Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

The fire hits Russia in the shoulder ..She can sense me. He lets outs a small hiss and retreats an idea coming into his head.He starts to pull on the string that is attached to Mays neck.Then starts sends an burning engery down the string. 

May said:
May senses something toward her and quickly moves throwing her fire into the direction. I can't just charge at Russia like I had with Derivik, I need to calm down. (May's really smart but she can't think when her alter ego takes control) 
(Is it ok if I win? My real personality hates to lose I really have to work on it)
yeah you can win. 
(lol sorry if i godmod i don't mean to) 
Nico watches the fight getting exstreme annoyed by Mark.God i want to kill him.
Xynia1998 said:
The fire hits Russia in the shoulder ..She can sense me. He lets outs a small hiss and retreats an idea coming into his head.He starts to pull on the string that is attached to Mays neck.Then starts sends an burning engery down the string. 

yeah you can win. 
(lol sorry if i godmod i don't mean to)
(Don't worry I also have trouble with that also is it possible to cut your strings?)

May hisses as she feels something burning at her throat. (Omg this is going to be gory) she starts to claw out the skin where his string was touching, her nails became bloody and her throat has chunks torn out of it. Once there was enough space she put her her nails between her throat and the string attempting to shred it. Once she was free she flew towards her prey attempting to kick him in the head. (Is this ok? if not I'll change it)
Russia felt the string break first then the kick to his head.He stumbles a few seconds before he falls down hitting his head again on the floor and passes out.
(Yeah but cutting the strings take alot of energy plus it can me deadly to the puppeteer cause the strings are made out of his Arua)
( I have to go in 12 mins )

May floats down to the floor. Blood spilled from her neck all over the place. Next time I have to make sure I'm at maximum speed so that I can avoid having to do this to myself. Her self inflicted wounds started to heal. She was exhausted. Surprisingly, cutting the strings had sapped almost all of her energy.
Russia moans feeling his part of his arua disappear.Atleast it was only one.He thinks as the other strings come back to his body.
Mark: I jump down, and retrieve Russia's body. I carry him like a sack of flower, and chuck him in a large basket in the back of the room. "So, who's next?"

(Who else is online in this room?)
(I know) 
(I really am getting irked by this Mark guy, though I like his character)
(Well you guys can continue the next fight without me cuz I'm leaving in 4 mins, sadly)
Nico leans over and whispers to Derivik."Whats going to happen to Russia,"She ask. 

May said:
(Well you guys can continue the next fight without me cuz I'm leaving in 4 mins, sadly)
Will you be able to get back on later
(well at the moment we have a very creepy combat teacher russia prob going to die or get tortured or something.We and we waiting for Derivcik to tell us who the next fight ) 

[QUOTE="Derivik Soul](Sorry... Had to go.)

(Do you still have t go or are you back now)
Mark: "Now... Lets see... Nico, was it? Nico and Derivik."

Derivik: I smile sadistically, "Time to have some fun..." I walk up onto the combat platform, "Ready?"

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