Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

Derivik: I take the hit head on, so that I can stab her in the chest with one arm, and grab her hand with the other. I then withdraw my left hand from her chest, and kick her backwards.
Valerie flutters her wings, and stays in the air. She plucks some small feathers from her wings, and throws them at him like spikes, one landing right next to his right eye. She then flies in a pinwheel-like motion, and both of her feet hit him in the chest. She pushes him down as she flies, pulling her wings farther in. The stab in the chest hadn't done much, what with her armor. Though most of her body was uncovered.
I slam to the ground, bleeding heavily. I smile, and pull a feather out of my chest, "Thank god you weren't a pushover..." And with that, I charge at Valerie, unleashing a flurry of attack, then, I look her in the eye, and issue a command using all my power, "Halt." And with that, I strike at her heart, hoping it would at least stop her for a moment.
Valerie bites her lip, slowing down for a moment. She feels the sharp jab just barely, and then breaks from the spell. She smirks slightly "That's what comes from being a gods sister." Valerie says, smiling lightly and then launching herself up, and slamming both of her feet into his neck.
Again, I'm launched to the ground. Damn... That hurt. A few more hits like that, and I'll be out for the count... I brace myself for another attack, and take a moment to recover.
Valerie slams her fist into his nose, scarcely waiting for him to get up. She hopes that she didn't break it, as he doesn't seem to mean or anything. But, who knows.
I smile, almost sadistically, "Is that really all you have? I thought this would be a tough fight." I grab her arm and flip her into my claws, piercing her armor, and her chest. I then smash her into the ground, and charge at her, aimed to cut off her head.
Valerie winces slightly, and rolls away. She charges at him, and leaps again, slamming her whole body into his chest. She lands on him, falling to the grounf. "I can kill you with a whisper." She whispers, drawing back her fist threateningly.
I smile, "Then do it." And with that, I slash at her arm with my claws, aiming to cut it off. With my other hand, I stab at her chest again. I'll kill you. Simple as that. Hell, if I need to, I'll sacrifice whats left of my humanity. I don't care anymore, anyone as cocky as you deserves to die. And if I did lose my humanity, chances are I could kill Mark.
Valerie smiles, pushing herself off of him, just managing to move her arm. "Then die." She murmurs, throwing most of her power into the two words. If needed, she can bring him back. If.
Nico stops her inching toward the door an stares at this amazing fight noticing Derivik was freaking going to lose it."Maybe we should stop the fight,"She says.
(Wait... Are you saying you can just make me die? You know I'm not mortal... Right?)

I feel a terribly painful pulling at my heart, but smile, "Sorry. I'm only a quarter human. You can't kill me that easily." And with that, I stab Nirvana in the chest with both my claws. However, I feel my power draining... The demonic part of me is helping protect my humanity... But if she tries again... I'll lose it... My humanity... Who am I kidding, I can't lose that, not now... Maybe I should surrender...
May frowns unhappy with the way the fight was going. "Don't lose yourself Derivik." SHe says quietly but loud enough for most of them to hear.
Valerie pulls away, the claws just penetrating her blouse. She shrugs, and jumps up, using her wings to get herself over him. She drops like a rock, hitting him directly on the head.
Rudith momentarily stunned by the sudden hit quickly retaliates. "Oh yes I will!" He laughs happily, enjoying his time with Russia.
Derivik: If I go much longer... My humanity is weakened... Not only that, but my body has alot of strain. I could continue, almost definitely win, but the cost isn't worth it. No penalties today. It's not worth risking my humanity for some game. But still...

Mark: "Damn it. Somethings come up, class is canceled. Oh, and there's a dance later today, use this time to get a partner, I guess. Dismissed, goodbye, good day." And with that, Mark rushes out of the room.

Derivik: I get up, and brush myself off. "Good fight." I say. And with that, I jump out of the arena, and lean on a wall for a second.
Nico walks up to Derivik and pats him on the shoulder and hugs him for no reason other than she wanted to."You ok,"She ask.
Oh, Darn!! I forgot about the dance! She thinks maybe she could as Derivik, but shakes her head dismissing the thought. He would never want to go with a demon like me.
Valerie nods, and hops down too, "And what did he mean, dance?" She asks, "Oh, and I hope I didn't hurt you to bad." She says lightheartedly, laughing slightly.

"Holy cow..." Naomi mutters, "Derivik is sorta lucky on that one." She adds, talking to herself.
Vladimir scoffs at the idea of a school dance. Well I might as well attend by myself.
"Oh sh** theres a dance today,"Nico says then grins.

(does nico have to move into a the girls dormitory now that everyone knows she a chick)
Ophelia tilts her head curiously at the prospect of a dance, that sounds very exciting! It would also give her a chance to wear that really fancy dress her mom made for her, but what was that 'getting a partner' thing all about. She shrugs it off and gets up, and heading for the door. "I'll see you guys later, I'm going to go get my stuff ready!" she shouts and turns on her heel heading back to her room.
D: I turn to Nico, "Oh thanks, I'm fine." And then I look Valerie straight in the eye, "Don't worry. Next time you won't get lucky... Oh, and if you were to kill my humanity... Lets just say it wouldn't be good for you." And man... A dance... Who am I going to ask? Anyone? I could ask May but... nah, she's probably going with Rudith or something. Valerie, no way. Naomi, not really... Nico? I'm still confused about what the heck is up with her... Who knew that high school was so stressful... 
(I don't mind, though it will be kinda weird :P )
May glanced hopefully at Derivik but knew nothing would come out of it and if anything Rudy would either go with Russia or hopefully, not attend at all.

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