Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

Valerie grins slightly, "Combat." She says, grinning. She was a warrior angel, she'd had enough training.

Naomi shrugs. "I don't care much either way." She says.

Vladimir instantly shouts out, "Combat!" Maybe I could teach May a lesson. He smiles cruelly at the thought.

May just says, "Training."
Ophelia gave a slight smile at having an actual choice besides actual fighting. "I choose training!" she shouted bouncing on her heels.
Valerie nudges Naomi, *Please.* She pleads *I've had enough training to last eternity!* Naomi sighs, and says "Fine, combat." making a face.
Russia buys two lemonades,Nachos an hands Rudith one of each."Well,this is fun.I have never been to a amusement park before,"He starts to chow down on his nachos.
"I have been . . . once." He suddenly becomes forlorn. That one time had been with his brother and it wasn't as fun as you would imagine. He sips his lemonade quietly, trying to think of the fun he was having with Russia.
Russia sees Rudith is being gloomy again.So he grabs his hand and starts dragging him to teh go carts.

Nico stares at the new comabt teacher Mark imagening his head being impaled by a spear a blood of blood flowing from him as he lays on the ground dead.She hates him.Who would blame her this man was evil on so many levels.His eyes scan the crowd as she looks at him.His eyes seem to twinkle with a insanity and say."I can take everything from you.Love,Hope,Happiness.I come and destory you then throw you aside like you were nothing."Yes this man was pure evil.An at the moment she would want nothing more than for him to be dead at her feet,but at the moment she has to wait and watch as he grows strong of of thier fear. "I hate you,"She mutters not knowing if he heard or not.
Rudith follows along as they go to the go carts.

Vladimir's head was full of thoughts of his brother. His nostrils flare at the memories Oh how I can't wait to see you my dear brother. He smiles. His smile was disgusting it showed off his horrible personality and all of the cruel vile things he was thinking of.

May cursed seeing that combat had won out over training.
Mark: "So... Who wants to go first?" Then, I look Nico in the eyes, and give a particularly sadistic smile. 
(Whoops. Changing.)
Valerie slips into the arena, smiling. Surprisingly, no one noticed her armored clothes, and she laughed silently. She quickly tied her hair on top of her head. "You can start. That way I don't accidentally kill you." She tells Derivik, smiling brightly.
Nico looks to the doors an sees that there unlocked.Hehehehe.She thinks as she slowly inches toward the doors being oh so causal.
I jump into the arena, "Sorry, it won't be that easy." I quickly transform into my dark state, and brace myself for a attack. She looks strong. I'll need to be careful.
May observed quietly as the two got ready to fight.

Vladimir yawned, bored from the slow start.
Valerie has her wings go out a bit more, and flutters them to go a few inches off of the ground. "Whenever you're ready, baby boy." She says teasingly, smiling lightly but her eyes are hard, "Maybe if you die bravely one of my younger sisters will come for ya." She says, just to make him wonder. Valerie assumed that he would think that she was an angel or demon of some kind.
Derivik: I sigh. She speaks Norwegian. She has wings. She has sisters who will come take me. Her name is Valerie. She's a Valkyrie. Sadly, that won't help me win this fight.

Nico freezes flashing Mark a innocent smile as if to say "I'm not doing anything ".I could run an hope to survive or I could stay and hope to survive.Hmm how does one kill a spirit I wonder.
Rudith finally out of his gloomy state glares at Russia. "I'm gonna get you!" he says jokingly.
Ophelia slides down the wall she was leaning against and brings her legs up to her chest, as she settled in the watch what could be the roughest battle yet, and that was saying something.
(Valkyries do only take warriors that die bravely in battle though, lol.)

Valerie notices him space out for a moment, and darts forward. She lashes out and punches him straight in the jaw.

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