Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

[QUOTE="Derivik Soul]I'm a bit stunned at why "he" hugged Rudith. Maybe he's also gay. Huh.

(Wait,does Derivik stil want to take over the school or did that end When Russia won that fight with his tears)
Rudith startled at the sudden hug but didn't protest, memories from his past still raced through his mind. He replies, "Rudith, nice to meet you."

May turns to Rudith, and puts her hand on his forehead checking his temperature. She whispers to him, "Rudy are you alright? You haven't come in contact with your brother lately have you?"
Nico sits down next to Russia and puts her feet up on the desk."So teach when are we going to start this class,"She ask loudly."Hi I'm Nico,"She tells Russia.Then glares at Derivik."Why do you look so stunned."

Russia stares at the boy beside him.He seems diffrent.
The teacher spoke up, "Today we are learning about the creatures of the supernatural world, you will also have combat class. When you get there you will meet a different teacher from last time. Mr. Doley has quit do to some special circumstances." He glared at May, Derivik, and Russia.
I wasn't informed about that, how odd. Father must be keeping something from me. She frowned at the teacher and the teacher went back to looking at his book.

Rudith asks "What creatures are we learning about today?"

(You guys can also rp as the teacher because I have no idea about the creatures we should learn about.)
Russia freezes,shoulders tensing.Great Combat Class.Then looks to Derivik seeing what his reaction to this was.

Nico smirks slightly."Yay combat class,"she says.Then looks at Russia.Why he so tense. 
(lets just say we learned stuff and skip ta the next class)
(Ok I have to go practice piano, I'll join in when I'm done just say that I sit on the bench and quietly watch or something)
(yes)The bell rang after an hour of this boring class,The teacher calls out to them as they leave."Don't forget about the School dance tomorrow." 
Nico runs to the gym excited.Her orange hair getting in her face."So who fights who,"She ask as the others enter the gym.She bounces happily from foot to foot.
Ophelia was excited by the thought of a dance, but once she heard that there was another combat class, she stood up and rubbed her arm nervously, "Um y'know, I think I'll skip fighting today and sit on the sidelines. You all are a lot stronger and faster than me and I'm sure I wouldn't be much of a challenge." she said softly.
Mark: I stand on a raised platform. "Line up infront of me. Now. And be silent Nico."

Derivik: I walk into the gym, and get in line, then I look at the teacher. Mark Green. "What the hell are you doing here?" Mark Green... He should be dead... The man who ordered my family to be slaughtered. What the hell... I'll kill him. I try to turn to use my powers, but I can't. Something in the room is blocking it. I look around, and see strange machinery installed around the building, blocking all use of any sort of power. Damn it.
Russia felt the draining of his powers instantly."Um what is up with the machines in the corners,"He asks sounding suspicious.He lines up anyway wondering what the crapola was going on.

Nico flips him the bird feeling his evil energy she wants nothing more than to hurt him,but she felt weak and kept fading in an out of solid form.What is happening."What the crapola is going on here,"She ask almost growling.
Mark: I laugh, "I've heard many of you might be a bit... Rebellious. So I took measures to make sure things stayed under control. Now, is everyone here?"

Derivik: I stay silent. Mark... Why is he still alive. My mentor, and my worst enemy. I was positive I killed him with my own hands...
Russia leans toward Derivik whispering into his ear."Who is this guy,I don't like him,"barely making any noise.

Nico stares at him."Well how are we spouse to fight each other if we can't use are abilities,"She ask then spits at his shoe...Something is wrong here very wrong.
Mark: I smile again. "It can be turned off in zones." I point to a raised area. "That is where combat will take place. For now I will just assess you abilities, and give pointers. Now, who wants to fight first? Or shall I make up the fighting order? Oh, and tell the people who skipped class, that if they do so again..." I have a very serious look on my face, "They will be punished."

Derivik: I whisper to Russia, "A man who should be dead..."
May suddenly feels drained, "What the hell is going on?" First my dad didn't inform me and now I'm getting my powers sucked out? "Has my father permitted this?" He probably did May feels infuriated by scared at the same time.

Rudith didn't feel like fighting and so he skipped combat and went to go lay outside in the sun.

(Rudy's gonna be in so much dog doo doo)
Mark: I give a creepy, sadistic smile, "My name is Mark GreenBlood, and from today forth, I am your combat teacher." I jump down from the platform, and put a hand on May's face, "And let me say, it will be a true pleasure to be working with you. Every. Single. Day." I jump back onto the platform. "That's right, from today forth, you will be having daily class. Now, who wants to go first?"

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