Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

Nico takes a step back suddenly wanting to run.There is something very wrong here.She thinks again.This man is not stable.She glances around looking at the door noticing they were locked.A little bit of fear went into eyes.

Russia stares at Nico to him she kept appearing and disappearing in one spot.He got chills whenever Mark talked."Derivik,"He starts to say then closes his mouth. 
( i got that feeling that something really bad might happen I am loving this)
Mark: "No one wants to fight? Then how about May... and Russia. Yes, that will do nicely for the first battle. Oh, and the losers will get a... Penalty. I'll tell you more at the end of the game..."

Derivik: Bastard... I'd kill him but... It looks like he has also got some demonic powers... probably why he changed his name.
May takes a step back. This dudes a creepy psycho freak! Way to go Dad! This is exactly why I Love you so much she thinks sarcastically.
May didn't want to hurt Russia but she didn't want a penalty from this creep. "Sorry Russia," she says as she get's into fighting stance.
"It's ok,"Russia was scared shitless.I am so going to die i just know it.His fear was pretty much raidating from his body.He just stands there and removes his gloves.
May get's ready Just knock him out quickly and get over with it May. (I need to know if he's turned off the machines :P )
Mark: I turn of the machines in the arena. "Begin. And I'll be paying attention to your performance."

Derivik: I wonder what the penalty game will be...
May immediately transforms. She snarled at Russia smelling his fear. Ooh this is going to be fun! She charges towards Russia calculating where his pressure point was so she could immediately knock him out.
Russia attaches the threads to May's bodys takeing control of mostly her arms and shoulder blades.He moves his arms up and crosses them cause may to do the same motion expect her arms twist behind her back. 
He looks up in her eyes using his illions he disappears from where he is stand and appears behind her.
May shrieks as her arms twist back. Using my arms is out of the question now. She kept charging at him her tail weaving in and out behind her trying to keep her balanced. She kicked at his legs trying to make his fall over. 
(oops I didn't see that)
Mark: I frown, "May, try a bit harder to avoid the strings, if you are moving fast enough, they may even bounce off. And Russia, put strings around arteries, as to stop circulation. There is so much you could do with the strings, be creative."
(Ok so are we going with the illusion or what May did after her arms were twisted)
May said:
(Ok so are we going with the illusion or what May did after her arms were twisted)
(Illusion is behind may russia is still standing where he is but she can only she the fake person behind her
I smile, "There you go kid, if you use illusions and strings, the possibilities are almost endless. Don't make me spoon feed you ideas, be creative. I give a lot of points for creativity, and originality." I frown at May, "You, on the other hand, are just a charging berserker... How dull.
May tries to stop but ends up barrelling into the real Russia on accident. What the? She flies back unsure of what was going on. 
May snarls at the teacher bastard she closes her eyes trying to sense where her prey was. She turns her head in the direction to where she had bumped into something. In her hands form blue bursts of fire.
She just sat there. She couldn't wait until she snuck outside when switching to the other classes. "I juuust can't wait..." She said.
(oh god i want to kill Mark lol)

The real russia moves closer to May.Moving quickly while she is distracted he tries attaches more string this time one of them attempting to go around her neck. 
(oops lol didnt see that)
May senses something toward her and quickly moves throwing her fire into the direction. I can't just charge at Russia like I had with Derivik, I need to calm down. (May's really smart but she can't think when her alter ego takes control) 
(Is it ok if I win? My real personality hates to lose I really have to work on it)

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