Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

(Darn it I wanted to find out what the penalty was going to be darn You FATE:face palm: ) 
(HE could have at least said he was going)
(Sorry, had to go. Oh, and I'm not going to let you win. Btw.)

Mark: I unleash my final assault, charging at Naomi, and unleashing a series of kicks across her body. The blunt force trauma would kill many, but even for a demon it would be very, very painful, and easily knock them out...

(Hint... Hint.)
(Mehp... I am a freaking stubborn bull.)

As the flurry of kicks hit me, Naomi grits her teeth. She nearly collapses, but manages to dodge enough to be able to continue standing. Naomi sprawls to the ground, and rolls between his legs. She grabs his shoulders, and launches herself onto his shoulders. She wraps her legs around his neck and hangs there.
(Seriously... This dude is bad ass. He isn't even using half his full power. Now go die please :) )

I laugh, "My, I thought students weren't supposed to have relationships with the teachers," And with that, I launch myself backwards into the ground, breaking the raised platform, and sending us a few feet deep into the ground. "You still awake?" I'm bleeding now though, fairly heavily.
Naomi grunts, and the ground is wet. She groans softly, her tail sprouting from my body. Great, just great! Naomi thinks, her energy rejuvenated. As soon as she was dry, she would be unconsious. Basically, Mark had just reestblished her energy. When she was in her Margygur form, her energy was completley refilled, as was everything else. She felt no need for sleep, food, or water. Naomi Wriggles from under him, and sits on his chest. In this form, her tail weighed much more than her legs, so she then weighed 180 lbs.

(MWA HA HA HA!!!(Based off of H2O))
(Sorry, took awhile to type. But now, she cannot even freaking walk or run. She is just sitting on him, lol)
(Naomi. Go unconscious, or I will kill you. Seriously.)

I pick Naomi up, throw her onto dry land, and repetitively punch her in the face.
Mark: Huh. I then lock the gym doors, and pull out three dice. I then empty out the basket, and lay them out on the floor. I then slap all of them once. I pull a knife out of my back pocket, "Wakey wakey..."

Derivik: I awake, and see Mark standing above me. Damn... He's going to kill me, isn't he.
Naomi becomes dry, and is still unconscious. She's unconscious again, eyes flickering momentarily.
Mark: I hand a dice to everyone. There are four knifes, and one frowney face on the dice. "Roll the dice to choose your fate. You first, Derivik.

Derivik: I uneasily roll the dice, and it lands with a knife face up. Damn.

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