Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

(I've asked them over and over but they say no and I can't sneak back online because my laptop is locked out from the internet.)

Rudith nods in agreement, "Ok."

May answers Nico, "He's at an amusement park. Oh and this is Vladimir, Rudy's brother." May glares at Vladimir but inside she's panicked. What will I do?

(Is it ok if Vladimir reveals it in a super embarrassing way that will most likely make Nico hate him for life?)
Nirvana said:
(You guys are mean. :( I dunno whats going on. :( I was at a sleep over.)
(Sorry -__-) 
(last night I was bored after the internet turned off for my laptop so I decided to draw Vlad's reaction to russia and rudy :P )

(haha, I got the idea of putting the knife in because in the picture that I chose for his appearance he's holding a knife :tongue:)
Vladimir watches Nico closely she doesn't really act like a guy . . . He walks over to her and without even a hint of hesitation he lifts up his hoodie and tank top. *Whistle* "You don't really look feminine at all you know."

May froze in shock. How can he do such a thing?!? And why the hell is Nico a girl?!
(Imma jump in.)

Naomi hears that guy talk to Nico, and says "It's none of your business if Nico is a girl or a boy." She snaps a bit, because Nico is really nice. Plus, he or she, whatever, had cheered her on.
(K so, Rudith's bro has come to school and we have a really messed up new combat teacher. At the moment Rudith and Russia are at the amusement park and Vladimir just lifted Nico's shirt)
( O.o )

I rush to the school, and see Nico. What the hell... Nico is a... Girl? In the boys dorm? And I..? What? Whaat? I stand there with a blank face, then see Vladimir. "Who the hell are you?"
Nico punches Vladimire in the face knocking him across the classroom."Don't F*cking touch me,"She yells her face a deep red like a tomato.She stares at the ground her anger boiling as she pulls her clothing down."You DAM PERV."

Russia and Rudith climb onto the roller coaster feeling the slight vibrations from the motor."This is going to be fun,"Russia says looking at Rudith smiling hoping he would feel better after a nice day at the amusment park.Russia like Rudith dispite what happen in class the other day.He hates seeing him look so hurt so scared.Plus Russia knew if they would have went to class today something terrible would happen an he didn't like it no one bit.So Russia made it his personal mission to keep the bad thing from happening to them.
As I look at Vladamire, I realize the resemblance to Rudith. "Oh you have to be kidding me... And don't touch Nico, he... Er, she, is cool." What the hell is going on here...
Naomi storms over to the Vladimir guy, and jumps on his stomach. "Rasshøl" She spits in his face, stomping on his hand. She goes over to Nico, and is jabbering in Norwegian *He deserves to burn in hell.* She murmurs, jabbering in Norwegain.(*=norwegian)
Vladimir gets up slowly wiping the blood from his nose, he starts laughing. "I'm Vladimir, and how can you call me a perv when there ain't much to look at sweet cheeks," he says while gesturing to Nico's chest. "You can call me Vlad."

May cringed at his maniacal laughter. She quickly got over her surprise about Nico and said to Derivik, "He's Rudith's brother."

Rudith smiles. Suddenly the roller coaster goes down; he whoops in excitement. 
(Oops I didn't see your post Nirvana)
Vladimir just keeps on laughing not in the least bit phased by the little spunky girls actions.
I have half a mind to try to kill him there and then, "Funny thing is, if you don't watch yourself, they'll be the last you see you sick minded bastard. Now. Do you want to die now, or during combat class?"
"Die? You think you could kill me?" Vladimir starts laughing even harder. "What a funny bunch May." His voice suddenly turns serious and cruel, "Now. Where. Is. Rudith?" May cringed at his words. "H-he's not here! And you know you're not aloud to see him!!"
Nico gets ready to say something,but changes her mind and walks out of the room her fist clenched her body fading in an out of visibility.As soon she she enters she high tails it down the hallways bulldozing sevreal students on the way.

Russia screams and grips onto Rudith's arm as they go down his hair flowing back."AHHHHH this is awesome."The roller coster does a backwards loopty loop making his scarf fall off and blow away in the wind.

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