Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

Naomi slips into class, late. Luckily, it's combat; it will be easy to make up for her lateness by beating someone to a pulp. "Sorry I'm late." She says quickly.
Mark: I smile. Time to see if you still got it Derivik...

Derivik: I turn into a demonic being, shrouded by darkness. Claws grow from my nails, and wings from my back. My eyes glow red. Without a word I charge straight at Nico, aiming to kill. She can become a ghost... So the trick will be to strike back when she attacks.
Mark: I glare at the newcomer. "Naomi. In line. As you were late..." I smile sadistically, "You will have the honor of fighting me.
"Cool." Naomi says to Nico, laughing silently. She then says "Okay!" To the teacher cheerfully. She slips into line, smiling to herself. She isn't some uber-strong mythical creature, but she's made herself strong.

(Sometimes I wish that I chose a Valkyrie for my creature. Mehp...)
Nico doesn't go ghost.She concentrates on Derivik's wings trying to use her telekinesis to make them fold so he can't fly.Then disappears making herself invisible.
Derivik: I fall to the ground. That's new... I stay still, and plant my feet into the ground. I close my eyes, and focus, ready to strike out at the slightest movement.

Nico moves silently in her invisible state her feet doesn't even touch the ground.(she is not in ghost form yet)She moves toward Derivik trying to get close enough so she can touch him.
Mark: "You know Derivik, if you were this strong, I would have thought you could have saved your family. Did you want them to die?"

Derivik: I turn to Mark. "That's it... I'm going to kill you." I charge at Mark, forgetting about the devices. As soon as I leave the arena, I feel my powers drain, and I fall before Mark. He kicks me in the face.

Mark: "What a fool... You. Lose." And with that, I kick Derivik in the head with all my strength, knocking him out with ease. I pick up his body, and chuck it next to Russia's. "Late kid. You're next."
"It's Naomi." She says in a bit of a sing songy voice, and stratches real quick. She hops up into the arena, and stands in her typical wrestling position. She smiles sweetly, and thinks for a moment. A quick vision flashes in her eyes, and she grins softly.

(What creature is Mark?)
Nico looks to Derivik feeling a certion rage that flood her body she walks up to Mark hiding her anger.You wanted him to loose.She looks up and pulls her arm back,Attemping to punch him in the fricking nose. 
(nico hates people who crave off of pain indused power)
Mark: I ignore Nico, and jump into the arena. "I shouldn't need to transform for this." Then, I charge, and infuse power into my punch, making it so powerful it could easily go through a mortals body.

(Demonic, like Derivik. Once human.)
Naomi ducks down, sprawling. She then swiftly grabs Mark's leg, and then the other, she yanks them out from under him, whirling him to the floor. He weighs quite a bit more than her, but she can use that to her advantage. His weight sent him down, she barely had to do anything.
Mark: I wrestle out of Nirvana's grip, and make a quick choice. "I think I want to end this quickly, so please, humor me by dying." And with that, my right arm transforms. It turns to a massive sword, made of flesh and bone, around ten feet long. I charge at Nirvana, and swing it at her leg with incredible speed.
(Lol, it's Naomi xD )

Naomi jumps, bringing her legs to her chest. She winces as one gets a thin cut along it, and lands. She delivers a scissor kick to his neck, nearly snapping it and making him collapse again. She jumps on his back, and then jumps on the sword like arm, breaking it.
(Whoops :P ... Though please don't assume you can break my sword arm of death :) )

I let out a inhuman cackle and jump back. Suddenly, my body transforms, become a dark, red color, like blood. My left arm becomes a sword, and another grows out of my right. "I call this... The Call of A Thousand Screams." I move into a flurry, cutting you all over your body, the cuts aren't very deep, but they sting. A technique made to cause extreme pain.
"Ow." Naomi murmurs under her breath, and slips between his legs. She kicks him in the small of his back, and then winds back and punches him in the side of his neck. She isn't inhumanly strong, but he is. He's also bigger and bulkier than her, so she darts to the edge of the ring, and stands there. Once he starts to come at her, she darts to a new corner; repeating the process for a minute or 2 in order to catch her breath.

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