Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

Derivik: I look Vladimir in the eye. "Yes. I do. And if you don't shut up and watch yourself, I will. Understand? If you don't I'll kill you here and now."


Mark: "Late... All of them" I walk out of the gym, and see a crowd gathering around a new student. "So, you're the reason that they're late?" I punch Vladimir in the face with all my power. "Hurry up. You have fifteen seconds to get into the gym.

(wait, is there not class today? Delete this post if there isn't)
Rudith laughs having fun. He notices Russia's scarf fly away and makes sure that no human can see him. He unbuckled the belt and let's his wings come out. He get's the scarf and flies with the roller coaster for the rest of the ride. His laughter could barely be heard because of the buffeting wind.
(No one replied to the other one, so yayyy.)

Valkyrie walked into the school, her wings partially jutting out from her spine. She wore her usual outfit, which was a sleek and thin leather armored skirt and a tank top with the same plates. Under the skirt, she wore cotton shorts from when she was trying to blend in with any other humans. Her eyes glow the same firey red as her hair, and she notices a crowd. She hears a girl in Norwegian, and says *You should really cnesor your language.*

Naomi hears someone else, and says *Oops, sorry. I didn't realize that anyone else spoke Norwegian.* She says brightly, shrugging.
Derivik: I turn to see another girl, speaking a different language. "Oh, are you another new student? I'm Derivik, nice to meet you."

Mark: I sigh, "Oh screw it. Just get to class or I'll whip you? Ok? You have five minutes. I walk back slowly. Kids these days.
(worth it)

The ride stops an Russia gets out of the cart his knees a little wobbly."Whats next,"Russia ask right before he lets out a Huge sneeze."AAAACCCHHOOOO,"He smiles,"Some one must be talking about me,"He laughs.

Nico walks the hallways after she depletes her energy not wanting to go back.I got to if i don't he'll think he's beaten me.
Derivik: I glance back at the newcomers, "Well we'd better go. He's serious about whipping us." And with that, I jog down to the gym, and wait in line.
(I did. And I meant Valerie. :P )

"Yeah, I'm Valerie." Valerie says. She then goes into the class, thinking a bit. The teacher is a definete rassho(the weird 'o')l. She realizes that it's combat, and sighs softly. Hopefully, she wouldn't have to change out of her armored clothes, because she had practically no others.

Naomi follows Valerie, and says "I'm Naomi." To her, smiling gently.
Vladimir glares at May unhappy with her answer (he's not a very good whisperer hint hint) he whispers to May, "If you don't tell me you know what's coming don't you?" He plasters on a fake smile and puts his arm around her.

May starts shaking, "I won't tell you."

Rudith smiles and hands him his scarf, "How about the go carts?"
Ophelia gulps and slowly trails to the gym, that man really creeped her out. She quickly finished off her bag of candy before throwing it away, finally stepping into the gym and stepped into the forming line.
Vladimir shrugs and walks up to the combat teacher. "How do you know I'm not looking forward to this 'not very fun stuff' " he says with an evil sadistic smile.

May exhales in relief glad that Vladimir had stopped bothering her. Her knees felt weak and she felt as if she would collapse at any moment.
(stay strong may I keep Rudith away from vlad as much as i can)

Russia throws his hands into the air and runs to the go carts only to be stopped by the aroma of carny food."Can we eat something first,"His eyes wide this was actualy the first time ever at an amusment park.

Nico walks into the gym five minutes late and lines up next to Derivik her eyes full of a determined look.
Valerie and Naomi step into the line, and Valerie quietly asks *What do we do in this class? Get whipped?* She mutters, remembering the threat.

Naomi replies *Nope. He did force me to fight him, though...* She says, trialing off a bit.

*What are you anyway?* Valerie asks, wondering.

*Part Margygur. You?* Naomi says.

*Valkyrie. Directly related to Thor, Odin's my father and Frigga is my mum.* Valerie says, shrugging.
"Sure." Rudith has a hard time keeping up with Russia because he was quite shorter than him.

May stands straight expelling her fear. I can't give up now. She lines up next to Nico. 
Vladimir shrugs again and gets in line.
Mark: I walk into the class, and stand on the podium, "Lets have a vote. We have no penalties today, as I got in a bit of trouble. But we have a choice of combat, or training. Just yell out what you want."

Derivik: Huh. I wouldn't mind combat without penalties... "Combat."

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