly. She walked over to everyone else, and waved slightly.
She waved to the girl. "Hi!" She said, using the hand that had the device in it. 'Oh snap!' She thought, quickly putting it behind her back.
Rudith woke up with I start. He crosses his arms over his head as if to avoid being hit "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I won't do it again." His body shook with fright. He was still half-asleep and caught up in the memories of his past.
"Shhhhhh,"Russia Says rubbing Rudiths back."It's ok it's just a memory,"his voice soothing.Russia felt un comfortable but he stays there trying to calmly wake Rudith up.

Nico stares at Derivik calmly."Why you staring,"She ask questionly."And yeah I'm Nico,"She says holding out her hand to him.
I shake her hand. "Sorry, just zoned out for a minute. Want me to show you around?" Something really is wrong with him...
As Derivik tries to shake Nico's hand his hand goes right through hers."Oh sorry that happens,"She says Making her hand solid again."And your staring again,Did is there something in my teeth,"She says as she runs one of her slighly glowing hands run through her hair.

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