Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

(Don't know I guess we can say it's the next day cuz we dont have anymore classes today but I don't really mind either way)
(ok then and will u be able to get back on) 
Russia wakes up with the sun shining in his eyes.Blinking twice he slowly crawls out of bed and into the kitchen rummaging through the fridge."Were out of milk,"He mumbles and throws away the empty milk carton.

Nico wakes up outside,laying in the grass she didn't return to the dorm last night so she feel asleep in the schools yard.
May wakes up early like usual. Get's ready for school and makes her way to the male dorms to check on Rudy.

Rudith lies awake in bed he hadn't been able to sleep for he was afraid his past would come and haunt him.

(K so I think I'm probably going to change the rules so that you can have as many characters as you can handle because I doubt anyone's gonna have like five characters because I want to make Rudy's brother a character)
Nico turns her head to see Derivik,smiling she waves him over."Hola my friend whats up,"She yells from all the way across the lawn waving frantically like she had too much sugar.
Dr.Atticus was sitting in his classroom writing on the board waiting for class to start, he sighs and walks to the window to look outside at the front campus, he seemed to be observing everyone around there.

((Just didnt know how to bring him in so, here we go...))
May knocks on there door waiting for entry.

(Sorry my posts are gonna be kind short I'm multi-tasking
Russia walks over to the door,opening it."Hey May Rudith didn't sleep last night I'm worried,"He says concern in his voice.
(Yeah, oh by the way I'm making another character at the moment so it might take me awhile to reply)
May's eyes dart over to Rudith. "This is bad, usually when he's like this it means his brother is somewhere near or going to be . . . oops forget I mentioned that." She walks over to Rudy and helps him sit up.

Rudith sits up with help from May. "Do you think you can go to class today Rudy?" "Yes I'll be fine." He stands up and goes to take a shower.
Nico starts to run torward Derivik."Hello,Good morning,"She says in her mellow toned voice.(oh who wants to reveal nico as a chick)
(He should be such a perv that he can tell female from male by just one glance and also Vladimir is gay just saying) 
(He should just walk in and have nico say something rude to him and he would be like "Who the f*ck is this chick?")
May shudders, something was going to happen. She could feel it.

Vladimir walks into the school and takes in a deep breath. "I'm here to get you lil bro." He starts laughing hysterically as he walks down the hallway ignoring the people he walked past. 
(Science, I think)
Russia stands in the kitchen making bacon the scent of the cooking meat fills the room."Yum Bacon,"he says to himself enough to feed an army."Whose Hungry,"he yells to his dorm mates plus May.

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